Hard News: Grateful for ‘Rain’
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I must be anti-psychic. I 100% successfully transposed the sex of the victims. Henceforth I should like to be addressed as ‘The AntiGeller’.
Many people said fine things about the late Sir Ed while I was away from connectivity (apart from John Key, who said something vacuous)
Oh, give it a fucking rest Russell. If there was anything ‘fine’ about the Sunday News patting June Hilary on the head for appropriate ‘staunchness’, I can’t see it. I guess you say ‘fine things’, I say ‘vacuous cant’, you say ‘tomato’, I say ‘toe-may-toe’. Let’s call the whole thing off.
Think I’ll be spending all day Tuesday in the garden, and avoiding television and radio until the ghoul-a-rama abates a little. Sincere condolences to Sir Ednumd’s family, friends and associates in the many causes he supported over the last half century. Recognise his considerable echievements – climbing Everest was the least of them, in a sense. But can we just get a little proportion (and even some of Sir Ed’s own laconic understatement) back in the room?
Given that he’s odd-on to be Prime Minister by the end of the year, it just made me wonder if Key has the depth of personality to be able to say the right thing, as leaders must on occasion.
And while I’m link-whoring, I see no reason to downgrade my intense dislike of Cameron Slater – and believe you me, the antipathy is entirely mutual. (And while Minto may be a fatuous windbag, I don’t see how he’s be any less of one if he lived in a kitset garage with a dirt floor in Ruatoki.)
But having said that, I can’t really say Idiot/Savant’s little essay in Argumentum ad Nazium is any more impressive.
And if any nutbag wants to get my hone address from the North Shore electoral roll and come take pictures, at least give me some warning so I can do the windows and trim the hedge.
I’ll also give you fair warning that one of out neighbours – who, shall we say, has some issues with a persistent ex- – might not be too friendly towards strangers with a camera taking snaps of her place.
A lot of my friends have blogged a big ‘so what’ about that Facebook article.
For starters, he starts out bemoaning the whole social website thing, so he’s not exactly biased.
And, Facebook owned by Silicon Valley sorts who want to make craploads of money of it. Umm, not news my friend.
And if any nutbag wants to get my home address from the North Shore electoral roll and come take pictures, at least give me some warning so I can do the windows and trim the hedge.
You mean you’re not all-tidy-all-the-time? You’ll have the Gay Mafia wanting their membership card back.
I though the funniest thing in Oil’s slick was the description of a 600m2 section in Sandringham as an “estate”.
so…. how long till <strike>redwatch</strike> cameron slater steps over the line?
i mean,ffs, that piss-weak attempt to make a “leftie” out to be a “hollow man” must be starting to edge pretty near.
cameron mate, if you’re reading this, you are a fukcing idiot.
Craig, I doubt it. Death is not a time for proportionality. It’s a time for ritual.
My own Ed Hillary story. I once stood next to him at baggage reclamation at the airport. I was struck by the incredible hairiness of his ears, and wondered how much of an advantage that gave him in conquering Everest.
Re: Whale Oil. I wonder if his stranger outbursts might be accounted for by his creepy resemblance to the original Incredible Hulk. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry…
Re: Key’s Bach. Doesn’t look too bad to me. Much though I love the cacophonous random cheapness of the traditional kiwi bach, they hardly serve as models of good taste. If a man wants ridiculously large columns on his deck with huge pointless knobs on the top, all power to him. I can see what he’s getting at….
You mean you’re not all-tidy-all-the-time? You’ll have the Gay Mafia wanting their membership card back.
You have seen how I dress, Mr. Brown? The gay mafia put a contract out on my fat, Hallensteins-clad arse years ago. :)
I’m more of the Quentin Crisp school of housekeeping when it comes to doing windows – “"After the first four years the dirt doesn’t get any worse.” Do get a bit picky about the laundry and kitchen, because scabies and explosive diarrhea isn’t how I want to die.
Otherwise, I don’t disturb the dust. The dust doesn’t disturb me. The garden is what I call English Urban Council Estate. We exist in a perfect state of mutual indifference.
When news of Hone’s death struck me I asked myself – why are these things happening in pairs recently in NZ?
King and Frame both died relatively close to each other. Now Hillary and Tuwhare, almost a week apart.
Someone is chopping down our giants. Very sad.
Re: Key’s Bach. Doesn’t look too bad to me.
Well, I think it’s absolutely hideous – but I can’t understand the thought processes behind gutting a villa in a chi chi inner city suburb and turning it into a set from 2001. There’s a thesis to be written about the house as the last respectable locus for Kiwi snobbery and class consciousness, and is there anything more ball-achingly vulgar than the bourgeois who think ‘taste’ can be had for the price of a sub to House & Garden or Wallpaper? Fashions come and go, but unfortunately a house is harder to get rid of than an ugly arse pair of shoes.
