Posts by recordari

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  • Cracker: RIght On.,

    Until Act suddenly jumps up above the 1% polling it most recently achieved, could someone remind me why I should care?

    Whatever, it will certainly be a merry dance.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On., in reply to Paul Williams,

    To me, Brash remains the bloke who dissembled on the EBs and lectured Clark about marriage while conducting extra-marital affairs. I am deeply mistrusting.

    This seems apposite.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On., in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    It is certainly proving to be a valuable means of driving traffic to your site, using whatever populist bingo cards you choose.


    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On., in reply to Paul Williams,

    There are going to be some Epsom voters who were happy with the Hide populist agenda and are going to be less happy with Brash.

    Isn't it Banks for Epsom?

    A Harley Davidson Street Aye Specialist.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: Home is Where the - Ooo, shiny!, in reply to linger,

    Sticky wicket, cricket. The circle is complete.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: Home is Where the - Ooo, shiny!,

    One problem is that while I don't 'work from home' as a rule, neither do I stop work when I get home. Dealing with people in other countries means answering an email at 11pm at night, or 6am in the morning, will get things moving forward better than if you wait until 'normal working hours'. And then there's the remote technical support, that I found out can be just as demanding of your time while at work or standing at the top of the Luge in Rotorua while 'on holiday'. It's not only the working at home we have to contend with, it's working everywhere, all the time.

    But, I'm not bitter, honest.

    <moving away from the keyboard>

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: Home is Where the - Ooo, shiny!, in reply to richard,

    But this – – is worth every penny.

    With Anti-Social, you’ll be amazed how much you get done when you turn off your friends.

    But I don't want to turn off my friends, I want to turn them on. Ba-doom, what?

    But seriously, if you are sufficiently self-disciplined to install and then run that programme, then you are probably more than half way there, no?

    As you will feel a deep sense of shame for rebooting just to waste time on Twitter, you’re unlikely to cheat.

    Puh-lees! One may not even be wearing pants, so you think this will shame us?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: Home is Where the - Ooo, shiny!, in reply to Jackie Clark,

    It's been bad enough the last couple of weeks, home on holiday, having to remind myself that the world won't go away if I don't check my email and PAS and twitter and facebook every 10 mins.

    Prove it.

    I'm struggling to work out how different this is, apart from the pyjamas, to having an office in a corner of a building where no one can see you chair dancing. (He says hopefully).

    Should I ask the IT person to put some http blocks in for me? Yeah, nah.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Ladi is a champ,

    Speaking of champ ladi(es) (no offence meant), RIP Poly Styrene.

    The story...

    ... and the song.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Any room left on the…, in reply to Yamis,

    So many questions, so few fingernails.

    Sure was a tense one. I really think the Breakers are the better team, and the NZ crowd should carry it, but I hope like hell they turn up a bit earlier next week. Leaving it to miracle shots with 6 seconds to go just causes arrhythmias.

    Friday seems like a long way away.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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