Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Hard News: What Now?, in reply to Emma Hart,

    That photoset of Brian Neller.

    It is all reminiscent of a Hollywood set. But when the front fell down, there was something substantial behind it. A facade but more here. An awful lot of it was there just for looks.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: What Now?,


    I think the art gallery offers an example in more than one way. There was conservative outrage when that was built, but I don't think anyone sees it as anything other than an asset now.

    A steel cube box in Chch would be an asset at the moment. The arts centre stands because of the engineering. The design may not have met with approval. So care needs to be taken here. Napier picked up the previous decades architecture style. Anyone got any ideas on what might constitute the previous couple of decades 'style"? Of course in this day and age - no longer quite so tied to Europe - we might like to consider our own.........I wonder what that might loo like.......I look forward in anticipation.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Good Chch Emergency Reponse news. Had a reason to utilise the Chch ambulance system last night. New Brighton Auntie was on phone to my Mum and suddenly said she had to put her head between her legs as she didn't feel too good. A small groan and the phone went dead. Mum called me and I then called 111 and let them know what had happened. Frantic finding of cuzzy's contacts and found one of her daughters who shot round. I was told to not try ringing as they would. They tried phoning her and eventually she answered(!!) Seems she fainted and some time later came round. Answered the phone, crawled to the front door and unlocked it and made it to her bed. Daughter and Paramedics turned up and gave her a good check up. Seems it was just one of those "turns".

    But the system works even from Upper Hutt!!!! But Oh the Privacy Act!! I was not able to find out about her if I tried ringing them back. The only information I would be told was if she had been transferred and where she had gone. From Upper Hutt, extremely frustrating and useless information. But I can see why it is like this.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Re the CTV building being on rubber isolators. I have had it confirmed today that it was not base isolated. In fact it appears the only building in Chch that has the base isolators is the new wing on the Womens Hospital.

    I would be interested if anyone knows where that information Ann Malcom (sorry, not Malcolmson) got it from.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Fringe Fest in Wellington. Nothing like a parental plug. Daughter has a show on this week at Fringe Bar.

    Profits are going to Earthquake. See the link to Fringe Friends of Canerbury.

    I think the Ma and Pa will be there Wednesday night.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    It seems to come in waves. The shock of the event is fading. It is similar to the wait for the funeral where one can survive OK. I think when the funerals start then I suspect we will be in sympathy mode again. Totally. What gets me going are the harrowing tales. Both survivor and non. The sheer randomness is the stunning part. Millimetres meant dying or living. I hate to call it luck or providence. Its pure unadulterated the four dimensions space/time. The ecstacy of survival juxtaposed with the sheer terror of death and outpouring of compassion is hard to take.

    I think just let it go as it is. It is a reflection of the calender of the events.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Ha, I thought you didn't do poetry?

    McGonagall is not the flowery type where it takes dictionary, 13 thesauraus and dope to figure what the it is all about.

    WM is much much better when heard with a brutal Scottish accent. Yes, his rhyming has to be heard to not be believed. Sometimes when he gets into explaining things in detail he just adds more words. Almost prose until he gets it all out. He adored Queen Vic.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Have just listened to Robyn Malcolmson's Mum on TV talking about her rescue. She mentioned she had been counselling people about the Sept Earthquake and would ask them if they were happy being on the 5th floor. She would then mention that the building (CTV) was safe and on lead rubber bearings.......

    I will talk to my engineering friends tomorrow to check if this was right or not.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Stephen, I can't help it ......

    THe Demon Drink

    Verse 1

    Oh, thou demon Drink (sic the "D"), thou fell destroyer
    Thou curse of society, and its greatest annoyer,
    What hast thou done to society,let me think ?
    I answer thou hast caused the most of ills, thou demon Drink.

    Verse 2. (Paula has been reading this)

    Thou causeth the mother to neglect her child,
    Also the father to act as he were wild,
    So that he neglects his loving wife and family ddear,
    By spending his earnings foolishly on whisky, rum, and beer.

    Verse 3. Could be an Ad here. It's not OK

    And after spending his earnings foolishly he beats his wife -
    The man that promised to protect her during life -
    And so the man would if there was no drink in society,
    For seldom a man beats his wife in a state of sobriety.

    Verse 9. Just to make sure you know he nae like the filthy Irish

    The man that gets drunk is little else than a fool,
    And is in the habit, no doubt,of advocating for Home Rule,
    But the best Home Rule for him, as far as I can understand,
    Is the abolition of strong drink from the land.


    William McGonagall is a "poet" close to my heart. Discovered via Spike. But people forget he was a great chronicle of his time. The Tay Bridge Disaster gives a pretty complete Engineering Report of the bridge failure.

    But he is so so bad. He has become more famous because of it.

    Poor Islander......

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Nothing like a bob each way. Promote the Revelation but don't really believe it. .....just in case like.

    My Mum always told me that it was waste of time thinking about getting to heaven. By the time I was heading that way (of course I would be!!!) the 144,000 seats would be sold already. So what was the point of trying.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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