Posts by recordari

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  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to BenWilson,

    You’ve felt it too, young Padawan? Like a thousand posts were written, and then suddenly trashed without publication?

    Hmm, yesss. What to say? Feels like there’s something (or someone) missing.

    Are you prepared to accept that the MPs in the party you like are morons, but it’s still the better party? Or that the party’s current policies are stupid, but the party still represents an ideology you support.

    Need to think about this. Guess ‘all of the above’ is not possible?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    Anyway, back to Election 2011, what the hell is going on? Is this some kind of party trick or something? The ‘your candidate is so ineffectual that I can make a complete ass of myself and still win a healthy majority’ attitude is wearing really thin. We’ll see.

    I was very grateful when someone provided a ‘you can’t unsee this’ warning for the video of Don Key doing his little ‘I’m too sexy for my shirt’ thing, but then they showed it on TV3 before I could look away, and it really won’t go away.

    I’ve made no secret of my political leanings here, and also how this has been sorely tested by the likes of Bennett, Collins and co. I’m wondering on what basis I should vote now. Fashion sense? Bennet’s newly appointed opposition spokesperson would win, hands down. Just sayin’.

    The Labour cabinet reshuffle is interesting in every sense other than the bit about the leader still not having a realistic chance of winning an election, IMhO. I’m starting to wonder if the behind the scenes strategy is that of the sacrificial lamb for this election, for an untainted MP, say some guy from Mt Albert, to follow his predecessor both into the electorate and then the PM position.

    Pure speculation. Can I have a pass on the heavy internal fiskiness that has been going on here lately? No? Oh well. Live by the word, die by the drop.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to BenWilson,

    Curiously, I was quite apt to the task – philosophy finally paid off as a subject, since most of what managers do is abstract, high level, and involves a lot of talking, explaining stuff up and down the chain.

    This. I’m pleased that you said it though. Philosophy has been one of the best tools in my armory while managing.

    There is no pleasing me when it comes to this shit, Jack. ;)

    That’s Ok. As long as you don’t hold it against me ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Danielle,

    because most businesses are fundamentally hierarchical and motivated by profit. That’s why unions exist in the first place.

    I have a distinct feeling I could easily back myself into a corner here. Lets just say in my experience this is not always the case. And I’ve never laid anyone off for being a commie.

    ETA: Rob, I have no disagreement with the 'tea-room' school of management. And I don't have an MBA. Phew!

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Orderly transition" in #Egypt, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I can get behind this article.

    Seems pretty reasoned to me. Quite a learning experience this watching revolution unfold. Seems it has a long way to run yet though.

    ETA: Reminds me of my Pol Sci lectures in 1988 where Barry Gustafson said about the joining of East and West Germany, and an end to the Cold War; 'not in my lifetime'.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only what we would expect a…, in reply to Sam F,

    What about it?


    stand-alone, one-party governance.

    Mubarak will be looking for work.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Danielle,

    Isn’t management just admin with some special value-added power to make your underlings miserable?

    Really? You think that? The 'management are all evil' theme does my head in. You really must have had bad experiences.

    Engineers should engineer and managers should manage. The real problem comes when 'professionals' suddenly become 'management material' and act outside their area of expertise, along with discovering that all consuming thing called 'power'.

    Management, IMhO, are enablers. Providing the context and resources for people with professional skills to maximise their potential, while growing a sustainable business.

    And other Utopian ideals.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only what we would expect a…, in reply to Matthew Poole,


    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only what we would expect a…, in reply to Rich Lock,

    I meant at the time I looked several months ago. I did find it when I followed the link on your posting. I’m having difficulty reconciling your low impression of my mental acuity. Ok, so I can be a bit thick at times, but heh!

    ETA: That was meant to be self-depricating humour. FWIW.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only what we would expect a…, in reply to Rich Lock,

    Who knew?

    Hmm, well yes, I looked, but didn't find it. Must have been a cursor look. :|

    ETA: (Did this without pushing edit. Is that even allowed?)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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