Hard News by Russell Brown

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Hard News: Prospects

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  • Che Tibby,

    Act certainly does seem to have a vastly disproportionate number of ghastly little snots in its fold

    actually... that's exactly what they were.

    looked like the well-heeled types who can't figure out why daddy hasn't given them a quarry of minions yet.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Che Tibby,

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Robyn Gallagher,

    You know, this is the first election where I've actually met one of the candidates standing for my electorate. I met Grant Robertson (Wellington Central's Labour canddiate) a couple of months ago at a meetup for Wellington-based Twitter users. He was really friendly and engaging and recognised my name from here!

    I've seen Stephen Franks, the National candidate out and about, but I haven't spoken to him yet. He always seems too busy talking to, uh, other white males his age to talk to me!

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Russell Brown,

    Anyone taking notice would have realized that the NZ's largest challenge is to live within its means. Whether or not the Labour government can be faulted for not addressing this situation is arguable, but they've been happy to bask in the glow of the economic "boom" (as fake as it was).

    I think they did do something about it. They greatly improved the public accounts and they did a good deal to address our national savings problem. Cullen took a great deal of flak in the process.

    NBR's front-page editorial today declared Labour should go because it "condoned" the housing bubble, which is the greatest factor in our very high levels of household debt. What not condoning it might have involved isn't apparent.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Russell Brown,


    Quite. Who are these people?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • LegBreak,

    While understanding where the mass anti-ACT vitriol in coming from…

    I’ve had a little bit to do with Heather Roy through kids’ school, and have found her to not be like that at all.

    And competent; she runs a good school gala.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1162 posts Report

  • Sacha,

    not so much dull as quaint... it's been a bit like watching the local borough council strut their stuff.

    Nailed it again, Che. :)

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Jim Cathcart,

    Russell, improving public accounts is irrelevant when you have private debt is as bad as NZ's. Take a look at Japan. The public debt is 150% of GDP--an appalling state for a country in its stage of development. On the flip side, Japan remains a net creditor to the rest of the world? Why? Quite simply, households and the private sector live and operate within their means.

    Since Nov 2006 • 228 posts Report

  • Sacha,

    Heather Roy seemed really good at the only select committee hearing I've been to - but then she was standing in for Judith Collins, so my gratitude may have overwhelmed my sense of perspective.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Andrew E,


    Quite. Who are these people?

    They're people who get their ideas from the shite reporting of public affairs in this country in the newspapers and on the TV.

    Frankly, it's time to acknowledge the fact that if New Zealanders want a higher quality of media coverage of public policy issues, then many of the journalists and editors in this country should go back to 'school' and be taught the basics of policy and law making and economics. It might seem controversial to some to suggest this, but I don't think it's that unreasonable to suggest that those in a position of significant influence on the country have some bloody clue what they're talking about, and are able to adequately interrogate politicians from all parties about the impact of the policies they're proposing.

    174.77 x 41.28 • Since Sep 2008 • 200 posts Report

  • Sacha,

    Quite simply, households and the private sector live and operate within their means.

    So Jim, what could a government do to change a culture of not living within our means in the private sector? I've heard suggestion of upping capital adequacy ratios on mortgages, but genuinely interested to hear other solutions.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Mark Harris,

    Couldn't quite bring myself to run over Peter Dunne this morning as he ran across the road at a Ngaio roundabout - probably would have still got in posthumously anyway I guess.

    So happy I moved up the coast and no longer have to acknowledge Dunne as my MP.

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Bevan Shortridge,

    I thought the National election tactic in Auckland Central yesterday was interesting - send a car (no signage on it) down Alfred Street at the University of Auckland with a passenger with loud hailer saying "Remember to vote National on Saturday!"

    Given that Alfred Street is designated Pedestrian except for buses and official vehicles (couriers delivering stuff, Uni vehicles), and given it was a done a half-hour after afternoon exams had started(!) I thought this was an odd thing to do to get support. I vaguely wondered if it was someone else masquerading as National and annoying people to put them off that party (thinking no-one would be stupid enough to use a loud hailer while people were sitting exams).

    The Greens were at Alfred Street during morning exams today with a street performance of people in Sumo suits wearing red and blue belts and wrestling (or falling over). They were quieter at least.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 122 posts Report

  • Kyle Matthews,

    Oh bollocks. Labour's strategy was to argue that Key was slippery to the point of being fundamentally untrustworthy. And given his willingness to promise (almost) anything he thinks the audience wants to hear, they're right.

    That might be right, but that doesn't make it a smart campaign. Smart campaigns turn people off your opposition and onto you. That hasn't happened. The Labour campaign has been average to say the least.

    These anti-Key rallies that are going on are a perfect example. Who the hell authorised that? This is an election, we're not off to some crappy war or anything. It's supposed to be getting people to vote for you, not getting into a yelling match with the other side.

    Robyn, Grant Robertson is smart, and will make things happen in parliament. You can attribute a lot of Labour advances on students (interest free loans, universal allowances) directly to him. He'll be good for bureaucrat Wgtn Central and its demographic.

