Posts by Steve Parks

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  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    proximity of the stadium to Wellington's leisure precinct


    It's 1.5km from the nearest "leezure" area at Customhouse Quay and nearly 3km from Courtney Place.

    Really? Doesn't seem that far, but you could be right. But friends and I have walked out of the cake tin after a match and wandered straight into town plenty of times, and never thought of it has a hassle. It certainly seems proximate to both town and of course the train station and bus hub.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    Dear Auckland,

    I don’t get it.

    You get offered some central money to develop and improve your city, just like what happened with the Waterfront Stadium.

    You’re getting this offer on the back of a national event around the corner, even though you’re getting over half the good bits of that national event.

    Yet, like you did with the Waterfront Stadium, you seem to be trying to find reasons why it shouldn’t be like this.

    It looks that way to me too. There does seem to be a bit of a consensus from the non-Aucklanders here. Namely, what wrong with you?

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Island Life: Big Little City, Big Little…,

    It's all so dispiriting I need to go lie down on the couch and turn on the tube. I hope I'm not too late to see something hilarious with a twist of misogyny. Around about now, Paul Henry should be fluffing up the cushion for his pal John.

    Not to do with John, but this seems more or less apropos here: complaint upheld against TVNZ for lack of balance. Surprise surprise.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    It's interesting how a crappy washing machine going for a reserve of a dollar looks like selling for about $200 just because the notice was funny.

    I mean, I got all the humor out of the ad and I didn't pay a thing. (Well, unless I lose a dollar to Steve B.)

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    That one Trademe listing is better than any NZ comedy I've seen on TV - probably ever. Someone sign him/her!


    The Q & A is funny too...

    Q: lmao,legend!! :)

    A: I'm glad you thought it was funny, I nearly died man.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    In other news, we have achieved word one million.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Soo, anyone see watch Campbell Live tonight? That Gordan Ramsey eh... What a prat.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    Heaven, Steve, have you never heard of the Frebblie? Or the Frossil? Or even the Frabbit?

    I'm frummoxed.

    (But not by a conservative.)

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    LOL, as I believe teh kidz say.

    And TV2, for a while, at least.

    TVNZ scraps text ads after backlash

    "We have learned in that period that vowels are extremely important to New Zealanders"

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Re: Karl du Fresne's rant, to save people having to read through his other twaddle, here's the relevant part from the end:

    United States President Barack Obama condemned the murder of Kansas abortionist George Tiller as a heinous act of violence, which it undoubtedly was.

    But since we're talking about heinous acts of violence, what about the barbaric third-trimester abortions that Dr Tiller specialised in?

    Even if you believe abortion is wrong in almost any circumstances, there is something specially repulsive about the way Dr Tiller made his living.

    A third-trimester abortion is one that is carried out when the baby has been growing for 27 weeks or more. At 27 weeks many babies are capable, with the right medical care, of surviving outside the womb. Winston Churchill and the great ballerina Anna Pavlova weren't much older than that when they were born.

    At that stage of its development a typical baby is 36 centimetres long and weighs nearly a kilogram.

    It is blinking its eyes, kicking and developing physical co-ordination. It is not just a lump of tissue, which is how abortion advocates like to characterise most aborted babies.

    It's one of the great ironies of modern medicine that, while dedicated neonatologists are performing miracles in successfully delivering babies as early as 22 weeks, others like Dr Tiller are killing them.

    I left a comment on stuff linking to the example of a late term abortion Russell used in his original blog entry, fwiw.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

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