Posts by Ben Austin

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  • Yellow Peril: Asian Angst: is it time to…,

    Great result. Now Debs can focus on the true enemy, the Masons.

    I find this heartening for three reasons - that she was called out by a group of people who kept at it until they got a hearing, that she was ruled against officially, which shows that the system does work, and that the complainants did it in the public eye via way of this blog and other publications.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Actually, I've always been…,

    The question that really needs to be answered is whether or not magnets would help Team NZ both go faster and fund a defence, if they are lucky enough to win

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Cracker: See More on 3,

    Talking of emotional overlays, i feel a strong case of smug swelling in the back of my head after reading all this, having abandoned both news shows a few years back. Woot for feeling smug on a Saturday.

    I tried filling this void with BBC/Sky News/CNN/Fox(lol), but that didn't work either, although I must commend Fox as a great entertainment resource. O'Rielly is the best kind of muppet.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Island Life: LOLnats,

    leet speak write-up from Wiki

    If you ever spend more than 5 minutes playing games on the net (mmos etc) or using IRC then this leet speak/internet slang thing will become second nature. Which isn't necessarily a good thing, as it does get embarrasing when you say "lol", irl.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    The "traditional" or "natural" qualifyer has been used to excuse a lot of ills, and it always dissapoints me how many people seem to buy into it when it comes to treatment. However I would need to see a level of argument or reason that is lacking so far to convince me that an industry that purports to have medical benefit not be closely regulated.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Stories: Overseas Experience,

    Wow Anne, that is really depressing, I think you've destroyed my positive impression of melbourne in one foul blow (which was quite high, given their on campus donut stores)

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Googlin' on Hobson Street,

    Still seems strange to me that they'd invest in ondemand then do this. So I presume the regional youtube thing is quite new, I know for one Google has been ramping up its regional capability by some heavy recruiting across the world.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Stories: Overseas Experience,

    Ok -

    In London the street people all seem to have dogs.
    All food or drink seems to be organic some how.
    People drink alcohol a lot more.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Googlin' on Hobson Street,

    How will TNVZ ondemand work in with Youtube? I mean, I can see how basically TVNZ could pass the cost of the hosting/distribution onto Youtube, but wouldn't that be slightly funny given their recent launch of their own tech/brand? To me, that suggests either 1) On Demand is costing too much, or 2) On Demand isn't doing well and they hope to feed off Youtube's success, or 3) in TVNZ the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is negotiating

    This could be really neat. If we are really lucky TVNZ will sweep clear the NZ version of Youtube of all clips of programmes they support.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Dataz,

    I've had the same ipod (g4) since August 04 without any issues whatsoever. However I actually purchased one (g3) originally back in Jan 04 which fully crashed and I had to get it serviced by Magnum Mac (read replaced).

    Oh, has anyone bothered to check how much better the UK Itunes store is that NZ itunes? I assume it is better since its been around longer and services a bigger market, but is it worth bothering about?

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

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