    Also, he's not a complete git, which puts him one over Franks.

    Since Nov 2006 • 6243 posts Report

  • simon g,

    Re: a quick decision (Glenn Pearce et al):

    That effectively means that a large minority of the votes are ignored. We won't know the real result until all the specials are counted - and those votes are as valid as anybody's. In recent elections, specials have changed the result (e.g. 2005, National lost a seat, and in 1999 it was crucial for the Greens, for NZ First and the whole make-up of Parliament).

    There are two delays: the wait for negotiations and the wait for the vote count. The two happen simultaneously, and people get impatient, blaming MMP for "not knowing yet".

    Of course, there may be a very clear indication on election night: a projected result that special votes will almost certainly not change. But if it is close, well, we'll just have to wait and see what the rest of us have voted for. Which is NOT the same as waiting for a series of hui - something the media might like to point out (but mostly won't).

    It's very sad if the needs of the ADD media (and public?) are deemed more important than the pretty basic principle of democracy - finding out first what the people said.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1333 posts Report

  • Craig Ranapia,


    Che, an occasion where I couldn't decide which side I wanted to kick hardest. While I find Wayne Ruscoe trying to paint himself as a free speech martyr laughable, why did anyone bother to engage with him?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Christopher Dempsey,

    It's not too late to hobble the Nats through strategic voting in Epsom. Could someone from there confirm that such a scenario might uphold? It would certainly hobble the Nats if they did...

    I live in Epsom and the scenario certainly holds.

    If I want a National Govt but no Act party I vote for Kate Sutton.

    If I want a National Govt with Act I vote for the guy in the canary yellow jacket.

    If I want a Labour Govt I vote for Richard Worth.

    Easy peasy. And not so hard to get one's head around. Voting for Kate Sutton means that the right vote goes to Richard and Rodney, and they can battle it out. Voting for Richard as electorate MP splits the 'right' vote and Kate comes up the middle.

    So strategically, for Labour voters in Epsom, you vote for Richard Worth if you want a Labour Govt.

    That's my take on it and I could be wrong, but I suspect I'm not too far off the mark.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • James Green,

    Oh yeah. So I found my Sainte-Lague calculator.
    There is also one set up here http://www.elections.org.nz/calculator/. It's quite good because it works out the quotient automagically.

    Mine on the other hand means you have to work out the quotient yourself (just add or subtract 100 until you get 120 seats), but it's also sort of set-up for special votes. And you can watch how the formula works (ie, who is next most likely to get a seat).
    It might be that everyone who plays with it will change, but I guess if you save it as your own, or don't save it, then it might be OK.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • LegBreak,

    Talking about spreadsheets and things…

    I recall that before the last election there was a print-out drinking game doing the e-mail rounds. You know the sort; every time Brash mentioned his Asian wife you got to drink, Peter Dunne says “common sense” you get to do it twice etc…

    Is there one going around this time?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1162 posts Report

  • Steve Barnes,

    I have only one thing to say. If you don't vote Labour, you're stupid, if you vote National, you're stupider and if you vote ACT then you're stupiderer. init?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • simon g,

    Epsom is a story for our times.

    John Key lives in the electorate. The "next Prime Minister" says he will vote for his party's candidate. But he isn't urging others to do so. And obviously he wants Hide to win (but won't vote for that to happen).

    I think this many be unique in the history of Western democracy: leader votes one way and fervently hopes his supporters don't follow him.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1333 posts Report

  • Kyle Matthews,

    Pick time:

    A National-Act coalition terrifies me. Even if it's 2 or 3 seats, I worry what sector is going to get shat on by being Acts 'win' in a coalition agreement or ministerial warrant. I think I'd prefer a landslide and National to make a clean sweep and form a government without a coalition.

    I think the polls that came out today are going to be wrong, Labour will be three points higher, national a couple less. I think the green vote is going to hold, which is going to make them significant.

    National (56)-Act (3)-Dunne (1) to fall three seats short of being able to form a government. Maori Party to agree to abstain for basically keeping themselves alive (Maori seats to remain the same) and to pay for it come next election when Labour takes back a couple of seats. Helen Clark to stand down after a year or so and then give her valedictory speech as a backbencher in 2011.

    Since Nov 2006 • 6243 posts Report

  • Jim Cathcart,

    "So Jim, what could a government do to change a culture of not living within our means in the private sector? I've heard suggestion of upping capital adequacy ratios on mortgages, but genuinely interested to hear other solutions."

    It's a good question. Financial education in schools might be a start though. My major gripe is that the incumbent government has done nothing to warn people that their borrowings are funded offshore and the implications of that when it all turns to custard (as we're seeing now).

    Since Nov 2006 • 228 posts Report

  • Tom Beard,

    Interesting that today's DomPost, in summarising various possible outcomes, felt fit to mention that a Labour-Green coalition would be "the most left wing government since 1999, and possibly since 1972". It didn't occur to them to point out that a National-Act coalition might be the most right-wing government for a long time. But anything you can do to scare the punters, right?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Steve Barnes,

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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