Posts by Danyl Mclauchlan

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  • Hard News: Brown bigots etc.,

    I'd also add that my brief flirtation with Open Office ended when trying to write up some research and I found it couldn't calculate the equation of a line. Excel could, of course, and that seems like something that would be a basic requirement for a spreadsheet in a school.

    Maybe they've fixed that now, and maybe that's the ONLY thing OpenOffice couldn't do that Excel could, but it gave me a pretty bad impression.

    Excel. Yes there is a massive conversion nightmare there. Especially custom made applications in VBA. Microsoft have cunningly locked a lot of corporations in there. But we are talking about schools.

    How do you think your kids report cards get wriiten nowadays?

    Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd()) + 1))
    If value = 1 then grade="A" & comment="Works well with others"
    If value = 2 then grade="B" & comment="Needs to apply themselves more"
    If value = 3 then grade="C" & comment="Is keen on sports"

    ect ect

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Brown bigots etc.,

    In my experience open source software tends to be really great for people with degrees in computer science who don't mind rewriting the odd perl file or recompiling their OS kernal every now and then and a total freaking nightmare for the other 99.999999% of the population. Having worked in a government IT department and seen what a massive struggle it was just getting people to use Lotus Notes (shudder) instead of Outlook for their email client, the idea of rolling out utterly alien non-MS environments like Ubuntu or Fedora or whatever is simply unthinkable.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • OnPoint: KiwiSaver's dirty secrets - revealed!,

    I'll make a prediction: National will go into the next election promising NOT to scrap "kiwisaver" (but odds-on to "fix" or "improve" it.)

    Smart money has got to be on National fixing the employer contribution at 1% or 2% - whatever it happens to be when they get into power.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Spoonfuls of sugar,

    SST has a feature. Apparently 80% of new doctors are foreign trained.

    How strange - it's been my understanding that all our new migrants are unskilled, dole bludging asian terrorists.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Riddley and merc, some would see filling threads with an incessant stream of "witty" comments as also closing down debate.

    I'm with Don on this one. Craig's constant shrill hysteria can be a little tedious but I found all the merc and Ridley spam much more annoying.

    Meanwhile, Ian's site continues to be the gift that keeps on giving.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Amusing to see that the Prime Minister is now openly fucking with Wisharts head.

    I guess she has to take her fun where she can get it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    But as I've said, I just didn't find Joyce Conwell's amazing account of her persecution by Weir and the other Dunedin police - running from Weir regularly stealing money from her handbag, to forcing her to confess to an attempted murder, to the whole Dunedin police framing her for separate convictions for murder and attempted murder - to be credible. And I'm not surprised that Tim Barnett and others didn't either. If the whole crazy thing turns out to be true, I will surely apologise.

    This part of the story is much more serious than the whole Broad/Idour/Chicken thing - unfortunately for Wishart's credibilty pretty much every convicted criminal who passes through the prison system has an elaborate story about a conspiracy in which their arresting officer framed them for a crime they didn't commit. What's unusual here is not that a convicted killer claims that they were set up but that a journalist chose to believe them and run a lead story based on their allegations.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Idour has now issued a press release confirming that he is the source for Wishart's story about the bestiality video. He has denied allegations that he supplied the film.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    I find it worrying that serious journalists knew that Wayne Idour was not only the source of the story but also the provider of the bestiality film and failed to disclose this in any of their initial reporting.

    Nobody knows that Idour was the provider of the bestiality film. It's been alleged by the government who are not exactly impartial observers in this affair. Idour's lawyer has denied the accusation. The mainstream media are worried about being sued, even if Wishart isn't.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    But Wishart says he's been working on this story for two years (it appears, indeed, to be the same story that Idour blathered about the the press last year).

    It's interesting to go back and look at Idours full quote:

    "I am just disgusted at what I have been uncovering. A lot of the information I have been uncovering about the Government is very dishonest and if the public knew - and they have a right to know - my view is ... there would be a byelection tomorrow."

    He said he had information about Cabinet ministers David Benson-Pope and David Parker and Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen.

    "A lot of this information is not yet public. I don't want to go into it.

    "It relates to the Prime Minister and some of the information relates to her husband."

    Brethren spy hits back at Labour
    New Zealand Herald
    23 September 2006

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

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