Island Life: Serving suggestion only
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Puzzled punters may find this useful.
I kind of glad they left that space in there on the billboard for people to fill in:
Wave goodbye to higher taxes
not your loved onesthey can’t afford the tolls
we’ll be locking more of them up near you
we’re selling the hospitals, they can’t afford to die
…. -
Again, I lol’ed.
But where is the “more” advertised? I expected gallery-sized goodness…
Does this mean another “make your own billboard” website is coming?
But where is the “more” advertised?
Inadvertent metaphor on my part.
Hayden, yes that had crossed my mind. Who would like one?
actually thinking more about it it does lend itself to a haiku form factor ….
Wave goodbye to a
popular and competent
Prime Minister. Sigh. -
Pffft. Got one already – can I have a 67 Mustang instead?
actually thinking more about it it does lend itself to a haiku form factor ….
Wave goodbye to Maurice Williamson.
He was a little too exuberant. -
Hayden, yes that had crossed my mind. Who would like one?
Ooo yes please!
Hayden, yes that had crossed my mind. Who would like one?
Oh my god yes
Wave goodbye to Maurice Williamson.
He was a little too exuberantMeet the new Moz. Same as the old Moz.
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello.
Hello hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello. -
I’m Sherriff Muzza
You are nicked for breaking the
Broadband speed limit! -
Actually, that should be Maurie, not Muzza. No edit function.
Wave goodbye to Air New Zealand
Sold by lunchtime -
Wont somebody think of the children!
Funding for private schools.Why?
Because we care. -
I believe in hope
Why din’ I see it before?
Key is Obama -
Wave goodbye to John Ansell.
And your marketing nous. -
Wave goodbye to John Ansell.
And your marketing nous.And tell the group whether you’re going to be a strategist on Labour’s campaign as well as a candidate, Conor.
Wait! we didn’t say
our branding needs to have the
same blue as the flag -
Leader John Key, who wore a light blue tie which did not quite match the colour of the planes in the ad, said he was worried about net migration out of the country.
Wait, what?
Public Address reader David Hamilton, who is wearing a brown kind of smart casual hoody that contrasts nicely with the orange of his office chair, is confused at how that’s relevant.
Craig, I hope you’ll agree that my website link pretty clearly outlines my political affiliations… Labour’s Rodney electorate head strategist and candidate…
Wave goodbye to Craig Ranapia
He needs to go have a sit down
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