Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    Re : eating in as opposed to eating out.

    Its a pity i cant feed a family with the chips on my shoulder. I'd be like Jesus and the neverending loaves :)

    but hey, I'm not as bad off as some...

    ...though obviously not as well off as some of you lot

    so yeah...bon appetit! eat, drink and be merry, long may it continue, your good fortune that is, not the recession.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    I thought you meant wait til Media 7 is broadcast before getting into it, didn't know you was gonna blog about it...whatever it is, i await with baited breath

    thing is, my 2yr old woke up with a nightmare, kept me awake, which made me grumpy, so got up and vented online cos i couldn't get back to sleep.

    thats hardly your fault so i wouldn't possibly dream of blaming you for it :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    so is Isaac a limited liability company or a paid consultant to NZoA ?

    The former.

    and you're cool with this guy and his company having a...

    really close working relationship with NZ ON Air, have done since 2003. We work closely with Brendan and David on the domestic side for videos, new recording and also album grants, but also work closely with Mike McClung on the international stuff as well

    it sits well with you that a profit driven 'music marketing company' representing artists which isn't exactly a management company nor a record label has

    a unique situation in that we apply and process stuff on their (artists) behalf because it makes it far more manageable. We’ll be working with five bands as opposed to a manager who has only got one.

    which essentially means...a special position in the supposedly unbiased ear of the funding body, to lobby on his own behalf as "Isaac", and his own record label, "Tardus", as distributed subsidiaries of Universal music.

    oh hang what is Isaac again and who is this guy ?

    why does he have access to privileged information as witnessed by the meeting about the court case which prevents NZo A from doing an internal review ? Was IMNZ represented ?

    I would be astonished if IMNZ wasn't represented.

    of course you knew he is the chair of Independent Music NZ and sits on the Music Commission board as well.

    It would have been nice to also put his other hats up for show in that interview. Don't you think ?

    Sounds like not so much a conflict of interest but a rather fortuitous congruence of interests. Nice work if you can get it.

    Politics eh ? why bother with paid consultancy when you can 'clip the ticket'.

    Honestly Russell. Is this the place to be getting so deep into the rabbit hole and how far do you want to go ? And If not here then where ?

    It's obvious you believe the net is the future for NZoA, so does Mark Kneebone when he name checks you, even though he thinks you're initial 2007 report is past it's use by date and doesnt agree with half of it anyay...something personal there ?

    By the way, what happened to the report you did with Andrew Dubber ? Is it something to be updated and made more relevant given the on line changes since ?

    So should i be interviewing you independently on the side for my blog and asking questions like the above ?...and more such as, do you think blogs, twitter, facebook groups etc and the like are an effective means for influencing and forcing change in established institutions or is it just easily dismissable, self promotional pissing in the wind ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    Isn't the criteria supposed to be purely on musical merit not the say so of mercenary industry consultants with vested interests ?

    Arrrggh! No! For better or worse, that's precisely not what the Act says.

    I said musical merit as it fits the format of the broadcaster not artistic merit as though adding cultural value. And i'm not talking abou the act. I'm talking about the selection process for funding, to which a few tastemakers decide for the rest of us.

    So that quote in context relates to Mark Kneebones lobbying directly in NZoA's ear as...

    Isaac Promotions music marketing company has been going since 2003. We do a lot of promo, publicity, project management, marketing, distribution. We work with a lot of new and established kiwi acts. It’s a big part of our business and a big part of that is we liaise with NZ On Air on behalf of our clients. It’s a unique situation in that we apply and process stuff on their behalf because it makes it far more manageable. We’ll be working with five bands as opposed to a manager who has only got one. We have a really close working relationship with NZ ON Air, have done since 2003. We work closely with Brendan and David on the domestic side for videos, new recording and also album grants, but also work closely with Mike McClung on the international stuff as well

    so is Isaac a limited liability company or a paid consultant to NZoA ? And why does he have access to privileged information as witnessed by the meeting about the court case which prevents NZo A from doing an internal review ? Was IMNZ represented ?

    Fuck that dodgy back room old boy shit. Any review needs to be independent, open and transparent and any re vamped system to come out of it needs a new head that isn't subservient to his relationships to others within the existing the backroom boys .

    So what's the deal with the court case mentioned and why is it taking so long for the report to come out. Whos's stalling and why ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    I'll be looking at Duncan Grieve's excellent Real Groove story on the NZ On Air music funding system, if that's what you mean. Unlike most critics of the system, Duncan doesn't take the easy option of convincing himself that it's all one person's fault.

    So you'll be critiqueing the critic ?... sounds a bit soft ?

