Posts by Angus Robertson

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  • Island Life: Choose life. Choose a job.…,

    the Nats believed they were right to turn their back on the traitorous and odious and loathsome Winston.

    Winston Peters is not a popular politician.

    His platform is against thieving, lazy, job-taking immigrants. And how he is the Kiwi battler, an innocent man against the world. $158,000, what $158,000? $100,000, what $100,000? Owen Glenn, NO, read the sign NO.

    Jim Bolger understood MMP. He threw away the long spoon and sat right down next to Winston to sup the whisky on cold winter nights.

    After the election he threw away the long spoon. Before the election Bolger made clear that he did not endorse any racebaiting, backpocketed politicians of questionable ethics. Any party making such an endorsement risks demotivating it's non-racist, non-backpocketed supporters.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Gone,

    NZ FIRST would be BB KING - hugely popular and influential in his day, but basically a cabaret act now that should just retire.

    NZ FIRST would be BRITNEY SPEARS - learning the moves early parlayed an ability to look good whilst lip-syncing pop into a high maintenance lifestyle. The last year has not been kind.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Vrooooom,

    And at least the V8 drivers are required to do more than just turn left.

    Nascar is boring, even the author of NZ's biggest Nascar fan blog has drifted way off topic...

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    7/ If you had to ban one race from entering New Zealand, which one would it be and why?

    Already done

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: The odds, and the simply odd,

    Worse, he might cause people to have sympathy for Winnie.

    Even a highly unlikely 2% swing in sympathy to NZ First would still be a dead vote. It is worth the risk.

    National will do well keeping Winston's extracirricular activities in the forefront of the public mind. If Helen Clark's "This one's about trust" is juxatuposed with Helen Clark's continual trust of Winston "race-baiter, back-pockets" Peters it works well for National.

    Hooten denouncing Winston on Eye to Eye is a good enough effort.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Island Life: We are all Chinese now,

    A long period of export led growth by catering to Western consumers is stopping now as all us Westerners have maxxed out our credit. How will it impact on the popularity of the Communist Party when the growth falters?

    Interesting times in China?

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dial O for Obama,


    I agree the GOP is dead in water, because Bush was in charge for this financial meltdown. However if McCain can distance himself from Bush (as he is trying to do) and can smear on Obama he has his best chance (a longshot).

    ...but when you are about to lose your house it suddenly doesn't matter as much if the other guy is black.

    In these times the smear that has the most legs is not that Obama is black, it is that Obama is wholly supportive of giving $700billion dollars to rich pricks. The New Yorker is a magazine dedicated to the sophisticated tastes of some of the richest pricks in the country and its endorsement of Obama reinforces this smear. And whilst the association itself is damaging, the indentity group response it shall probably cause amoung certain Obama supporters is going to increase that damage.

    Say for instance you thought that the $700billion was rewarding incompetence, totally unnecessary and wrong you would question Obama's competence on the economy. If this resulted in feedback that it is merely a necessary evil that Obama does reluctantly you would consider him a reasonable choice. However if this question led to you being catergorised as a mouth breathing, illiterate, joe-six-pack, white trash, bible bashing hick who is almost certainly racist by people who broadly support Obama your views of Obama will become increasingly negative.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dial O for Obama,


    Do you think McCain is going to get any time soon that this feral populist shtick just isn't working?

    Nope. What else can he do? Campaigning on the basis of maintaining Republican stewardship of the economy/foriegn policy is right out. As is harping on about his long history of Congressional governance to the economy.

    All he has got is framing Obama as a cad. And having the elitist New Yorker mag come out and say to its bunch of rich pricks readership that it fully supports Obama is not going to hurt. Amoung the poorer voters McCain needs to swing it'll probably help.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dial O for Obama,

    e.g big billboard brother says we are extremely overtaxed, we are business unfriendly, we have out of control crime, we have unprecedented floods of migration of our best people.

    You are refering to the blue billboards.

    If you'd please direct your attention to the red billboards you will find that New Zealand is a crime free, happy paradise with a fresh pine scent of business freindliness and no unemployment.

    Or the green billboards of pretty children who obviously benefit from never being smacked play unsupervised next to deep pools of water that any second now will rise up and drown them.

    Or the yellow billboards of dangerous sociopaths roaming the streets who must be locked up (Act pictures Rodney Hide with this message in a display of what some would call admirable insight).

    the data doesn't back these claims up, it's absurd when we can't even see eye to eye on data and stats. We owe so much to the study of data, why fuck with it at election time?

    Lies, damn lies and statistics - choose your lies and choose your stats.

    The only time there has ever been an honest election campaign was with the black billboards of 2005 when a certain gentleman can be seen craning his neck to see how much money can be found in his back pocket.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dial O for Obama,

    That's one hell of an endorsement. Shame the kind of people Palin is stoking up at her rallies don't read the New Yorker. Or possibly, just don't read.

    More like one hellish endorsement. Getting support from this upperclass NY/SF magazine when $700,000,000,000.00 has been gifted to inept bankers in NY and SF is not a good thing. It places Obama in the same elitist flavoured realm as John Kerry at a time when the urban financial crowd look particularly vile to middle America.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

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