Posts by FletcherB

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  • Hard News: The Mood,

    Then why are they protesting?

    Well, as I understand it (and I havent seen this raised in 13 pages)..... combining what I heard on radio/TV news, and a bit of DPF's spin.....

    It goes something like this.....

    Truckies and Transport minister agree that raising taxes without notice is not good... (everybody happy)

    Transport Minister introduces legislation into parliament so that this cannot happen. (truckies see Minister following through on her word, think "wow, great minister, does what she says")

    Transport Minister raises taxes without notice before legislation has been passed.


    I dont know is this is an accurate representation of the facts, but it is what the truckies and the opposition have said happened.

    If it is what happened, or even just how the truckies perceive it..... does it not make sense now why they were so outraged?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    Individuals on PAS with far more intimate knowledge of employment law than I have stated that if TVNZ knew about the assault previously, it would negate any 'disrepute' clause in Veitch's contract. I say again: hmmm....

    Please, dont let me mis-represent myself... I dont claim any intimate knowledge of employment law.... it just stands to reason..... you cant claim to be shocked and horrified about new revelations.... if they are not in-fact new to you.

    I would indeed be interested in more knowledgeable opinion on this matter myself...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    Actually... if you look and listen carefully, the "gorilla" isnt actually playing those drums.... Although he starts drumming when the drum-fill starts..... he's only hitting the snare with both sticks together in time with the basic rhythm..... where do the tom-fills come from? It's not actually even good drum miming....

    Phil Collins on the other hand.... he knows how to play rock drums (and I wish he'd forget how to "sing")

    Music video tip #2..... if you want to look like you are playing guitar...... have a lead or radio transmitter plugged into the socket on the front. You can still mime, but at least we might be able to convince ourselves we can hear your playing.... :)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    So legally, both TVNZ and Radio Live would be well within their rights to give him the boot (pun not intended).

    Provided they were not already aware of the incidents that caused the disrepute....

    You cant claim "oh, you've besmirched me/us by association with your actions becoming public knowledge, even though we already knew about them and were keeping them secret".... It's collusion.....

    If one or more employers decide to employ you, or renew your elapsed contract, with full disclosure of prior events..... they cant then hold up those events as evidence of bad behaviour. Hence the inability to fire Clint Rickards from his job for conduct already investigated a decade before he became deputy commissioner.... and hence the interest in what TVNZ or RadioSport were aware of, and when they were aware of it.

    If they only found out this week like the rest of us..... they should indeed fire him for bringing them into disrepute..... But if that's not the case, If they've known for longer, it's their own actions, (ie. employing him/continue to employ him/covering up for him) that has bought them into disrepute, not his actions themselves....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    There surely can't be any question about what his employers do next. Clint Brown was sacked for an offence that, while despicable, was nowhere near as abhorrent as this. To keep Veitch on would be to condone domestic violence. His dismissal is a matter of when not if. Can't see how he could keep living in the goldfish bowl that is NZ after this.

    Morally 100% correct.... but legally? Employment law may not let them do that, if they were already aware of the issue... This is why so many of us want to know WHEN his employers became aware....

    It was part of the problem of getting rid of Clint Rickards, remember.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    Ane when, oh when, will such such stories not be sorted into the Entertainment section of the paper/web site/Google news..?

    In general, when the "celebrity" topic is missing dogs, or stolen car, and even marital problems or hookups.... I'm 100% with you....

    But serious assault is NOT for the entertainment pages.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: And The Mission Is?,

    I would be quite interested in hearing how two different MPs both mistakenly got the impression that employer contributions would be altered by National, to the extent that they announced this in public. Either something funny is going on, or people are snoozing off in policy meetings. A lot.

    Well, I'm sure there's any number of explanations.... but the one that keeps jumping to mind is that they are discussing publicly actual policies that were supposed to be secret because the leaders know they wont be that popular with the voters?

    I have no idea if this is really the case or not.... I certainly wont point my finger and say "see, they really DO have a secret agenda"...

    But I'd point out that when your opposition keeps accusing you of having a secret agenda, and you keep denying it and saying it's false...... these sorts of public release then denial turn-arounds are not helping your cause.

    One potential minister not understanding whats really proposed for their portfolio CAN be excused as just not being up with the play, or mistaken...... but if it happens several times, things start smelling fishy.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Truck Off, etc,

    Re: Craig R's "But that's the point."


    I love how, whether it's convoying truckers, or striking ferry workers (in school holls, naturally)... they always make a point of apologizing to the public for the inconvenience caused..

    So sorry.... my arse. The Whole point IS the inconvenience.... it wouldnt be a very effective protest or strike if no one noticed would it? It's why its on the news.

    If they were actually sorry, they'd do something else (and it wouldnt be effective).

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: Who is the bigger dick?,

    This is actually very simple....

    As my three year old can explain.... something that's closer looks bigger.

    Therefor, from a New Zealand perspective, the All-Black looks to be a bigger dick just for being close by....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Evil called: Can you make a…,

    Well, I dont specifically know that Crosby Textor made it up..... but someone made it up.... and someone who was in a position to know it was false (the PM) decided to run with it... And the person that ran with it was taking advise from.....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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