Hard News: Dispatches from Summer
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Having a quiet (and inexpensive) holiday season at home, and praying the Euro collapses so I can turn forty in Copenhagen in some style at modest expense…
I’m eagerly anticipating that glorious spell when half the city buggers off and the roads go quiet. I will be riding, a lot.
Ben Gracewood, in reply to
I thought the traffic had already gone Christmassy as I drove north over the bridge this morning. Turns out some plonker had a crash and traffic was backed up way up the motorway.
We’re off camping (all proper like with a tent and everything) from Boxing Day. Introducing a new generation of Gracewoods to the pleasures of card games under rain-soaked canvas.
Queue is out the door and down the stree at the Westmere Butcher and they’ve been open since 2am.
Off to spend the solstice with my partner’s family and him in Wairarapa, back on deck in the new year…
Martin Lindberg, in reply to
Queue is out the door and down the stree at the Westmere Butcher and they’ve been open since 2am.
Thanks for the warning. Will attend to the back-wax first then…
I have bought a new hammock….nuf said
Biobbs, in reply to
Having a quiet (and inexpensive) holiday season at home, and praying the Euro collapses so I can turn forty in Copenhagen in some style at modest expense…
Craig, make sure you climb the Round Tower when you’re in Copenhagen. Highly recommended for some birthday exercise. It’s the best and most interesting legacy of one of Europe’s most bonkers monarchs.
Merry Xmas to everyone at PAS. I learn so much reading this site and love every minute I spend here.
Holiday tick; done – 10 days in Hanmer: swims, sleeping, books, taught the boys backgammon and ate wondrously home-built pizzas and breakfasts. Now we’re back and preparing – langorously – for Christmas. Pre-Christmas holidays take the heat out of it all. Next is Christmas; then a long lazy summer at home in the quiet of the city, popping the tarseal bubbles while walking the dog and going to a beach.
Russell Brown, in reply to
Queue is out the door and down the stree at the Westmere Butcher and they’ve been open since 2am.
Yikes. I was lucky then. It was merely jam-packed when I went 40 minutes ago.
I wonder how many people they get coming in at 3am after some pre-Christmas clubbing? They should lay on some beats, bro.
This afternoon, I’ll continue to confront Rémy Martin V.S.O.P. and live vicariously through this footage of Bobby Farrell, in anticipation of exotic holiday parties in Hawkes Bay.
On Christmas day, I’ll be helping my loved ones forget the past with presents, livestreaming O.com All Ye Faithful for some rousing caroling, fulfilling uncle’s traditional request for a gift of a double entendre by cheerfully giving him one, while remembering Grammar Santa’s tip for recognising a restrictive relative claus, by looking for an aunty who gives impractical gifts.
Merry Christmas.
Glenn Pearce, in reply to
The funniest thing I saw on the 23rd Dec last year was an older lady who queued for about 30 minutes to get in to get 1/2 dozen pork sausages for dinner…..
Off to Timaru for dinner with the in-laws. Back home for the usual amount of visiting friends & relations who want the typical Central Otago holiday. For the last few weeks we have had the glorious weather we all crave for, long may it continue.
Repaying the sleep debt, given my bio-clock’s been in overdraft lately. No further explanation needed.
My last day at this job – resigned last month. I’ve need to get away from a situation that has…not been positive…for some considerable time. We’re going back to the UK for an open-ended bit, so this summer is going to be bittersweetly viewed through the lens of ‘the last time we…’. The last time we see the pohutukawas bloom, see the surf at Piha, go swimming at Narrowneck, take the ferry, go to the museum.
I’m feeling somewhat fragile and emotional, and need to renew my acquaintance with Captain Morgan stat.
Merry Christmas everyone, and thanks for the site, Russell.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Finishing PhD… wrapping it up to hand in early Jan, then my holiday starts.
I get a whole glorious week off between Christmas and New Year’s to rev up for the Semester Of Doom that is to follow (grant renewal application; departmental seminar; major conference; preliminary PhD exam proposal; all in the span of ten weeks. Panicking now.) Torn between hoping for some snow to fall already so it feels more like winter and hoping it stays unseasonably warm so I can keep biking to work. At least from now on the days are getting longer!
Sacha, in reply to
I wonder how many people they get coming in at 3am after some pre-Christmas clubbing? They should lay on some beats, bro.
looking at you, Victoria Park New World :)
Alas, no summer here. It snowed last Friday, but it’s all melted and little likelihood of a white Christmas, even in Bradford, where we’ll be. I will be taking pavlova(s), which seems to me wonderfully contrary considering it’s become tradition in NZ in large part because it works so well as a summer dessert.
Went to Copenhagen for the weekend at the beginning of the month. It was freezing and eye-wateringly expensive. Can’t say I noticed the Round Tower, but the mulled wine was good. Also, the Euro collapsing won’t help you much as Denmark has retained its own currency just in case; and the people we were staying with said the Danish economy is rather sounder than many neighbours in part due to a different home loan system to those we’re used to.
FUCK. Quake.
Jackie Clark, in reply to
Just in time for a meet and greet.
Hans Versluys, in reply to
Euro collapses so I can turn forty in Copenhagen in some style at modest expense
The only snag is that Denmark doesn’t use the euro.
Emma Hart, in reply to
How bad is it? I’m in Wellington, my partner’s flight just got out before it hit and they closed the airport, and I feel so fucking helpless I was crying on the street.
Hebe, in reply to
Power off and phone off in Brighton according to my bro. Reports of liquefaction parklands way, rockfalls sumner and taylors. Aftershocks a bit. It’s ok though emma we all want to say fuck many times though.
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