Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: The Internet is for ... Privacy?,

    I'm not used to being myself on line, much preferring pseudonymity, but enough about me :)

    What about this guy ? Almost 5.5 million hits and WTF ?

    ...apparently he's polarised the dubstep world with his halfstep wobbles over existing tunes and calling them remixes. They're a bit shit if you ask me.

    And yup, that's is Mt Eden NZ he's repping.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit, that 'rocker girl' video, Mareko says a line...

    "rock star, graduated from the school of rock, need me a rock girl, hot girl, courtney cox, rock girl"

    only thing is, as somebody points out, Courtney Cox is the girl who plays Monica on friends, Courtney Love is a rock singer... when he gets pulled up on it, he says and i quote

    shot peoples, yeah its supposed to be courtney love. didnt notice it til after the shit was done. Who cares they both eat brown cock anyways dont they?

    Seriously, if NZoA are gonna fund hiphop then for fucks sake dont fund mysoginists who fantasize about hurting women, sell out rappers looking to collect some easy cheddar and a bit of head or convicted sex offenders.

    How out of touch are these clowns on the selection panel and how ineffectual is Brendan Smyth by allowing this shit to perpetuate on his watch ?

    The guy needs to move on cos he's beyond a joke. People are just taking the piss now and he's too stupid to realise.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Werd Chris...Muppets as a wholely appropriate metaphor for having someones hand up your arse making your mouth move while the words are coming from someone else.

    With regards to NZoA. Its seriously time for Brendan to move into the private sector and see if his A& R chops are as good as he thinks they are. Maybe start a label and put his own money where his mouth is.

    ...and yeah for all the distaste of the original vid in question, it was shit hot in that it really did portray the hate, menace and chilling violence a bit too well.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: We invented everything,

    haha Ben... i can just imagine him wanting to fire up a big stogie afterwards

    Hell, it makes me want to have a ciggy just reading bout it 'cept i dont smoke these days unless i'm drinking and thats pretty infrequent too.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    I sometimes wonder whether the point is to nurture and promote the *culture* or the *industry*.

    No it's not from NZoA's perspective. Their brief is to churn out dumbed down pop filler for the broadcasters to slot their ads around.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: We invented everything,

    "Fuck you for profiting by wasting months of my time, I'm now going to get a real job that doesn't involve selling hot-dogs in a street stall, being tailed by goons, betrayed by friends, and talked down to by arrogant wankers".

    That lttle guy with the perfect teeth seems like the type of shit to try and blacklist you with his mates in the real world if someone actually said what they must think but dare not utter...

    I'm waiting for the 'rural apprentice' with that Crafar guy being the Don of the boardroom, though i think his credibility stock has gone way south like most of his cows while his farms are looking to go oriental.

    bummer cos i reckon he'd make great telly...

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Cheers Chris, although I dont think working to a Number 8 wire philosophy is the answer.

    I was part of Christchurch team a few years ago that came second in a 48 hr challenge. We should have won but the txt voting was always gonna massively favour the team from Auckland despite us having the far superior product :)

    But without the sacrifice and compromising of skills, time, talent and energy plus begging, borrowing, using and abusing some pro facilities and gear we wouldn't have had that shiny superior product. The point is we did it for fun.

    In developing a commericial product though, like a pro music vid with its potential for generating royalties and adding cultural/artistic value we wouldn't do it for fun or experience and it would be unreasonable to expect us to. We'd be selling ourselves short and doing a massive disservice to our crafts and professions in settling for mediocrity on a shoestring budget.

    I do have a few ideas on how better to remodel the beast for the internet age and redefine criteria for funding and selection but i'm fucked if i'm gonna spit it out here for the weasels at NZoA to co-opt without some sort of clear out i hope will come with the current gov'ts focus on changing the public service landscape.

