Posts by Sam F
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That Mute magazine editorial description in full:
Whether seen as the ultimate capitalists, Buddhists or communards, bees elicit fantasies and fears of social productivity and crisis by turns. This issue is not really about bees of course, but the ‘colony collapse disorder' which is currently threatening the global bee population works as a stark metaphor for the crisis of reproduction that is currently afflicting human society as it is currently configured. The collection of articles, stories and images in this issue can be seen as actively disordering colony collapse, whereby our destabilised social and ecological environments are not dispassionately reported upon, but insistently reordered in the pursuit of a hive better suited to our species needs
I see.
I think he was much like you regarding Making Money: B-list TP still blows most other fantasy writers out of the water, but it's still B-list Pratchett.
Had I not read Going Postal beforehand I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. If the mooted Raising Taxes follows the exact same formula again (former conman sent in incognito, brings vaguely "respectable" but creaky/cranky institution up to date) I kind of dread the possible results.
Folklore of Discworld was a delight.
At the risk of Pterrifying this thread once again - has anyone else read Unseen Academicals? I'm not far into it as yet myself, but it seems like a return to impressive form after Making Money (honest verdict: lacklustre, too much like its postal predecessor).
And I must confess, when I saw Pratchett's dedications in front, which include a friend who typed most of the novel for him, it gave me a bit of a reality check as to exactly what the man is facing.
Reading Jingo right now - Hogfather likewise set up as essential Christmas reading.
Favourite Disc characters? All the stock favourites, of course, but I'd have to put a mention in for Otto von Chriek (as first seen in The Truth ) and the classic keystone cops pairing of Sergeant Colon and Corporal Nobbs...
BlackDeathBerry? (Fear not, I shall fetch mine own coat forthwith)
Ta Jake and Gio, please excuse the brain implosion - I meant to say, all four seasons of the Wire that we could get hold of from the videostore, anyway. Is Season 5 even available on DVD in New Zealand yet?
I'm sitting on five movies seen at the cinema this year - had been hoping to sneak Avatar in there as well, but might wait until the new year for full digital 3D maaadness.
Of course, many, many more movies on DVD, but none of which were as satisfying as "The Wire", which we devoured all four seasons of in November.
The telepathically challenged don't get a fair shake.
In context that choice of words is, well, unbeatable.
Also I could be wrong, but isn;t it slightly ironic that the bus campaign is "There probably isn't a god..." Doesn't that make them agnostics then???
Ah, that. I believe there was actually a legal challenge to the campaign in the UK, under that country's legislation regarding accuracy in advertising - so the "probably" was added so that an unprovable (or undisprovable claim) wasn't being made...
(Warning: contains hazardous levels of Jim Hopkins)