Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ...,

    Wayne Mapp on Pundit...

    But over the last week any substantive policy issues were virtually drowned out. How many people know about the Greens' child and welfare policies, or National's cycling announcement? And without actually looking it up, I could not think of what Labour has promised in the past week. On checking, it was free doctors’ visits for those over 65.

    I can get over the obvious smear "could not think of what Labour has promised" and I suppose the mere fact that National has promised to spend $100 million on the cycle-way over the next 4 years or $50 million over 3 years depending on what JK thinks on that day, will please some but major policy it is not.
    With respect to those that like to cycle, personally I don't but that is just me not wanting to be hit by some self righteous right winger in a car that thinks I don;t deserve to be there because I might not be a Road Fund Licence payer or, even more ridiculous, a rate payer but I digress... I wonder if, in the back of his tiny mind, JK imagines us all on bikes in the style of early 20th century China and him as the Chaimam, Chairmonkey has a nice ring to it eh?. but I continue to digress.
    The argument that Hager's book has distracted the voting public from Policy is disingenuous at best and more likely to be yet another attempt to tell us that... "There is nothing to see here, now move along you plebs and get a job, I am sure a toilet needs cleaning somewhere, after all, at the end of the day that is what is important and I think everyone can see that this is all just a left wing smear orchestrated by a conspiracy theorist to make lots of money out of a book that has no truth in it whatsoever and I have never heard of whales, or Wales for that matter, unless you are a Prince of it and you have a baby to kiss unless its feral in which case I can't tell you about that but what I can tell you is that David Cunliffe has a scarf and that says a lot cos its red and that proves he is in with the Greens. Its all .com's fault........"
    As they do, but I digressed...

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ...,

    Tucker’s toast on this.

    Reminds me, lunchtime…
    A fellow going by the moniker Esquire posed this question int’ ’erald…

    "The average elector is asking two questions –
    1. Will this pay by electricity bill and buy my groceries?
    2. Do I want a change of government?
    The answer to both is NO, and so this investigation will have no effect on anything."

    To which I had to reply…

    Actually you are wrong, again.
    The fact that Electricity prices have soared is directly to do with National. First, by introducing competition, drastically increasing the overheads of sales and generation by compounding administration costs. Second by privatising suppliers, meaning that their main goal is to increase profit for their shareholders. As for groceries, increasing GST to 15% without exempting basic foods was a kick in the ’nads for all those on minimum wage.
    So, change of Govt.? I think most will want this , especially now the Emperor has been not only seen to be naked but also lacking in manhood.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Alfie,

    young Nats in Waikato are burning 220 copies of the Hager book.

    That is wonderful, another way to give Hager the credit and financial reward he deserves. Perhaps they could order another 10,000 print run to keep the elderly warm over winter and another 10,000 for them to read over a nice cup of cocoa, bless ’em.
    At $30 a pop that is $660 that these caring and sharing young gnats could have given to the poor but why would you? they would only spend it on booze and fags eh, so in a way the gnats would get it all back.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ..., in reply to Michael Meyers,

    but talk of a “discussion” can’t easily be spun any way other than a discussion with the actual prime minister.

    Well, to split hairs and I think the Prime M is splitting his split ends on this one, you can, conceivably, have an email discussion but that would entail a response to which a further response was made. However, this can be overruled by not recalling that chain of events by either party, we'll just have to wait for those emails I guess, otherwise it is an admission that a face to face or telephone discussion took place.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ..., in reply to ,

    I did special votes more than once,

    Same election?
    Good on ya Mate. Vote early and vote often.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ..., in reply to Russell Brown,

    the Security Intelligence Service, an extremely sensitive agency for which he is directly responsible.

    I would have thought and no doubt someone will correct me if I am mistaken, but surely "The Office of the Prime Minister" and the Minister in charge of the SIS are separate entities, albeit the same person in reality, for the purposes of political separation and required by law.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    I suspect the Slater family and their BFF Collins will support their puppet JK for only as long as it suits them. Maybe 'till the end of the day.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    "At the end of the day"
    May I remind the subprime minister that... at the end of the day it is dark and cold and you are alone and naked and you find yourself back at school and everybody is laughing at you... then you wake up and and wonder what you did yesterday.
    Its ok, you can't recall. Eh?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Andre Alessi,

    It’s his job to do the distasteful things so that the rest of the guys on his “side” (a side that, admittedly, fluctuates a little) can do what they need to do to win.

    We used to call them "Hired Goons"

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confidential information: the…,

    Regardless of the legal rights or wrongs of this there is the fact that these are the people who make those laws and change them when they find them inconvenient.
    When they change a law that affects our privacy, ie GCSB and their cohorts having access to our "metadata" a cute term if ever I heard one, they tell us that we have nothing to fear if we have done nothing wrong.
    So, right to privacy? I think that if you are supposed to be representing the people then you have made yourself public, at lest your correspondence in relation to your position should be a matter of public record . You should have nothing to hide and if you do then it is the job of the likes of Hager to expose your duplicity.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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