Capture: Cats Love Cameras
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Our first cat, Bean. She died after being hit by a car outside our house, soon after this photo was taken, aged 2. Kelburn, 1997. Always special, and dearly missed to this day.
I can’t seem to post my picture of Bean! Will try later.
Talk about opening Pandora’s Box, Robyn! You realize that Public Address is never going to be the same again, don’t you?
Alastair Thompson, in reply to
Robyn Gallagher, in reply to
Talk about opening Pandora’s Box, Robyn! You realize that Public Address is never going to be the same again, don’t you?
Before Capture launched and we were throwing ideas around about what sort of posts to do, one thing that came up quite early on was a cat post. It was pretty much compulsory.
Instead of posting pictures of my beloved Sebastian, let me instead pimp out the cat who I am fostering for Wellington SPCA. This picture of Eva Marie was taken by my clever friend Jason, and clearly demonstrates how she loves the camera.
Also, Eva Marie needs a permanent home! You should adopt her please.
A fleeting moment, captured with my old camera phone, c.2007. Hestia (RIP) on the fence outside the front door at our old flat on the side of Tinakori Hill, Thorndon. What gets me most about that shot is the bush over the back of the fence: I forgot we used to live up there, nestled into the town belt. Weird. Here she is again, at our next flat in Northland, making an epic journey to the fridge and back. And that, well, is that. Pixels and light, all that remains of her. Digital traces. And the odd ticked-grey hair I still find on my clothes, even now, on the other side of the world.
Paws up Robyn. Some library cat pics from Christchurch City Libraries at
Joanna, in reply to
Our cats like to hide in Pandora’s boxes?
Caleb D’Anvers, in reply to
Jackie Clark, in reply to
I think that may be the prettiest cat. Ever.
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