Posts by Hebe

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  • Up Front: Floodland, in reply to Ross Mason,

    Thanks NBR for digging for this EQC Flood Modelling report

    Grouse. Thanks.

    Figure 9: I have the link for close-ups of that somewhere.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Up Front: Floodland, in reply to Emma Hart,

    The drop in the land levels is quite hard to get your head around, because it's pretty much invisible.

    I Have been working on this since 2012 with various in the news media. Each time we managed to get little parts of the story chipped open, but the doors slammed on full disclosure in some extraordinary ways. I outlined some of the downstream effects in my post in the last couple of days over on Tales of Two Cities.

    Basically yeah there is shitloads of dosh involved. Thousands of properties. The Tonkin and Taylor report was clear as to the effects on land levels and situations like Flockton, Emma's area and mine. That was two years ago.

    John McCrone's story in August 2012 in the Press is a good place to start understanding the issues. Then read Tonkin & Taylor land report. I cannot understand why Gerry Brownlee said yesterday he could not say whether land had dropped as a result of the earthquakes: shitloads of dosh involved? T&T was clear: it has. Also that river beds have risen. And a lot else. Land compensation has already been paid on the basis of that report, indicating the Govt accepted the report's findings.

    Areas like mine where we are now exposed to higher flood risk because our land has dropped as a result of the quakes are not compensated by insurance: my land claim settlement letter said the land had dropped a bit. However, the damage was deemed to be less than $500 -- under the excess so zilch payout. EQR are dumping repairs on us that are predicated on the pre-quake land levels. Property values will suffer; greatly.

    Next week the council will release the draft District Plan that will put swathes of the city in the official FMA. That has been worked on by the CCC and Ecan for near two years. It takes account of climate change projections and EQ land levels change.

    The more I know, the more I realise that no-one is telling the whole story. No-one in power is being open about it all. We're being well screwed, and this week's flood was actually rather inconvenient for the duck-shovers.

    However John Campbell does seems to know something: last night in an aside he gave a major clue that some plans are afoot that will satisfy some people. I hope so; I really hope so but I suspect that it's a payout for the worst affected only.

    Back to the swamp: just found that most of the book treasures are dry. Yay.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Up Front: Floodland,

    Amazingly well put Isabel. I send aroha to you and yours. I can't begin to imagine the horror of the house flooding. Today we've discovered our old garage/shed/storeroom went under: halfway through a dung-out with rain forecast for tomorrow, and nowhere to store and dry out what's left , I am so fucking over it all. I've not felt angry like this since it all began three and half years ago: no-one to blame just impotent volatile rage. I predict a long angry down here all round.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Chchch is still the homebake capital then!
    :- )

    Baking Volunteer Army motto: we will fight them on the benches.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City,

    Attachment Attachment Attachment

    A couple of quick pix from yesterday a few houses down from us. I wandered out, looked at the water, thought "Hmmm, not too hot." Then saw the Red Cross boat and emergency services and the reality hit home. We were lucky: garage flooded and vege garden swamped (the back of the section is lower than the house area, but our flood was clean clear rainwater. The riverbanks are a-stinking' now. Fortunately the flood just stayed out of these houses, though garages and a home business were swamped with murk.
    Oh and some birthday dudes: 16 today: gats all round.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City,

    Flockton Basin is the worst of it. Other parts (like mine) are a problem too. John McCrone puts it clearly:

    Add to that the repair/rebuild strategies done by EQR (Fletchers). already and there are thousands in the city potentially staring down a barrel of poo. Basically if you are a rebuild, you're rebuilt to whatever height the District Plan says about floor levels. Fine as long as you are not rebuilt, or started to be rebuilt, before the new plan is ratified.

    And the big appallingness: if your foundations need repair (like most of us), the house will not be raised even if it is in the flood zone -FMA- (forthcoming hugely expanded one or present comparatively tiny one). That would be "betterment". But the earthquake has lowered the land, putting you in a flood zone? Tough. EQR doesn't want to know. EQC doesn't want to know.

    Usually if more than 20 per cent of foundations are to be fixed, a council consent is needed. But it has been deemed okay for EQR to be able to do repairs around that level without a consent. If the homeowner presses the case, a consent may be applied for. But the consent, surely, would mean raising the house to current floor levels? Wouldn't it?

    Having said that, 55,000 houses have already been repaired by EQR, ll over the city. EQR will wind up next year: who then has liability for the repairs that have already been done being up to standard?

    And this is only what I've found out with no professional advice -- yet. Clarifications gratefully received.

    Time to bake for the cleaner-uppers down the road. Cheers.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City,

    Hope all Chchites are unflooded -- though it may have been Isabelle on Campbell Live? It was surreal going out my front door and seeing a rescue boat trying to start its engine 50m away. The situation went remarkably fast from heavy rain and a spilling river to reaching two properties over from here. I feel fortunate that we came out with a sodden (and probably buggered vege garden) and a flooded garage. It was nerve-wracking watching the rain sheet down for 26 hours non-stop, the wreck next door's roof wavering in the massive wind gusts and the roaring evil brown Heathcote River ruthlessly rising .

    The flood issues are huge: and with many curly consequences. I have worked on and off on that story since mid 2012 since I tripped over it. Finally Lianne Dalziel, Vicki Buck and Raf Manji are able to show people why it all needs to be taken seriously. See the Press editorial today, which starts to outline the issues. Campbell is apparently covering it tonight.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to Jos,

    Have never even thought about a stink bug having eyes.
    Pipi party people?

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Mayor of…, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Yoga in the park

    Bloody bugger. I didn't read this until Sunday night.

    Go on, do the gig guide every Friday....please.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's do some commerce, in reply to Kracklite,

    Begging? So someone spends a shitload of time and talent on producing something that is unusual, fills a need and provides a good service to quite a number of people, and they should do it for nothing. Eh?

    Russell is trying, like most media outlets and online communities to find a model that enables the site to continue while keeping the very good parts and support his household. Looking at this site, I can see thousands of hours of work. Why should he not derive a decent and stable income from that graft?

    I can't get upset that I don't live up to your expectations re the level of discourse and general interesting-ness: it's all opinion round here. Fact is PAS adds to my life (in a positive way).

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

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