Posts by chris

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  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to BenWilson,

    Thanks for taking the time to write that Ben.

    Confucians and Taoists seem to have a balanced view on the matter, that birth control makes sense for family and social harmony. Taoists are into sexual fun, it would seem.

    Some summary of ritualistic recommendations here:

    While the man had to please the woman sexually, she was still just an object.

    and erm, it is surely no coincidence that the Chinese age of consent is 14:

    the ideal ding is a premenarche virgin just under 14 years of age and women older than 18 should be avoided

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education,

    is there any religion whose prohibitions on contraception aren’t based around a view that the only legitimate type of sexual activity is procreative, within-marriage sex?

    Sorry it's not really an answer Lucy but interestingly prohibition on contraception is not such a common feature of religion. Catholics and the Amish and until recently the dreaded LDS. If in doubt consult Rabbi. Hare Krishna's go without.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Southerly: Tower Insurance Have Some Bad…, in reply to Kumara Republic,


    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education,

    Anyone who can do this should have a medal. :-)

    Hehe, graphic. Obviously I have no direct experience of the logistics of using one, but an olfactory memory remains lodged in my 'just abstain!' cache.

    it’s different for everyone. It can be unproblematic as a long-term solution – it has been for me

    Thanks Lucy, for some reason I had been under the impression that side-effects were more more or less par for the course there. That's good to know.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Nous voulons que les Tricolores, in reply to George Darroch,

    Sounds great. Also pleasing to see them saying that most of the injuries are minor. I hope Jonah Lomu is ok.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education, in reply to Lilith __,

    Thanks for clarifying that Lilth__. Very much appreciated, I get it now. Growing up I can't recall a time when mum's pills weren't a fixture in the folk's bedside cabinet, it wasn't until I was much older that I became aware of the physical and mental stress this treatment puts on females and wondered how much dad and his generation simply took it for granted.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education,

    If you mean, lets not be making sweeping generalizations about people based on their gender, I’m with you on that.But I don’t think that means we can’t talk in general terms about our own experiences.

    We're on the same page Lilith__, It was mainly a response to Alice's "guys like you", but I'll admit this caught my attention:

    Is it so unfair to expect men to think about and deal with contraception/STI protection?

    Perhaps I missed the post that it was in response to, or merely misconstrued. I've never found it unfair, it's basic safety. I think more than we'd like to admit, our attitudes are driven by our experiences and most crucially our choice of sexual partners. I've encountered arguments from partners that condoms don't feel good and that's been a deal breaker on more than one occasion, I'm just not interested in taking that kind of risk. I contracted chlamydia when I was seventeen from someone I'd just met who persuaded me there was nothing to worry about, and I perfunctorily chose to take that as gospel. That was a mistake. Less a result of poor sex education as poor toxicological education.

    Given I'm not the most manly of men, and please forgive my objection to your comment above which is founded specifically on my own personal attitude to contraception, solely on the basis of my own, probably misguided ideology - true gender equality in some instances can best be achieved by way of transcendence beyond traditionally accepted gender expectations and rhetoric. But there's a ways to go there, So I should have just let it slide.

    Whether it's men or Ts or bears or Catholics who are categorized as statistically the most irresponsible, demographic systematization can only carry us so far along the path to protecting our own hormonal genetic vulnerabilities. As you said:

    But taking responsibility for sex and keeping ourselves and our partners safe? That’s something we should be sharing equally.

    In a nut shell.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Up Front: It's Not Sex, and It's Not Education,

    I thought we all wanted equality here? I just can’t get behind blaming someone else for ones own ignorance.

    We want equality. I always carry a condom.

    Responsibility for what happens in a consensual sexual encounter is always shared.

    Totally. Genderizing this issue isn't all that helpful. Tangentially, It’s never a bad idea to bring the topic of contraception up well before you reach the bedroom (or whatever locale of choice), seeing as it’s a key component in the assessment of compatibility for sexual adventure. This can also work as an OK chat up line if handled with a sensitive degree of linguistic thrift….

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Nous voulons que les Tricolores, in reply to andin,

    Yeah, they looked dangerous at times, particularly that start, and for a decent portion of the second half they were all go. They certainly play the most attractive style of the NH teams. It was almost a shame the match was sewn up so early...

    And those Warriors, what a night.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Nous voulons que les Tricolores,

    Swell result there, but those injuries look a bit of a worry.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

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