Posts by Just thinking

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  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Kyle is hanging out in Paeroa at the moment.

    There was a skin-head riot/party with multipul arrests a
    month or so back, just the southside of Tower Junction Riccarton/Addington area.

    They're small in number and pretty much live in hiding untill they get 10 or more together.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Danielle - the signs are there.
    Small hills close to you are at the South & big hills in the distance (with snow) to your north west.

    Sunny Day and the strong cold breeze comes from the east.
    Sunny Day & hot dry wind comes from the north west
    Grey day bitterly cold wind cuts through you from the south.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Live music I would applauded such a move, but the purpose of the canned classics is to move people on & it works.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    Anyone else want the picture of Rodney Hide and his Girlfriend in their head? - Me either.

    The Herald having ago at Hide for travelling with his girlfriend is too much infomantion. The obvious age difference might be seen that he is using this as an inducement for her to be with him, therefore that she has low morals as well as questionable taste.

    This has surely crossed the line of transparency into voyeurism.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Appologies - the pier is very flat and useable (for anypurpose). Any other pedestrian area has cobble stones. The thought is about sustainability (replace one stone at a time), Permiable surface for water to seep through & for it to look nice and exclude skate boards & therefore zimmerframes too.
    Much like the Classical Musak being pumped out to make sure no-one goes into the inner city businesses, or that's its effect.

    I'm guilty of living (sometimes far too) close to Uni.

    Resource Consents Submissions for the Arts Centre closes 2 November see

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    The Pier has a few unforseen issues.
    The fisher men and bait everywhere and their urinating off it.

    There has been a focus on cobble stones to beautify pedestrian areas. Pretty but these uneven surfaces exclude those who are unsteady on their feet, alzheimers, elderly, etc & so our new expensive public spaces are excluding those who would benefit from them the most as a social area.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Jogging Solo

    It is really good, about half of the Canty Uni History Lecturers contributed.

    Christchurch History is very contested and slowly being rewritten.

    Puari Pa that covered the Arts Centre to Town hall area of Christchurch, is being questioned as to its validity. That bones were being uncovered during the Art Gallery development doesn't phase these critics.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Water pollution probbably is the most serious under Bowrons tannery & around Woolston.

    Our use of artesian water is not sustainable at our current level of consumption, regardless of dirty dairying.

    We need to harvest our own rainfall for domestic use and onsite composting. I'm no-where near that.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    JoggingSolo, how long have you been gone?

    I see your Tosh and raise you 'We are putting down an ancient Maori house in one of our best suburbs. It will be quite out of keeping.'p238 Southern Capital Christchurch.

    Our Council has two lefty types on it. Yani & Chrissie & a couple who will lean left if the wind blows hard enough.

    Cr Harrow (Ecan) spouted off about maaris earlier this month. Harrows were orchardists and Jam makers who then became the property developers of Avonhead.

    Community Board member Andrew Yoon (of Avonhead) is quickly proving multicultured societies are not devoid of racisim.

    Mandeville St was Chinamens Lane. Because two Chinese brothers had stables along it. Now at the North end of what was Chinamens Lane & Riccarton Rd is the Chinese Buddist Centre. - I like that.

    All Aliens (non-British) were treated poorly and the Chinese worst of all.

    Poplar St is a success, because the developer worked to Urban Renewal priciples of People First. Apartments put in first and a few long term 'retail' businesses (Brothels are very compatable businesses to live near) of which more have moved in along with clothing boutiques, cafes, and finally bars.
    Contrast David Henderson a ZAP member and council beneficiary - This is where the Goat Riders have got outa control. His uniunsulated apartment next to Sol Square is called Living Space - which translates directly into Nazi ideology.

    The Botanic Gardens only exist because of people protesting and keeping the University out of it, thus creating the Arts Centre, which we must again degfend against the privatisation of public space - Christs College built on a Hagley Park 2 years after it was named a reserve.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    I concur. I think it was about 1984 or some time after 1981 the NF made their inroads into the Christchurch Skinz.

    But still in the 90s I saw Maori Skinz in Christchurch. The thing is they were lost kids in or around their teens.

    Punks used the swastika alot (ironic or not) but quite the divide existed between them and Skinz. I know a few Executives who were the middle class copy - the Boot Boy.

    When you've in your 20s/30s/40s and still playing that game it's a bit scary.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

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