Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    Universal sufferage at 16 - is that the ultimate for Sue?

    Quite like Sue but not sure kids should have the responsibilities of adults - like being held in prison etc and therefore not have all the rights (OK it happens now but shouldn't).

    I like the argument of the young labour rep who said intellegence isn't used as a measure by which anyother group is allowed to vote - so shouldn't apply to kids.

    A good mate who joined the Terries with me (as a diversion from prison) was 17 and to this day (married/mid 30's/ 2 kids) is known as Junior.

    Didn't Tim Barnett want the legal age for prostitution to be 16? hmm.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Whatever it takes to bring housing to safe stands is what needs to be done.

    Moving away from the ownership issue.

    Govt handouts to make houses safe is an investment in savings on the health budget and a further investment in the productivity of the nation.

    The bottom line will outweigh any investment - whoever makes it.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Farmer John (obvious apologies)

    Crown Control to Farmer John
    Crown Control to Farmer John
    Take your planning consent and put it up your bum

    Crown Control to Farmer John
    Tenure review is all but gone
    Check your balance sheet and may God’s love be with you

    Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, ripped-off

    This is Crown Control to Farmer John
    You thought you had it made
    And the politicians want to know about pastoral care
    Now it’s time to see the environmental impact report if they dare

    “This is Crown Control to Farmer John
    I’m now shutting the door
    And you’re floating in a most peculiar way
    And the farm look very different today

    For here
    Am I sitting in a tractor
    Fark all of you
    The lake will stay blue
    And there’s nothing I can do

    Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles
    I’m feeling very still
    And I think my tractor knows which way to go
    Tell my wife I love her very much (she knows!)
    Crown Control to Farmer John
    Your plans are dead, and all but gone
    Can you hear me, Farmer John?
    Can you hear me, Farmer John?
    Can you hear me, Farmer John?
    Can you hear....

    “ am I floating round investments
    Fark you Helen too
    The lake will stay blue
    And there’s nothing I can do.?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    HNZ had a celebration of a couples 60yrs in Morely St Bryndwr (just around the cnr from John Keys Mums place & 2 down from where my Mum & her 9 siblings were raised) in Christchurch on their website last month - I can't find it now.

    A good solid home (of the time) for a family of 12. Any call of over crowding would have been against the will of God etc. G/Dad recons he's got 10 kids because they had no TV.

    You could honestly write your name in the smoke in the lounge from all the ciggies - no-one smokes now.

    Having mention Govt subsidies & their inflationary impact on private market rents.

    We need to raise the obligation of Property Investors to supply & maintain safe insultaed housing.

    I suggest a minimum of ceiling/wall/floor insultaion plus IGUs on the southern windows in the North Island & IGUs for all windows in the south island & alpine regions (Waiberia brrr).
    Solar Hot Water is just a no brainer and should be mandatory in all NZ homes.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Are Fay & Richwhite domicile in NZ?
    I think they're hiding in Switzerland (that 'neutral' country that kept the Nazis stolen billions - so why not little old NZs as well)
    I dispute either being described as Kiwi - but that blogs over.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Complex issues can't be discussed in absolutes.
    One landlord used to charge only 50 weeks a year and give me fruitcake at Christmas - he's a nice guy and his business flowed smoothly.
    The point being housing in NZ is contributing to death & disease today.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Unsafe housing in NZ is a massive issue & the cause of premature death and disease in NZ today.
    Shoddy homes are only of interest to our media if it is the middle class home owner who is put out by a leaky home - oh dear.
    I note you are not taking up an economic debate on profiteering through govt subsidy. Air NZ anyone?
    The short answer is YES some land lords are criminal scum.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: White and bright,

    Most impressed Mother Theresa got in at number 1 not having been born or even lived in America (the known world).
    Although the flaw is they had a list and answered yes or no.
    I wonder where Superman & The Terminator would have been placed had they had to come up with their own 18?

    Tragic as a death in custody is, too often NZ'ers celebrate our racial harmony out of ignorance rather than acknowledging the facts of our past.
    A settler community that stole land - a little ethnic cleansing - then wipe clean the history books "Waimate Conspiracy" anyone? This is only an exploration of genocide in Canterbury of the exact same nature that took part throughout the North Island. Where our settler govt made it legal to shoot on sight any Maori - thankfully this was never accepted by the crown but no-one was ever charged with killing a Maori during the land wars (or even much later) - It wasn't a crime.
    10points if anyone can pin point the first pakeha charged for killing a maori.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Wee note
    Who is the beneficiary?
    If market forces were brought to bear on the rental market, surely anyone with the slightest knowledge would realise rents would fall without Govt subsidy.
    Socialism For The Rich!

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    It's not property investors at all it's Poverty Investors.
    And here the breadline has been falsely inflated in order to inflate Poverty Investors pockets.
    If only they did what the claim to do & house people - rather than expose them to the elements.
    Popped down to Dunness Yesty & Otago Uni Students have an adequate housing campaign - so Students aren't ripped off you’d think - Well yes - but also so they are not harmed by mold, cold and damp. At last a Uni Student Campaign I can agree with.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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