    As much as i can be an online dipshit. I've still done some shit and know some shit enough to still be taken seriously in some circles as a ridulously talented but flawed individual worthy of token respect...heh

    Funnily enough i havent heard anything about cuts to arts and culture which i thought would have been first for the chop given it was Aunty Helen's pet portfolio. Has there been a changing of the guard i'm not aware of or is it still the same cabal running tings at CNZ and NZoA ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: We invented everything,

    Dunno which is sadder, the shows or the people that watch and remember them.

    However i do like Project Runway. Now that is some genuine skill, talent and flair on display there.

    A brief, 100 dollars and one day to sew something amazing...WOW. The only thing is, one cant get a deeper appreciation for the colours, textures and finish from TV.

    In working for World of Wearable Art i enhanced my healthy respect for fashion/textile artists by seeing the garments up close and personal minus the distraction of models, lights and movement.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Synchronicitously i just checked my emails and see this in 'The Big Idea' regarding Creative NZ...

    Thats what NZ on Air needs. Someone to independently put them under a microscope and hold a mirror up to some of its practises and personell...

    ...followed by a cleanout with the redundancy broom.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Thanx Sacha and 3410.... now i'm gonna tee right off so stand clear.

    Those tunes are the perfect example of what is and was always wrong with NZoA playing the short game in funding wannabe popstars at the expense of songs/tunes with genuine artistic merit, perhaps no immediate commercial appeal but over time become memorable for capturing and reflecting a snapshot of an era or a kiwi take on a genre.

    The example here being Deceptikonz, playing cheesy popmeisters and selling out their roots specifically to get funding for airplay.

    Except not only has the internet changed the way the game is played, but increasingly radio and TV broadcasters to which NZoA criteria specifies your song appeals to, is not how most of the demographic, said popstars try to appeal to, access music.

    They're more than likely to rip audio from youtube or search out promo leaks before the stuff ever gets to radio or TV.

    The supposed immediate appeal of fly by night pop songs is thereby eroded to the point where, by the time the song hits the airwaves its well past its use by date so not only does no one want to hear it in the short term, but because it lacks long term appeal, no one will want to see it in 1 2 5 or 10 years time.

    Now seems as good a time as any for my pet rant given that we're coming up to NZ music month. Traditionally a time for backslapping and educating the wannabes on the intricacies of the industry, only the industry is in such turmoil that those at the top are the ones who need educating more.

    Given that, we can still expect a taxpayer funded round of music managers forums telling people nothing they couldn't find out by more experienced people in a one minute google. Only if these expert managers were any good , they wouldn't be getting peanuts for talking to nooobs about dumbass shit, they'd be out there in the real world pimping their artists like their livelihood depended on it.

    And then maybe we can expect some fact finding survey to form some sort of 'where to form here' perspective whereby Brendan Smyth would want other people to come up with good ideas for him so he can be seen to be down with the street to his overlords and contnue troughing it up at our expense while feeding us more mindless shit like those 2 tunes.

    Instead, how about an honest and independent perfomance evaluation on the state of NZ music and videos as effected by 10 years under Brendans stewardship. A hit and miss of where are they now artists/songs who have been given funding but failed to warrant it and have added nothing of value to the scene, the music, the art and the culture of NZ music ?

    Should be easy enough to do . Just access the APRA logs and see how past NZoA many pop tunes are still generating airplay and how much airplay current funded tunes get and translate that into advertising revenue and artist royalties ?

    Then start to wonder how is it that the selection panel can and has funded so many clangers and abominations, how can their taste be so bad and how is it that they get selected to be on a panel deciding who has value or not in the first place ?...and wonder why Mr Smyth has veto power to shaft a label/tune/artist for funding maybe just on a whim cos he feels they aren't kissing his arse enough ?

    I know i'm not alone in thinking this but those who have the power to question and change are also subject to the whims of NZoA funding and aren't likely to say anything to jeopardise their continued support.

    OK, now say what you like about sour grapes and pissing of the 'big' man but what i've said is what i said in the beginning. So if you like your tax dollars going to fund this shit then keep supporting the current lot by keeping your mouth shut and enjoy your pop crap substituting as music.

    ...ahhh that felt good. I'd blog it personally but i dont want to foul my own up with such negativity :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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