Posts by Rich of Observationz

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  • Hard News: High Noon,

    I think that in terms of government helping, there are things they could do that aren't clubbing people with a big stick.

    Maybe $10 a month on broadband that gives you indemnity to share anything you can find, with the revenue distributed in an NZ on Air type fashion.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    Good point Simon.

    s/recorded music/retail sales of recorded music

    and also with specific reference to local artists. If you're Coldplay or whoever then even a much reduced income from CDs is still a lot of money.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    On s92a, I just feel that as a general principle, if you have a business model that isn't working, you shouldn't be entitled to have the government change the law and crush peoples rights in order to shore that model up.

    Of course, this does go on a lot - the Major Events Management Act is another piece of bad law. But it shouldn't.

    The music industry should really either:
    1. suck it up, cut their costs and accept that nobody is going to get rich from recorded music any more
    2. find alternative revenue sources that don't require a governmental big stick to work

    Also, I feel that people sharing a Dimmer album or whatever isn't the issue. That horse has pretty much bolted. It's more Disney not wanting people downloading their latest movies rather than buying DVDs.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: Play Time,

    Julian Clary *is* gay or so this article implies. I think it may be libel to suggest otherwise.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide – How to…,

    Not only did some Dozy Wellingtonians buy trains that were too big for the tunnels

    It's more that the original constructors of the railway built tunnels that were too small for any reasonable modern train, and that past governments baulked on spending the dollars to rebuild said tunnels.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Three strikes (w/ updates),

    Interesting that large scale fraud isn't on the list of crimes.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: Blackout Bingo!,

    The story suggests the NZIS cut off is a BMI of 35.

    So it bloody well should be. IMHO, you shouldn't even be allowed on the plane with a BMI of 35 unless you buy two or three seats.

    None of them have twigged to the dim view the New Zealand Police take of people stockpiling automatic weapons.

    The right-wing Americans would be white, right? The cops would be just fine with that. This guy only got 21 months in jail *after* he started selling guns to gangs.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    This section says otherwise

    This section applies where, under an assignment or a licence, a person is authorised to communicate the following works to the public

    Someone running a cache hasn't got an assignment or license to communicate anything to the public. Once could, I suppose argue that if content is placed on a public website without a statement to the contrary, then there is an implicit license - but what if the site has T&Cs attached that contradict this.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    He believes this law is a breach of section 25 of the Bill of Rights act - you are innocent until proven guilty. He recommends that if you are writing to your local MP. ask them if they think the law breaches the Bill of Rights act and if not, why?

    Oddly, I can't find the report of the Attorney General on the original Bills BORA compatability - i though there had to be one, or does he just not report if he believes there's no problem?

    - requiring ISPs to cut people off is not a criminal sentence, so due process doesn't apply. Analogously, a bartender is required by liquor laws to stop serving anyone they believe to be drunk. There isn't any requirement for proof there, either.

    - the BORA is an empty cipher anyway as far as primary legislation is concerned.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    I'd have to say that, although Tizard was fronting it as Minister, the MED officials are right in behind it and would have been the ones to write it

    Officals advise, Ministers decide. She could have rejected the advice/drafting.

    As could the MPs who voted for it, e.g. Peter Dunne.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

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