Posts by Just thinking

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  • Field Theory: Who won the weekend?,

    All Whites play for the right to entre the World Cup.

    Silly questions around '82 and the surge in Footballs popularity have been predictably floated about the place.
    But this time it's not on the heels of the '81 Tour and all of the ugliness that entailed. By comparison the failure of the RWC to organise for 2011 is one of enthusiastic amateurs, and therefore has a forgiveably quality.

    We now need to find a bar with good TV coverage and where we're not known - incase the emotion of the evening is too much to bear.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Caleb, you are quite right.

    He has it on record that he conflated issues of Afghistan as a failed state and 9/11 as being a threat to the civilised world. No Afghanis were hijackers most were Saudis.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Caleb could you link to Andertons pro-war speech?

    Everytime I've heard him he goes on about a CD force.

    After 9/11 (12September here) the Chalice in the Square had just been opened. Its has an asymmetrical position in the square, but this relects the little whirl wind it depicts. It also looks like a bouquet and so people felt compleled to leave flowers there as an expression of grief.
    It has organically become a place of secular remeberance, which is a really cool development.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    I quite like the NZ born settlers identification as Natives.

    A little short of 1000yrs and still my family aren't considered Irish by some.

    Here's a celebration of Xenophobia from WWI

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Discussion: Uncivil Rights,

    dubmugga - I take it this is an individual and their personal possesion of a car? As such they're not targeted for Ethical Action (Passive Resisance).
    It needs to be "The Man", and property as oppossed to possesions that are targeted.
    Your aims can be achieved by a photograph with a time/date function of the tracks & license plate passed onto the governing body/media.

    Kyle - cheers.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Discussion: Uncivil Rights,

    It can be with a few conditions.
    Safety first - make sure they're aware of your action and that no-one is in danger as a result of it.
    In order to be an ethical action, there must be an ethical reason.
    You must be there to take responsibility for your action.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Discussion: Uncivil Rights,

    Please critique.

    A guide to ethical activism:
    in the age of terror.

    The need to present a guide to ethical activism is to bridge the understandings of actions and intent between activism and wider public perceptions. These truths are extensively known and used in activist communities in New Zealand and the world today, but could constitute Terrorism under the New Zealands Terrorism Suppression Act.

    What is ethical activism?

    It is action taken to raise awareness or protest an issue in an ethical way, such as a rally or protest march.

    This is also an attempt at redefining Passive Resistance as it is an unhelpful term in our new age.

    Is it ethical if the act is illegal?

    Yes, as long as it is done with dignity and respect.

    A sit-in stopping the transport of a product, such as products made by slave labour or materials New Zealand has signed international agreements not to use.

    The action may be illegal by stopping the transport but it is ethical.

    What is meant by dignity and respect?

    There is no need for abuse or denigration of the other.

    At no stage is it ethical to assault another human being, verbally or physically.

    If arrested for being involved in an ethical action, it doesn't assist the cause to abuse the Police. The arrest will happen and follow the normal procedure.

    So too, if a person was to get a parking ticket for staying 10minutes over the stated time because of an extraordinary reason (i.e. performing CPR) , it is not dignified or respectful to take it out on the Parking Warden. Take it up with the office in a respectful manner. When that fails (as it surely will), make your case in court, but be prepared to pay the ticket. (A bad example as we know all activists are cyclists, but I couldn't think of a cycle helmet example :).

    Can vandalism be an ethical act?

    Yes, it can be.

    Most recently the ANZAC Ploughshares entry into the Waihopai Spy Base culminated in popping one of the two balloons over the satellite dish, using sickles.

    The ethical action of the ANZAC Ploughshares, trespass onto a 'secured' base, popping the balloon, and use of sickles, are all consistent with ethical activism.

    The vandalism they performed was symbolic and did not hinder the operation of the spy base. It was an ethical act of protest. Their clearly stated position was that it was for New Zealand to decide if this base should operate. The use of sickles is intrinsic to the symbolism of the ANZAC Ploughshares. They take their name from the biblical passage Isaiah 2:4 “They will hammer their swords into ploughshares and their spears into sickles.” At no stage was the sickle used as a weapon. To this point, even the choice of timber used for placards should be of low grade, so as to limit the likely hood of inflated criminal charges.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Celebrity Gibberish,

    Timaru is a great place to stop (on your way to Dunnes).
    They have a real neat street front looking over Caroline Bay.
    A wee problem with the Hydro & Grand Hotels are sitting on great sites and are likely to be bowled.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Celebrity Gibberish,

    I suspect the ex-cop Nathan Connolly (31) is this guy.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    If we're talking Paris then it's the St. Bartholomew's Day Catholic massacre of the invited Huguenot wedding guests that I suggest is significantly different to the way Maori/Pakeha relations have been at any stage in our History.'s_Day_massacre

    Or just watch Queen Margot - great fight scenes.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

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