Posts by mark taslov

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  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    "The boy who made the original complaint was moved to another creche where his mother again accused a male creche worker of sexually abusing her son. No charges were laid."

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say there, Mark, but I find the implications distinctly distasteful and just plain *wrong*.

    Because it's easier to vilify than get to the heart of the problem. Not until the sickos are seen as people will we have any hope of truly protecting those who best deserve it. As I remember at school we received a hearty dose of propaganda against these deviants. But never did any figure in authority ever offer assistance to to anyone who felt they may have such a disposition. The grand illusion is that such an urge emerges fully formed in the adult, where in fact it will begin much earlier. prevention rather than punishment is the solution and these dams our societies build offer little in the way of protection against this kind of thing.

    So Lucy just as you state it wrong for me to remind us there is a precedent for this in the animal kingdom, just as you insist it is wrong for me to suggest that elucidation rather than shame will take us closer to solving the problem, and similarly as you imply it is distasteful for me to suggest that would be child molesterors are provided with an outlet to deal with their problem before they touch their first victim, you perpetuate that cycle of shame.

    I don't in any way condone child molestation, I just don't believe that this filter is money well spent in either protecting the victims, finding better ways to shield them from the shame when prosecutions take place, curbing the problem or even in anyway coming to terms with the full extent of the problem.

    Was Peter Ellis the only victim in this travesty?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    A male spotted hyena which attempted to mate with a female which succeeded in driving it off, eventually turned to its ten-month-old cub, repeatedly mounting it and ejaculating on it. The cub sometimes ignored this and sometimes struggled 'slightly as if in play'. The mother did not intervene.[56]

    Infants and children in Bonobo societies are often involved in sexual behaviour.[57]



    The Bonobo, which has a peaceful, egalitarian and matriarchal society, is a fully bisexual species — both males and females engage in sexual behaviour with the same and the opposite sex, with females being particularly noted for engaging in sexual behaviour with each other and at up to 75% of sexual activity being bisexual. Bonobos often use sexual activity to prevent violence and conflict.[61]

    Not such an educational priority on the school curriculum for the powers that be compared to say shame.

    Because on this issue in NZ is it really OK to ask for help?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    Top notch first post.

    Why bother?

    Too keep some gravy trainers in lattes and plush offices till the cows come home. Oh to have that Mr Lock said

    "There is a difference - a big difference - between a people and those who rule them."


    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    That's what happens in Britain. Here in NZ you'll get one of these. Our system will at least be honest.

    Can't quite get my head around this, So if you click on the unpublished URL, you will be redirected to the warning screen telling you why the site is blocked. Your redirected visit to this warning page will be logged and if you are directed to this warning page enough you will be investigated by the DIA? So the DIA comes around to investigate you, no doubt they can get a search warrant on the basis that they had redirect your browser enough times, but I'm curious on exactly what charge are they are going to be pursuing people or on what grounds will they be issued a search warrant.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    That's what happens in Britain. Here in NZ you'll get one of these. Our system will at least be honest.

    Seems from the details provided in the link that the menu will be made available on the internet dish by dish. Looking for bestiality? heck no this site has been blocked because it has been used for the distribution of images of Child Sexual Abuse. Do children need that much info? Isn't that just an invitation for the would be criminal to turn on the proxy? Maybe it's a peculiar distinction to make, but I'm more in favor of the reasoning for the blockage not being so easily provided (but made available elsewhere), so the average user can just continue their web session unperturbed , while the concerned user can find out more as required. Also would seem that if an error were made by the list compilers that this explanation is unquestionably defamatory. Just a personal view though, probably not held by many.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    Should not knowing what is illegal as part of good parenting be a criminal offence in New Zealand? If fourteen year old Tom is accessing these sites via a proxy, wouldn't any parent prefer to try to deal with that problem before it ends him up in court?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    But Sacha are we primarily trying to catch the perverts or are we protecting the majority? Whose needs are the government catering for? Who is it their mandate to cater for? There seem to be two issues there.

    In China there's a forest of blocked sites, it's not going to take me long to make you a partial list of those that a blocked simply by trying to access them and making an educated guess as to why they're not opening. Likewise it doesn't take more than a few clicks to get warez to bypass the filters. To pretend that the filter is to stop the perverts is a misapprehension of it's limitations.

    By not making the list available are the DIA helping or a hindering the general line renting population's autonomy over their right to ensure their network is not habitually illegally used? Couldn't they possibly face termination, prosecution or at the very least the disruption of an impeding investigation into a user on their network?

    If you'll excuse my analogy; telling people that [blank] is an illegal film, is not sufficient information to ensure I won't inadvertently watch it. As mentioned, I think transparency is an issue. Especially in a democracy. If a site is blocked in NZ, and a user is using a proxy unaware that it is blocked, they may commit a criminal offence, but is there wrongdoing involved? and foremost were they or their children adequately protected from exposure to this material by a list of illegal sites that no one has seen?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    That was a good read. I particularly agree with:

    this stuff is pretty bad and keeping people from inadvertently stumbling over it is probably in their interest.

    as a primary focus. Question I have is as Emma mentioned; the DIA will be keeping a log of people who try to access these links. Weighed up against the secretive nature of the list, the process seems a little convoluted. If no one knows what's on the list what's to stop citizens from attempting to access the sites and being logged, of what value are logs of users inadvertently attempting to access contraband compared to say logs of those bypassing said filters and in turn intentionally accessing the contraband?

    Also with regards to the secrecy surrounding the list. It's not an impossibility that people will by whatever means compile their own version of the list and make it available, potentially profitably. The notion that the list should be kept secret seems to implicate the god fearing population's resistance around temptation.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    which is why you'll never see a book with an M15+ sticker on it.

    Must remember Kyles from Otago where even personal correspondence is run by the Censor...

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

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