Someone is chopping down our giants. Very sad.
Someone? Her perhaps?
For God’s sake – Tuwhare was bloody eighty five, not one to turn down a drink or a good feed that wouldn’t exactly win the approval of the diet cops, and had been in pretty poor health for a while.
Sorry for sounding ghoulish, but I saw my grandfather – a strong, vital man – just fade away, bit by bit, for the best part of a decade. Wouldn’t wish it on a dog, and perhaps we should focus on the fact that Hillary and Tuwhare lived long and full lives, and they died quickly but knowing they were respected and loved for their achievements. Doesn’t happen to all of us, Kyle.Too many people die hard – alone and forgotten.
I’ll always remember Hone in the downstairs bar at the Cook (while all those great Dunedin bands were playing upstairs) – thanks for the links
I was going to suggest they name the new Dunedin (spit) stadium after Ed, but maybe Hone would be a better target
…Re: Key’s Bach. Doesn’t look too bad to me. Much though I love the cacophonous random cheapness of the traditional kiwi bach,
Ummmm, cacophonous random cheapness seems a very apt description for Key’s bach to be honest. I was thinking how nice it is to see a multimillionaire like our John being prepared to knock up a Golden Homes spec house on his beach site instead of erecting a pristine modernist shrine to excessive wealth.
I mean, he couldn’t have paid more than $150k for that piece of crap, surely?
And do want.
Heh, one of my colleagues had her newly purchased, highly anticipated Inspiron complete with silver racing stripe turn up a mere two hours ago.
She feels a little deflated now…
but I can’t understand the thought processes behind gutting a villa in a chi chi inner city suburb and turning it into a set from 2001.
I can. It’s called ‘choosing your style’ as opposed to ‘letting the Victorians choose your style’.
To me Key’s Bach just looks like an excellent place to chill out looking out on the water. It’s hard to know from the one photo, but I get a real feeling of sour grapes about the commentary.
Wouldn’t wish it on a dog, and perhaps we should focus on the fact that Hillary and Tuwhare lived long and full lives, and they died quickly but knowing they were respected and loved for their achievements.
Indeed – food for thought. Well said, Craig.
I see that Whale Oil has classed “Public Address” as a ‘wrong’ blog. I’m hurt…
I mean, he couldn’t have paid more than $150k for that piece of crap, surely?
Without seeing the whole thing, who can say?
Oh, give it a fucking rest Russell. If there was anything ‘fine’ about the Sunday News patting June Hilary on the head for appropriate ‘staunchness’, I can’t see it. I guess you say ‘fine things’, I say ‘vacuous cant’, you say ‘tomato’, I say ‘toe-may-toe’. Let’s call the whole thing off.
Oh well. Seeing as Craig is linking to his post about cant, when he first made the point, it made me think about why we ought to remark the passing of Sir Edmund Hillary. It’s very much apropos Craig’s comment above: Sir Edmund Hillary and Aristotle.
Slater/Whale is really just a spoilt narcissistic brat nobody has told to grow up.
I’m inclined to agree with Kiwiblogblog and the Standard that he, and his partner DPF will eventually eventually be seen by National as liabilities as despatched accordingly.http://kiwiblogblog.wordpress.com/2008/01/17/farrars-albatross/
But having said that, I can’t really say Idiot/Savant’s little essay in Argumentum ad Nazium is any more impressive.
I stand by it. Whale Oil is acting exactly like the thugs in the National Front, and it needs to be pointed out. As for National, as I said to you last night, when a party has a deliberate policy of encouraging its lunatic fringe in order to “whip up the base”, I think they deserve a certain amount of condemnation when the natural consequences happen.
As for why, I suggest reading Dave Neiwert’s Rush, Newspeak and Fascism, about what this sort of pandering to extremists has done in the US.
For God’s sake
How about we let people express their thoughts about significant NZers in their own way? I think it’s sad that they’ve both died, and they both still had stuff to contribute. Michael King was taken from us by a car accident, not old age and bad health.
Or does your contrary angle not have an off switch, even when people are expressing sadness?
I dunno. Whaleoil is lacking the implied urging to his readers to go and wreak havoc on the Minto residence, whereas the genuine article intimidator piously hopes aloud that no one will do anything silly. If I were Whaleoil I would point to the publicity over Key’s bach and ask what’s different.
“Or does your contrary angle not have an off switch, even when people are expressing sadness?”
Clearly Craig is pathologically contrarian. I guess he needs the attention.
“publicity over Key’s bach and ask what’s different”
How about one seeks msm publication while the other doesn’t seek publication on a rightwing hate site? Would that be different enough?
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