Posts by Ian Dalziel

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  • Up Front: P.A. Story, in reply to recordari,

    The Romaines of the Salad Days...

    Cos: Fucking brilliant.

    Cos : a lettuce of a variety with crisp narrow leaves that form a tall head... *

    *looks a bit like Macaw 7 a.k.a. St Richie

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: A nation bullied,

    the dirty digger's hole...
    one wonders if Murdoch has pulled the strings of the Chipping Norton set - and lo, Cameron is now going to cut the country adrift before he is taken to the Tower - well that may be over-reaching, but we'd best watch what happens carefully, as our own Cameron-Clone - John Key - will embark on a similar path of stripping away public ownership of essentials if re-elected...

    ordure, ordure...
    you also have to wonder what the other Shareholders in News Corporation think of this rancid imbroglio - how are Kingdom Holdings - 7%- (which is basically Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal of the Saudi Royal Family - check out what he owns or has shares in...) taking this particular clusterf*ck?

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: P.A. Story,

    The trope of caprice-corn...
    ...and surely any self respecting Red Zone would have an ominous Dark Tower* looming over it, the people marooned in thrall to the evil machinations of the plausible Large Prince and the unspeakably inhumane Fine Prince, who act for the Icy Red State and friendless Ami and their legions of exsanguinated Crimson & Scarlet Pimps.

    *I'm thinking of this as more of a tip of the hat to Jody Lloyd than Stephen King...
    (but really a dig at Dr Haywood's dark nemesisi)

    re the attachment bar
    & some worries thereon:

    Russell, how are you dealing with people uploading material that is not their own, and may well be under copyright to other creators?

    - also if collages are used/submitted are you adopting the rule of thumb that reproduction of part of a copyrighted work, for a collage, is fair use (using 20% of an image perhaps that constitutes 20% of the final image): if more works are used in the collage then the potential obligation is reduced further. if it uses four or eight possibly obtaining permission may not be necessary.
    How can ownership information be ascribed to each image?
    With the attachment or as text under the link ?

    - also does Public Address then have any other use rights over any image thus placed in its tender care?

    - what about the carbon footprint of the vast bank of servers that will be needed to store all these images (and other files?) in perpetuity - if they are to remain 'live' for the life of the discussion and beyond - as they must if context is to be retained, and I am sure PA contributors have much to upload - somewhere upstream a dam breaks...
    plus what country will the server be in?
    is there child labour involved?

    I know you will want to do this responsibly and properly...

    anyone, anyone?

    hopefully I haven't ©odwinned the thread
    ;- )

    - PS I note the attached image link when clicked doesn't open in a new window, which is irritating (maybe it's a Firefox thing?)

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Speaker: The great New Zealand phone…,

    *Eraser Head?**

    ....then did the dealing on his kid's Etch-E-Sketch. Two swipes and it's all gone.

    or was it more it takes a swiper to ketch a thief ...

    speaking of phreaks... piece of an algoritm.

    ...but I suspect there migt have been...

    I'm worried that Michael Laws is hacking PAS
    and dropping random aitches...
    it's like someone removing the goal posts...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: P.A. Story,

    Virginia Plain - or fags end revisited

    How about alternate histories?
    One Chch in which the earthquakes never
    happened, and one in which they did.

    Damn, I'd been having flashes on that idea -
    also the reality where Chch is all on the hills
    with the swampy wetlands and plains intact...

    an angle at my table...

    It would probably be symbolic of something-or-other if there was a visitation from an angel and it just shuffled about blobbily and made huffing noises.

    St Gerry is already here,
    now where's the bloody vineyard!

    with his ruggered good looks...
    Obviously, this:

    “Enlightenment came to Reverend Overbridge on the rugby field; nothing could ever be the same after that.”

    follows on from this:

    ...the forward ‘In the Oral Tradition’

    ...speaking of Ru(g)by Red Zones
    - the Reds Owned the Crusaders last weekend!