    Regarding the easy option you mention. The buck has to stop somewhere and for most, it's with the guy who has veto power at the top.

    BTW Duncan Grieve's blogging his interviews which might be more appropriate for you to comment on here, given it's within the same media delivery system.

    The Mint Chick guy aint sayin nuthin slick to this oilcan.

    The Mark Kneebone one is rather full of shit.

    Mostly cos he reckons NZoA has the mandate to write their own script then later on states Brendan's hands are tied in that he doesn't have the which is it ?

    and sure you could say NZ on Air means air everywhere but i thought the mandate was for getting NZ music on our air, not Oz air ?

    so basically he's a lobbyist for his own artists working with Brendan to pimp his own shit and for what ? a percentage of funding ?

    Hardly looks like a level playing field for a band /artist/label giving it a crack on their own. Isn't the criteria supposed to be purely on musical merit not the say so of mercenary industry consultants with vested interests ?

    Isnt that why the applications are essentially blind CD's with no promo material, so your judgment isn't coloured by who the band is or who they know ?

    nah sorry Russell. I don't think it's possible to re vamp NZoA video and music funding for the internet age if Brendans' there. If it could have, he would have done it by now but i guess it's not in his or his mates best interests to.

    It's that whole defintion of an idiot thing. Doing the same things and expecting a different result.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    Shot Russell... reckon you and Graham can critique the lack of ideas and direction to move with the times from Brendan Smyth and his sycophants at NZ on Air ?

    And what's up with their conspicuous lack of presence this music month ?... Figure if they hide in the trenches, the grim reaper of budget cuts and superfluous personell will overlook them ?

    Nothing to fear, Death comes to us all, embrace it. It's only a new the private sector. If your karma is in credit you'll reincarnate to something greater if not, then...the results speak for themselves.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    This just sounds like a peevish, unsuccessful applicant for funds. I need a more considered explanation of NZOA's failings if you want my attention.

    Maybe you need to look at who gets funded, check out the criteria for selection, who selects, why and open your ears and eyes to the constant stream of sub par shit NZ on Air has supported for the last 10 years.

    For instance, theres no good reason why applicants cant upload directly to a server, like 'Amplifier' and let the users who buy decide what we'd like to see and hear, apart from maintaining an obsolete status quo that continually sees industry affiliated 'tastemakers' decide.

    It might make an interesting assignment for your media studies students to know how our mainstream broadcasted visual and aural entertainment is dictated out of wellington by Brendan Smyth and his crew of no talent cronies.

    what do you reckon ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    hah...just seen it via your link now. Cheers Philip. if a few more old school music heavyweights in the media/blogosphere would say what they actually thought in public rather than fear losing their VIP status to insider gigs and free lunches.

    Its time for Brendan Smyth to go. Start at the top, take the redundancy broom and clear out the deadweight at NZoA.

    Fuck it. Why do we give a shit about justin bieber and allow ourselves to be distracted from the real issue ?

    These clowns at NZoA and the music commish have been pissing up our money, funding their own private tastes and palling up to commercial interests while funding themselves to junket "conferences" overseas for years.

    but hey look over there, someone stole biebers hat...

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    He seems way more talented than most of the bubblegum popacts NZoA have funded in the last 10 years. We don't do bubblegum that well and can't possibly compete with the foreign muck. So why bother ?

    Why structure video/music funding to cater for groups/artist who will try to make that shit just to get the funding and why perpetuate that system with little or no allowance for how the internet has levelled the playing field compared to how it was 10 yrs ago ?

    Why is NZon Airs raison d'etre to continually fund sub standard shit to play between the ads on commercial radio/tv. Fuck radio, fuck ads, fuck insipid bubblegum pop and fuck those clowns at NZoA treating us like dumbed down peasants who think we can't choose what we want to listen to and see ourselves.

    BTW...Yes it's that time already. Time to bust out your cheap and nasty oven element inspired t shirts/carry bags and show your support for the joke that is NZon Air' and the Music Commission's Music month.

    Welcome to NZ groundhog day for 30 days of the same shit trudged out year after year by the same faces. Grind that shit up, pour it into a trough and let the pigs swill around it for 30 days. Viva la formula.

    ...*yawn* Go hard...get those stats, count them beans, tick them boxes, kiss that arse, show the overlords you're worthy of another year at the trough

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hunting Fails,

    the treaty ?

    ...and on a musical note everything from 'true bliss' and 'NZ idol' to 'music month' and NZ on Air's Brendan Smyth supporting shitty wannabe popsters for the last 10 yrs.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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