Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: The odds, and the simply odd,

    Labour has so far run a flawless campaign. To use a rugby analogy, they are like an aging team of seasoned rugby players, the educated boot of Clark is making sure they are playing the game in the opposition half, their experienced pack has dictated the pace, and they've pounced on opposition mistakes. Now, with the try line in sight, they've upped the urgency.

    Okay, I'll play ...

    The first half of the game has been played in excellent conditions, and National has run up a big lead against a an ageing side that seems past its best and lately struggling to do the basics.

    The crowd applauds as the untested first-five Key -- his combination with the nuggety Southland halfback English finally firing -- slides through gaps.

    But with half an hour to go, the worst southerly storm in years comes through. It's sleeting and treacherous. Clark pulls a Martin Johnson -- calling herself in all the lineouts and leading the drives. Cullen, the cocksure flyhalf, responds by running the ball at Key, or booting it in the air for Trevor Mallard to chase.

    National's players start to tire -- too many nights out gossiping with Bridget Saunders? -- and English fires a pass straight over Key's head.

    But what's this? Mallard has been yellow-carded! The drama continues!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The odds, and the simply odd,

    O hai. I made a blog post, but it was a bit late.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: Nats to the rescue,

    OT but urgent-ish.

    Could any Christchurch readers within reach of one of those "Zero tolerence [sic] for crime" Act billboards do me a favour and grab a photograph for me? And email it to me?


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rationalisation is at hand!,

    Okay, this isn't even funny any more.

    The woman who stood up at the McCain rally and told him she was scared because Obama is an "Arab terrorist" (it appears that is what she said) is a McCain-Palin volunteer who got her knowledge from a pamphlet given to her by a fellow campaign worker. It appears the campaign offices are a distribution point for more of this racist effluent.

    Josh Marshall has a commentary and links to a video interview (with transcript) with the woman in question.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Geniuses,

    Here we go. The PAS Rollers group is live and kicking for anyone that wants to join up and show the love.

    Thanks Pete. I've signed up as knowyourproduct. I'll let the rest of the massive know during the week.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rationalisation is at hand!,

    The Troopergate report just dropped.

    Key finding: Palin "abused her power" and violated the public trust.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rationalisation is at hand!,

    Some more alarming bigotry and knuckle-dragging stupidity on the McCain-Palin campaign trail:

    This seems to be the character of every rally at the moment. These people are almost incoherent.

    It occurred to me that I wouldn't want to be black around this sort of gathering.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rationalisation is at hand!,

    Firstly, the Corner, in-as-much as it is representative of movement conservatism, shows that Obama is driving them crazy. And not really in the metaphor sense. They is gettin their Birch on. woot. etc.

    Jaysus. They certainly are.

    Still, at least we get to use the phrase fear and loathing on the campaign trai literally.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rationalisation is at hand!,

    TV3 poll

    National 45
    Labour 39
    Greens 6.8%

    Maori Party chooses the government.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Discussion: On Copyright,

    @Robin re Radiohead:

    I'm given to understand it was a marketing gimmick. You can no longer buy it as a download.

    Sure can. eMusic has it, at least.

    Try instead the Nine Inch Nails experiment, where it was actually released as creative commons, and uploaded to torrent sites by Reznor himself, along with doing things like this.

    I generally find torrents a soulless way to access music. I don't like the idea of being able to download an artist's entire career work without even engaging with the artist. (Confession: I've done this once, with one band, to consolidate physical copies I'd bought -- several times over in some cases -- over the years.)

    If I'm going to download music in breach of copyright I'd rather do it via a good MP3 blog run by someone whose taste I can trust, or have discovered via the crowd wisdom of Hype Machine, which will automatically provide links to multiple ways of buying the music legitimately.

    Selling something you've made is a really important human experience, and I don't think it should be denied people.

    Or, on a smaller scale, Harvey Danger. To quote their site: "Please help yourself; if you like it, please share with friends."

    I downloaded that album -- I was totally impressed with their ability to build a torrent (it was blazing at a time when torrents weren't that fast) but unfortunately it didn't make their music good.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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