Posts by LegBreak
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Shouldn't Tama Eaton be getting a new bike instead of car?
Best news story of the awards for me was
Just a shame they didn’t get one more vote.
- a finalist in the best blog site???
That seems very MSM leaning.
Well done PA.
Is there a list of all finalists in the various categories somewhere?
(He asks stupidly)
As a few have said, all politicians pretend to do things they don’t like or are any good at.
For example, I swear I’ve seen a picture of GW Bush pretending to read somewhere.
I can’t understand why she’s called Hillary either, and I agree there’s an element of sexism in that too.
I used to think it was to avoid confusion with a certain ex-president but Bush gets called Bush.
I find Hilary more cynical than vacuous.
I agree she’s scraping every barrel she can find, but even after all this time I’ve got no idea what Obama actually stands for.
It’s the thought of 4 years of Obama’s eloquent yet depressingly vacuous speeches that puts me off.
BTW, if Hilary’s a witch what does that make Bill? -
Scaling up is one thing, to do it in such a regimented way gets me.
It's a bit Orwellian for my liking. Who are we at war against this month again?
One difference between soccerball and rugby now is that, although there are all these different cups, it is the same club sides that play in them. Here the only example of the same side playing in different competitions is the NPC and Ranfurly Shield.
So now, I'm expected to get in behind the Canes for 3 months (even though it involves Palmerston Nth) then the All Blacks for a bit, then Wellington for a few months, until they take out all the best players for the business end, and then they exepct me to get in behind the All Blacks again.
Then it's Xmas, and then I'm expected to do it all again.