Capture: Spring Breaks
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Seems like there might have been a few spring showers in Auckland? And you’re expecting more, Jackson? Here’s one I captured a few days ago from my current seat at home, with two weeping willows nicely out of synch in their responses to early spring.
Well, the big old plum tree, which appeared to be in terminal decline, has thwarted my expectations of firewood for next winter and has put out blossom. It will only be a temporary reprieve if the fruit do not match the promise.
Pictures soon.
JacksonP, in reply to
Jolly good Jackson : )
Just goes to show, spring isn’t determined by the calendar!
Spring is….
The most beautiful rose in the world, normally not flowering till November
A new lemon tree, at last.Anyone out there with experience growing dwarf peaches? How self-fertile is ‘partly self-fertile’? Which is the tastiest dwarf peach?
Nora Leggs, in reply to
Jackson, that pink photo is amazing. It could almost be an insect.
JacksonP, in reply to
Sacha, in reply to
a few spring showers in Auckland
Such pinkness! The title shot’s blossom carpet is good.
Nora Leggs, in reply to
Nora Leggs, in reply to
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
Life’s a birch…
…purty sky through the birches out front
Here’s its messy urban twin.When this happens just
keep a song in your heart…
Betula (pendula) by golly, wow! -
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