Hard News: Public Address Word of the Year and Word of the Decade - the Vote!
24 Responses
Trying to work out if there's a reason that C words (CERA, crowdsourcing) are other than in alphanumerical order, but am at a loss. Something to do with the speed of light?
How did we miss Drugcheat? My partner pointed it out.
It's weird looking back at the Word of the Decade list. I've been googling words and restricting results to the last year and it's interesting how many struggle to get even a dozen results.
Not only is fuckeulogy not in common use, but most of the results pages were user names or online slang dictionaries. If it's used in a sentence, its meaning is usually glossed first. Two years ago there was the sudden burst of enthusiasm for twatcock, but online it seems to be partying like it's 2010 (dancing to "Young Blood" while wearing jeggings.) Ditto for roflnui - 10 results in the past year, or nine if you exclude this very page.
I suppose this is all part of the deal. Language is just as susceptible to trends as popular music or clothing. So if we're happy to think of jeggings as a definitive fashion of the past decade, perhaps twatcock is just as suitable.
Emma Hart, in reply to
I suppose this is all part of the deal. Language is just as susceptible to trends as popular music or clothing.
Yeah, usually a word has made an actual impression because it's suddenly arrived, for one reason or another. It seems quite reasonable that most would go the way they came.
I'm not voting on the basis that a word has achieved any legitimacy or mainstream usage; rather that a word or term has touched me in the timespan.
Zeitgeisty terms will come & go, it is what we, as individuals remember and get resonance with that lasts on a personal basis. -
Sacha, in reply to
10 results in the past year
and mainly confined to PAS folk. interesting
TracyMac, in reply to
I was thinking of some grand reason encompassing ASCII character code sorting with ALL CAPS vs normal title case letters (all capital letters in ascii have lower number-codes than lower case letters, so tools using the ascii codes in the background will sort caps before lower case - it's rare though).
But on further examination, perhaps it's a simple matter of someone inserting some extra rows in a spreadsheet table, not quite in the right place. :-)
Sacha, in reply to
Not only is fuckeulogy not in common use, but most of the results pages were user names or online slang dictionaries. If it's used in a sentence, its meaning is usually glossed first.
It was coined by John Oliver in the online podcast The Bugle after the death of Bin Laden. It's also been applied to some other people who aren't generally liked who have been killed around the region in the same podcast. I'm not aware of it being used anywhere else, amongst the followers of that podcast it has a somewhat legendary status - it's a fantastic analysis of what was going on around the media when he died - the eulogy for someone that you're really quite happy is dead.
Mainstream influence virtually none however :)
No proper-nounified un-suffixed Dotcom?
Love 'brainfade' – it can be made to sound almost as onomatopaeic as 'flibbertigibberish'.
'Facebook', however, sounds like the shape of a headache slowly expanding. -
I just realised the Google form is in Chinese... Heh
Steve Withers, in reply to
Me, too.
Chris Waugh, in reply to
I just realised the Google form is in Chinese… Heh
That's weird, it's all in English for me, and I'm using a Chinese-language OS and coming from a Chinese IP address...
I see that Google is listed as a noun, but I'm pretty sure I (and others) submitted it as a verb - "to google".
Robyn's use above ("I’ve been googling words and restricting results to the last year ") is the perfect example.
People now say they googled something with Bing, so the verb has escaped its noun somewhat.
I see that it hasn't made the spell checker yet though - it's showing as underlined as I type this.
What no ‘nek minute’, which I loath, but was excedingly popular in the past year http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nek+minute&oq=nek+minute&gs_l=youtube.3..0l10.2163.5728.0.6220.…0.0…1ac.1.f0F8jDWcnGM. At only 4,400 youtube results and a totally kiwi phenomenon it’s exclusion beggars beleif Mr Brown.
Also how about Ineptocracy, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ineptocracy, which is prehaps the single greatest new word I have learnt this year! As in ‘John Key governs an ineptocracy’. 212,000 google results and such a lovely meaning. -
It has been a batshit year coming on the end of a decade dominted by twatcocks - GFC War on terror and all that jazz........Nek Minnit.
Sacha, in reply to
What no ‘nek minute’, which I loath, but was excedingly popular in the past year
see previous year
Meth'd acting...
While Downton Abbey never made it into the 'My word' of the Yeah!
S Colbert Esq has slaked our seemingly bottomless thirst for all things class-based with - Breaking Abbey -
Let's hope the next decade's words will be ones like peace, love, harmony, cooperation, equity, diversity, justice, sharing, inclusion, relationships, eco-balance ... and hope.
Sacha, in reply to
there's a word for that :)
Respect !
twatcock and the rest are all very well but I'm still a fan of 'Theatre'...that was a well useful word hereabouts.
Sacha, in reply to
or hippie :)
Excellent to see "fuckeulogy" make it into the list, it's a brilliant word. The Bugle also coined "catastratunity" this year after the big storm hit NYC, and I think that's got a lot of potential.
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