Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: Truck Off, etc,

    OTOH, the next public holiday is labour day, and how often do you get this sort of excuse for a day off?

    Oh the irony.
    Had it been a union action you can bet the Herald would be telling us "how much it cost the Country" in terms of "lost man hours"

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Truck Off, etc,

    If there's truth to the stories that the truck protest was planned before King's announcement of RUC rises, then it seems that the owners of truck businesses are gearing up for a major challenge from rail, and that the protest was the first stage.

    It's actually more simple than that. You will be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing, business backed protests against Labour. National seems to be focusing on a strategy of denigrating Labour through its allies, businesses that would rather not have to put up with the inconvenience that we can't all be the "winners" that the likes of Heather Roy thinks we could, somehow, all be. has the woman never seen a boxing match or even a rugby game? There will always be those that lose out through the narrow focus of a determined businessman.
    Anyhoo, I digress. You will, no doubt, be hearing from the insurance industry and real estate agents how terrible life has become in Hellenstinesgradocracy (Geeeez, that word made me think of men in chap suits drinking lager after a day at work at the council offices) and how you cant run a truck on cheese. you know, like, what have the Romans ever done for us?
    You mark my words, this is what we can expect from National. They really hope we can't figure out that their only interest is in flogging off anything they can get their hands on for the benefit of them and their mates.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Truck Off, etc,

    And this chap might like to transition to decaf

    Drink 4 Justice and Bed Wetter Eh!
    I have no profile, I am omnisemetric!

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Truck Off, etc,

    Oh it's forty below and I don't give a fuck,
    Got a heater in my truck.
    And I'm off to the rodeo-o-o-o-o

    Gimmee a break.
    The concept of the good Ol' boy trucker just don't hack it.
    This was an orchestrated bash at labour on the say so of the RTA (Road Transport Association) you know, a bosses union, a bit like the Roundtable is for all those people who make money out of money.

    OOeeww, diesel is going to attract a bit of loose change outa MA pocket to pay for more efficient forms of transport. It's that Helenstien, she's a gotta go, John is the Key, forget the insider trading, forget the millions he's grabbed that could be in our pockets. I refuse to accept that the cost of caring for those that need care should come out of my pocket. Let's take ACC out of the public sector. I could make some neat dosh in MA pocket with that scam.
    Yeah, Key for ME. At lest I know whose pocket he's in. It's MA pocket............ isn't it?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Island Life: Oliver's Army,

    I feel Michael Laws should be somewhere at the head of the column - I can see him heroically splashing onto the beaches of the Zimbabwe coast under withering fire.

    His mascara running down his ashen face.

    karena puhi
    A few years ago, you had a point

    And he still does, it's at the top of his white hood.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Island Life: Hunting Squirrels,

    Does This media release from the Child Beaters Party count as a political ad.? Should it have the address of the party treasurer?
    Can we F**K them up?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Island Life: Hunting Squirrels,

    TV3's coverage of the "power crisis" last night, once again, had me shouting at the TV. This time they didn't even bother to have a spokesperson from a power supplier, they had a concerned member of a previously unknown group complaining that the Govt. had allowed the power company, Genesis, to draw the lake down a further 2 metres thus "destroying a valuable, local, recreational resource, the lake.
    So. Damned if you do damned if you don't. The Govt. hasn't done enough and the govt. has done too much.
    Who's paying for this treacherous anti Government propaganda?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spectacular but useless,

    (Big sigh before I begin)
    Look people, and Matthew ;-). It is quite simple. Back in the twenties America decided alcohol was bad so they banned it, prohibition. Don't worry yourselves about the "harm to society" , forget that and look at how it works with society.
    When the Americans banned alcohol they, inadvertently, created a black market. That black market existed because we are not all the same, society is made up of individuals living under a commonly accepted collections of rules, laws, regulations, morals, faiths, beliefs and add on top of that peer pressure driven by fashion and fads. No wonder we have problems.
    There have always been individuals that experiment with stuff, if that weren't so then we would still be grunting at each other and baying at the moon, some still do, Mr. Dexter are you still with us?.

    Anypoo, another of the inadvertent repercussions of the prohibition was the growth of "Organised Crime" and once the Genie was put back in the bottle and back on the shelf of a bar near you, these "Organised Crime" guys had an organisation waiting for a crime and the new crime was DRUGS, you know, the stuff certain individuals used instead of the alcohol that they had been deprived of.
    Well some of those organised crime guys had organised breweries that were now legal and profitable, you could also buy shares on the new fangled stock exchange thingy, and they paid taxes and became important to the economy.
    So there you have it. We have cornered ourselves. As a society we have created a problem that, especially now we are SO concerned about our health, creates a principal, drugs are bad, that is nothing more than another attack on the individual in the name of what is good for society.
    Ok, some individuals are really bad, they hurt others, they grossly offend our morals, whatever, but other individuals are the creative, sometimes a little mad, influences that help us all grow and learn and sometimes allow us to step out of ourselves and live a little more.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spectacular but useless,

    The fact that this report was put together by "Economists" rang alarm bells with me. The police can now say "see, we are not wasting money on chasing pot heads, we are saving you money"
    That the report does not include tobacco and alcohol says to me that, maybe, the report contained these figures originally but when you looked at the figures the police could only say "See, we are wasting your money chasing pot heads, we have far bigger problems to deal with"
    Complete waste of time and money. You may as well ask "How much do economists cost the country?"

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Travelling Gravely,

    I think you missed my point completely. The hand held Taser is a one shot device, until it is reloaded and charged.
    The XREP is a cartridge that can be fired from ANY 12 bore shotgun, including pump action guns.
    To allow greater use of shotguns the Police need a "looser" set of protocols.
    As for SOP's, ARV's, AOS's. I think you're begging the question, as it were, let me put it this way. In terms of shotguns, vis a vis Policemen qua Policemen, they would like to use shotguns more often but they do not fit current parameters in view of procedures ditto policy guidelines and structures consummate with contemporary laws and regulations, QED.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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