    Lyndon's idea of a zone for Red Heads
    would surely be the Orange Zone
    (he said gingerly...)

    and at the risk of calling down a flying
    phalanx of DC Lawyers
    could there be Red Craptonite?
    with all its unpredictable effects

    Following in Chad's footsteps...

    Perhaps we could Christchurchify it to Durham Overbridge?

    Myself, I always fancied that elegant sub-urbane fop, Richmond Shirley...

    the coming of the cockatrice...
    and in more on the fly Christchurchifying, this:

    ...tenderly stroked the cracked columns of the Cathedral’s inner chamber…”

    could lead to this:
    ...thus releasing from those faulted towers the basilisk beneath the basilica - a Were-Tuatara if you will, with its coppery green dome and lethal tri-eyed stare!

    The Swinging Shingles ...

    Is geology-porn a genre?

    Subduction of the Innocent , given time even sedimental fools can coalesce into rock hard deposits...
    <edit> sigh, this pales before the offerings above... nice work folks </edit>

    the key of C
    and on a more serious note -

    After losing two to the big effing C in the past 24 hours, you managed to make me laugh way sooner than I expected.

    Recordari, I extend my commiserations, hope you can hold the memories and the laughter up to the light of life.

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meanwhile in Epsom ...,

    Eye queue test...
    read as:

    ...and possibly eat the faeces off
    of opposition MPs

    so that's where the phrase "sh*t-eating smile"
    comes from...

    and also read as:

    Don Brash as minister of SOBs

    Time for the next ex-Guv to come through
    - Alan Bollard your time is now...
    (Dr Haywood as speech writer, natchly)

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: A nation bullied, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    I am ready to repeat the call I made here a couple of years ago to create a charitable trust to fund public interest journalism.

    Great idea...
    Something like the Paul Foot Award would be good - with a blog category as well, natch!
    Maybe this trust could take over the NZPA's infrastructure - rather than reinvent the wheel - though that is a much larger vehicle...

    I also note that TVNZ sailed into unchartered waters last night - and (insert preferred Deity here) save all who sail on her, or passively watch her founder in a sea of ennui...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: A nation bullied,

    the Slapper from Wapping...

    ...was explicitly threatened by Rebekah Brooks with having their private lives turned inside out...

    It all makes you wonder just what Rebekah Brooks has on Rupert and James, they are distressingly supportive of someone who seems to have destroyed a major asset?
    Maybe hard man (and ex-hubby and punchbag) Ross Kemp warned them about her right hook...
    Look out for a new hard hitting TV Doco Ross Kemp on Fleet Street
    If I was her, I wouldn't be going for any midnight swims off the back of the Murdoch's luxury yacht, any time soon...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio NZ: Sailing on in…, in reply to James Butler,

    Mmmmm, Berluscones

    Sure to rise, the perfect thing for those
    Bonco Bonco oven tray parties...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to BenWilson,

    more flannel?

    If I’m being finicky, I’ll pick them up with a tea towel, but usually I just wash my hands first.

    When I was a kitchen hand in a posh restaurant in Chch many, many years ago (actually it may've been the only stand alone restaurant in Chch then) one always took the cutlery out with a tea towel when it was still steaming hot - drying them at that point ensured a sparkling finish, if left to go dry and cold it was always streaky...

    and re the hand washing thing - why does the design of toilets create an endless contagion loop - turn tap on with dirty hands - wash hands - then turn water off at the contaminated tap then hope drying will get rid of contamination (and then you have to leave using the door handle that all the people who didn't even bother washing their hands have used) - some kind of foot operated system (like surgeons use pre op) would be more logical...

    Is there no room in this world for Back- or Bottom-Loaders?

    ...when the motherboard failed...

    I thought a motherboard was for ironing...

    Dr Susan Calvin to the Laundry please...
    Scary thing is that soon all these devices will have their own IP addresses and may well be conferring with each other...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

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