Posts by Alan Perrott

  • Hard News: All or Nothing: Accidentally Great,

    cool, will watch as soon as.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Shopping News, in reply to Russell Brown,

    weren’t it just – I spent well over the odds I was expecting and still had to walk away from real wants. Pleased I got out early.

    But jesus, some air conditioning in some of those stores would be good. Odour de goat gets a bit on the nose after an hour or two.

    went to Dr JCC as well, but for mine the PA was too bassy/ mid range and you couldn’t make out the bleeding words when he got his dander up. Still, his between poem stand up was amusing enough.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Shopping News, in reply to Ken Double,

    for sure, prices for new vinyl are now taking the piss. $70 is mad.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Shopping News,

    I’m less fussed by the nature of the RSD releases than I am about the impact they have on pressing plants. Labels like Numero deal with it all the time with the majors clogging up production by repressing oodles of bullshit no-one needs.

    And I it’s hard to enjoy the middle-aged elbows and knees you have to contend with for releases few people would raise an eyebrow over at other times. It’s like there’s blood in the water.
    Yeah I know, first world etc and so on, whatever.
    Still, a pint and a rummage at Groovy will be grand after the annual crush at Southbound – it’s the baking innit. And I’d like to finally see Wax Chattels.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Friday Music: In troubled…,

    hey Russell, found some disco bangers in the RG bargain bins – struck a seam of 80s/ 90s 12” that had me looking over my shoulder to check if anyone else was going to jump in to a box ahead of me.

    Anyways, I’ve always thought Boney M’d have some goodies and I got two on the same album. This is my fave but:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Roundup,

    wow, that Carnivorous etc and so on is my kind of stuff. like it very much.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Music! Is Everything …, in reply to Sacha,

    well I would but someone’s nicked the taps.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Waitangi: Just enjoy the day,

    As an aside, I was at Neil Oliver’s talk at the Town Hall a few weeks back, cracked ribs and all. It was a largely grey-haired assembly – me included unfortunately – and you could feel a certain bristling in the air when he raised the issue of Maori land confiscations.
    He paralleled them with the Highland confiscations – which occurred at much the same time – and the way in which those wounds remain raw, even for him, and how the memory is passed down the generations.
    From where I was sitting it felt like quite a lightbulb moment for many present. Which was good and kind of sad at same time. It still takes a whiteman context.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Bar None, and…,

    yeah man, we’re just a teensy tiny bit excited by what’s in store. Baker’s dotting a few final tees, but we hope to be able to confirm everything next week.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

  • Hard News: Music: 2017 – this is not a list,

    thanks for that matey, and yeah, it’s been a hell of a ride. also, we’ve made a few exciting (important) discoveries since it came out, so roll on Vol 2.

    also also, great non-list list.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 438 posts

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