Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Island Life: Child's play,

    At what stage does the requirement to be resident in NZ to hold a NZ pass port become arduous?

    I don't think this is in the least unreasonable.
    The ability to gain residency should also be as an easy process.

    There seems to be a desperate crisis of identity. I suspect rooted in fear 'ex pats' may be subject to the legal status & conditions of the locals they exploit. In the uneven handed manner the empire was setup to do so.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Please feel free to explain how taking away a pass port is not the removal of citizenship after being absent from your country for a period of time?

    We didn't have this priviso when we axed Samoans including returned NZ soliders.

    Oh & "Dead Man's Shoes" is one great movie.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Kia kaha Jackie

    Bonan nokton
    (Good night in Esparanto)

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Let's not quibble on the detail but acknowledge the principle is sound and used today by 1st world countries.

    The right to gain citizenship needs addressing. The free market concept cannot hold where human beings are not free to move like their money is.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Simon - Yes I would strip citizenship off those famous names mentioned. OTOH make it a very simple matter to become a New Zealander on their willing return (as with all people).

    This is exactly what happens for many countries citizens, Holland & Austria are but two (although exempt from pensions on their return).

    Marcus - picking up on your point of the international market. We exist in a world where we have a priviledge we don't extend to others. Where the dollar has more rights than people. This to use Simons words is ludicrous.

    Ralph just needs to see a good dentist. What ever he does he needs to see a good dentist.

    Open immigration is my ideal & so too the easy lose.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Anne M said
    "I'm an NZ citizen by descent actually."
    This seems more of an accident of birth by which I wouldn't want to penalise you for. It is your pref to live 10yrs abroad that interests me. Be free to move where you want to be, but like any other foreign resident apply under the rules, by the sounds of it you have a few points - well done.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Yachting on the weekend by definition puts you on the rich side of the divide.
    A/ You have a weekend and not a 2nd or 3rd job with which you buy that luxury good electricity.
    B/You have $35 to waste on playing at a little Rum Sodomy & the Lash.

    So lets not pretend yachting NZ is scouring Sth AKL for new yachties as part of the Kiwi egalitarian dream that never existed.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    What does this mean for Richie our All Black Captain and WestPac spokes model?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Asian Angst: is it time to…,

    On Nat Radios Morning Report Coddington said her contract expires in a month and she will not be renewing it.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    As a foriegn investor I wasn't targeting yourself specifically but foriegn firms are given far too much leeway in NZ already - such as Comalco. Simon I'm not familiar with you're business interests.
    You have as much right as any foriegner to live in NZ - you should also have to jump through the same hoops.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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