Posts by uroskin

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  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    Group sex with 6 Irish men? That's my idea of A Party!

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Naked and the Dude,

    Will the real Victorians in Victoria adopt the NSW nudity/art laws too?

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Naked and the Dude,

    Sounds like the exhibition and its curators are way behind the times on the very contemporary fashion (brought back obviously from the Renaissance) of males clamouring to ogle at other males. Metrosexuality has only kicked off that trend, now resulting in "nude calendars" of sportsmen outselling all else.
    Surely they could have found some strappingly naked Canterbury lads posing for local artists so they had some more up to date work to choose from?

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    The one thing that struck me about Gareth Thomas's story were his visits to London gay clubs when on tour. The fact that no-one on the scene sold their kiss-and-tell story to the tabloid newspapers is a credit to the gay community. I'm not sure whether that is because there is no interest in outing gay rugby players (unlike when they actually come out themselves), or that no gay man who picked him up actually recognised him or knew who he was. I suspect it would be a very different story had he been a premier league football player, judging by the even bigger closet and homophobia in soccer (despite its nancy-kissy-touchy-feely antics on the field).

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Field Theory: One in a billion,

    Mr Thomas, welcome home.

    Considering the blood and guts image of rugby I'd posit that only gay men with an interest in SM would be attracted to the playing the game, which would somewhat limit the appeal to gay people in general.

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting out of the archives,

    I'll keep the conversation to the weather and the state of the roads.

    Wot? A Tory dinner party without mentioning house prices? A worse crime than using the wrong fork.

    Regards TVNZ charter, there was a mention on Morning Report that TV One's Maori programmes (in marginal slots) have a greater reach than the entire Maori Television service. Given MTS is only using 1/3 of a day to actually broadcast (what a waste of satellite transponder space!) it would make economic sense to handover the MTS funding to TVNZ and thus fulfill the Treaty obligations regarding broadcasting far more efficiently.

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    C Ranapia: and they're still facing a massive obstacle to win a workable majority thanks to an FPP system massively advantaging Labour.

    Misunderestimation quote of the thread award. Maggie is turning in her grave for dissing her FPP majorities.

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Lounge Toy Update,

    As long as Tivo can't be hooked up to Freeview satellite service it won't be able to receive Stratos either.

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Field Theory: How you wear it,

    Last time I joined in the Movember thing, it made me look like Lenin

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting Across,

    What would a new bridge be actually for? (i.e.what the current bridge can't provide already) A faster way to Omaha Beach? Even more North Shore boy racers in Queen Street? A more convenient route for Northland dope to reach its market?
    A good part of that new harbour real estate could be financed by putting a congestion charge on the current bridge years in advance of construction of the new link.
    How is the Victoria Tunnel going to be linked up with both bridges? Will the double penetration of the Vic tunnel even excite Steve Crowe?
    There is no need to have a really high bridge, deliveries to and from the sugar factory can go by road (or rail) to the port - much cheaper than a high span!

    If we want Auckand to be more like Copenhagen (shared streets and all) we should look at its elegantly combined Øresund Bridge/tunnel to Malmö.

    The newly planned cross-river bridge in Antwerpen (Belgium) has been voted down in a citywide referendum, in favour of a tunnel project in some form.

    Waiheke Island • Since Feb 2007 • 178 posts Report

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