Posts by Jo S

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  • Hard News: Have you met thingy?,

    One prosaic reason why lots of people like Russell forget stuff is because they have lots they have to remember - they often forget about same percentage of material as everyone else but that turns out to be rather a lot in absolute terms.

    I just wish I knew why I continue to absorb and recall completely useless and irrelevant trivia, when names just refuse to stick. People ask me "how do you know this stuff?" and I have absolutely no idea. I wonder if there is some sort of preferential retention.

    Once was in Burger king while at uni and met a friend of a friend while having dinner with the boyfriend of the time. Remembered the friend of the friend's name but totally blanked on the boyfriend. "Hi Vincent have you met .....?". Luckily the boyfriend found it hilarious. And refused to save me by filling in the gap.

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One man with 18 feeds,

    Richard Loe isn't happy about it though and he wants the head of Steve Tew. I assume he's talking figuratively.

    but you're never really sure with Richard Loe.
    Makes it a bit more entertaining ....

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    OK sorry - to answer my own question, from the NZ encyclopedia of Rugby, although it does refer to NPC still.

    12. Provided in each case the challenge has been lodged as provided in regulation No 9, then:
    (a) if the holders are in division one of the NPC, they shall accept challenges totaling not less that two from unions in divisions two and three, provided not fewer than two challenges have been lodged by unions in division two and three.
    (b) if the holders are in division two of the NPC, they shall accept not less than two challenges from unions in division one and two challenges from unions in division three, provided in each case challenges had been lodged by not fewer than two unions.
    (c) if the holders are in division three of the NPC, they shall accept not less than two challenges from unions in divisions one and three challenges from unions in division two, provided in each case challenges had been lodged by not fewer than two unions and three unions respectively.

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    The Shield holder at the end of each season is required to accept at least seven challenges for the following year. All home games during league play, but not during knockout playoffs, in the Air New Zealand Cup or Heartland Championship are automatic challenges. The remaining shield defences must be made up of challenges from unions in the other domestic competition.

    Not to be pedantic, but what do they mean by remaining? Apart from your Heartland championship home games you have to let ANZC teams challenge for it? You can't take it on tour during the HC season to make up your 7 challenges? Even if you did have to let the ANZC teams challenge, it sounds like you could keep it a whole season - is it only precedent requiring them to be pre-season challenges? You could make up your 7 after the season of Heartland challenges.

    Does anyone have any better info? Not that wiki isn't right a lot of the time, but it certainly isn't right all of the time.

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    OTOH, will be quite good for the Heartland unions to have the Shield circulating in their ranks without the big boys coming and hogging it...

    If it did end up in he heartland, they would have to defend it in pre-season games against Air NZ Cup teams, so likely it would never make it into the main season where it would be played for during that team's home games during the heartland season - a Air NZ Cup team would snaffle it quick.

    just to jump back a bit ... Do Sheild holders _have_ to put the sheild up for grabs in preseason games? I thought it was just the main competition games that it was required to be defended.

    Of course, the only reason that there is a requirement at all is from back when Northland had the sheild and refused to put it up for grabs for the last few games of the season. "Nope it's ours and we're keeping it til next year".

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Cracker: Being there is everything.…,

    I'm a bit paranoid, so I always carry a clean shirt and a full spare set of underwear in my carryon luggage. This has come in useful several times.

    Mostly airlines have been pretty good, but my trips for work often end up in several jumps, and those are the cases (hah) where something goes missing.

    After a trip to a conference in Croatia, AKLD-Singapore-Frankfurt-Croatia-Vienna-Amsterdam (to go on to the Hague), in Vienna the airline suddenly demanded I check in my poster tube (after 4 flights where I took it as hand luggage). Naturally it didn't show up in Amsterdam. At 9pm in Amsterdam, speaking no Dutch, needing to catch the train to the Hague and not being able to find any airport staff I was getting a bit stressed. Luckily Dutch people speak a lot of english and are very nice. A lovely lady (fellow passenger) sent her teenage son running off to find someone for me, who then sorted it out and forwarded the poster on to my hotel so I could put it up while I gave a presentation a day later.

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Island Life: Too True To Be Good,

    Kyle - tell me you're kidding.
    What we're seeing in the US sure ain't sanity ...

    We may be bad, but we're not that bad yet.

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    I'm a Spurs fan and I still love following the EPL, even if we always seem to finish somewhere in the range of 4th to 12th.
    People laugh at the League Cup and my delight over silverware, but are their teams going to Europe? No!!


    With regards to the Ranfurly Sheild, I really don't think it is given enough emphasis at the moment. (Emphasis? Support? something).
    Loved going to the Sheild parades in Hamilton as a teenager, and the sheer pride that a sheild win would generate.
    Of course my partner, in his thwarted rage at the demotion of Northland is hanging out for them to challenge for the sheild towards the end of the season, so they can take it down a division with them and not let the big teams challenge for it ever again ...

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Hard News: Beijing: Ignoring it is not…,

    *I can't explain Isaac Newton, though - both a scientist and alchemist.

    Half the molecular biologists I know won't put samples in well 13 of a centrifuge if they can avoid it.
    Scientists can be superstitious and wierd as much as anyone else ...

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

  • Cracker: Mr Transparent,

    With regards to people not knowing what political acronyms are, I wonder how much of it is sometimes being put on the spot.
    I was sitting here going "I'm sure I know what STV stands for ..." until a very quiet voice from the back of my brain whispered "..single transferrable vote", which I'm still not absolutely convinced is right.

    Sometimes I think people would rather plead ignorance than be wrong... especially in public

    is it autumn yet? • Since May 2007 • 80 posts Report

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