Posts by Angus Robertson

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  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Well, unless Kim Gandy has multiple personality disorder I don't think one column by one woman constitutes a "bunch"; nor are 'feminists' some Borg Collective-ette who think the same way about everything.

    I do indeed suggest that the National Organisation of Women (USA) constitutes a bunch of feminist leaders and unless they have relinquished editorial control of their website they are implicitly endorsing Kim Gandy's opinion. And no they are not a Borg collective, because endorsing old white men over young working mothers is not a typical feminist standpoint - that is what makes it funny.

    Want to source that, Angus? Because anyone who really wants to argue that Snowe's positions on gays, abortion, the prosecution of the War on Terror and the Iraq War would have been acceptable to the base is either ignorant, or making shit up.

    The base is not stupid. The base knows it is not large enough to win on its own and needs to broarden its appeal. If Huckabee (middle aged, social conservative, Baptist minister) were the nominee they would be en-raptured with him and be in dreadful need of a social moderate/liberal VP so the Huckabee ticket is not seen as clone of unpopular Bush. Snowe would be considered because she is as liberal a Republican as exists and she is a woman and even Daily Kos would be hard pressed to publically call her Olympia "Dick Cheney" Snowe.

    Of course she would highly piss off the nutjobs in the base, but nutjobs that far gone are few and far between. I mean who is going to go off on a candidate who is almost their ideal because of their running mate being flawed?

    Angus: Please go read the Constitution of the United States, and try and be a little more informed on what the Vice President actually does than Palin was.

    How many ties in Congress have there been recently? The job is much, much, much less important than the Presidency.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Well, I certainly think someone like moderate Maine Senator Olympia Snowe (who anywhere else in the world would be considered firmly on the center-right) would have been totally unacceptable to the theo-con base as a veep nominee.

    If by some chance Huckabee had been selected to run for president Snowe would have been amoung the VP favorites and your going off the deep end against the GOP would have been justified. But instead they pick McCain who hits most all the boxes you proclaim to support (by GOP standards socially moderate/fiscally conservative) and the world is not going to end if Palin (social conservative/fiscal conservative) lands the most prestigious non-job in America.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Nothing like a bunch of old white men decreeing the bounds of "feminism", is there?

    There are few things, maybe a bunch of feminist leaders praising the virtues of old white men over young working mothers.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Could a fiscally conservative, socially less conservative agnostic get the nod nowadays? I doubt it.

    You doubt someone like John McCain has a chance of securing the GOP nomination? Interesting.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Island Life: Off the top of my head.,

    If Labour are wondering how to compound their restoration in the polls, they could do worse than consider putting some real spine and spirit and imagery in their language.

    As long as they do not make a habit of lunching at Iguana's that is.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    ...I don't think I'd be using it as a reference, put it that way.

    Well no, but it provides quick summations of counter-spin.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Um, Angus, what "rumour" was involved in my pointing out Palin attends a church whose pastor is prone to (in my view) apocalyptically over-wrought preaching every bit as obnoxious as Jeremiah Wright's. Where the text and audio links to the sermon I cited forged? Or is this just another case where the GOP can't handle the truth?

    Nothing wrong at all Craig, indeed you are citing factual material. Palin's preacher has at times past preached sermons based upon passages from the Bible concerning the apocalypse in the Book of Revelations, source material that I personally think to be over-wrought nonsense. However what the GOP knows is that 100 million plus Americans place more trust in the Bible than me. The real truth is the GOP will positively welcome a rumour that implies an elite, Harvard-type, inside-the-beltway crowd find the Bible (Book of Revelations) sneer worthy and comparable to the preaching of Jeremiah Wright.

    Putting Jeremiah Wright back on the table is double plus goodness (for the GOP). Palins preacher has a sermonised on the basis of the Bible covering the sins listed therein and what happens on the apocalypse. Wright has done much the same thing, but added in a new sin of being differently coloured.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    The ultimate Palin rumour aggregation site is up and running. 69 and counting.

    (Craig Ranapia: please do not visit above link as rumours are couched in dismissive terms that might cause tenseness, plus you seem to have at least as good a source elsewhere.)

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    Good news, the ultimate in Palin rumour aggregation sites has been assembled - 68 and counting. Believe it or don't.

    For example No. 21:

    Meanwhile (and sorry for baiting Sage, folks) but how is the Palin Squee Squad going to explain away her own l "America-hating" pastor?

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    The rugby season is too long, we need to cut out the boring bits. The round robin phase of the Air NZ Cup is boring, inconsequential rubbish - get rid of it.

    Propose making the competition a straight knock-out like the FA cup. Our 26 unions makes for a 5 round competition, play each tie home & away and we have a short 10 week season. Top 6 teams from each year get a pass into the second round of the next year.

    Every game would matter, all the provinces would have a chance and rugby would be the winner on the day.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

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