Posts by Dave Patrick

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  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ..., in reply to DexterX,

    The band was Mondo Rock - I remeber that Eagle Rock 'event" it was classic.

    The Angels played on the Friday as I recall.

    Mondo Rock - that was them.

    Was that the Angels gig where someone chucked a (full) can at Rick Brewster, and he just carried on playing, head down, sunglasses on (at night), blood streaming down his face?

    Just like 0:54 in this one...

    The Angels always put on brilliant live shows, I could never understand why it was AC/DC that went on to international fame, and not the Angels (well, apart from Doc Neeson being notoriously hard to deal with, that is....)

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    I have a favourite "Sweetwaters moment" memory of the guy from Daddy Cool in his new band (can't remember their name, can't remember the name of the song that made them briefly famous) - at the end of their set, every member of the band (there were about 7) except for the drummer donned guitars, and they did a completely over-the-top rendition of Eagle Rock, complete with synchronised guitar moves and large doses of tongue in cheek - it was a hoot.

    Also, Jo Jo Zep

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    Another blast from the 80s past - and yet more paisley :D

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    The complicating factor here is data usage caps. I'm on a plan that lets me use about 100-150 GB per month without blowing my budget, but I imagine that most people wanting to buy and download a 20+ GB game (__World of Warcraft__, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, etc) would have worries about being speed-capped or charged major overusage as part of their decision to purchase a game online at all.


    Our plan is a 20Gb per month plan, which is absolutely fine most of the time. IN that 20Gb though, there is also a 2Gb daily restriction which, if breached, knocks us back to dial-up speed for the day afterwards. So buying a game through Steam takes planning and foresight and a close eye on the download speed and meter, so I can pause it when we're close to 2Gb and the resume it the next day. It annoys me.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ..., in reply to nothingelseon,

    That would have been about the right year, yep it was a brilliant concert, one of the best I've been to

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ..., in reply to recordari,

    I blame the Hoodoos for my tinnitus, specifically one concert at the Gluepot where I spent the night squashed against the barrier in front of the stage, and couldn't hear anything for two days afterwards.........

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    FYI, for those among you who like the odd old game or two - sells official, downloadable, Windows-compatible, DRM-free old games. I've bought Descent / Descent 2 / Total Annihilation - Kingdoms and a few others from there - ridiculously priced at mostly less than $10 each (US, but still stupid prices)

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    The thing that annoys me about the copyright "debate" is the automatic assumption on the part of the representatives of the rights holders that every (illegal) download of an mp3 is a lost sale. I have bought WAY more CDs than I ever would have had I never downloaded a single mp3. Most of those CDs are of bands that don't get a lot of coverage or distribution here in New Zealand, so they're actually MAKING a sale thanks to that (possibly illegal, I couldn't possibly comment) download.

    Small distributors seem to have cottoned on to this (Amplifier is one such site, where almost every release has a full listen available), the larger distributors and multinationals not so much....

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Practical considerations,

    Morning Report AND The Press both had items this morning about how this would mean more money for Hone - I was dying to send them the link to this blog. Why can't real journalists do this kind of analysis?

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Our building is only two years old, and out by the airport, off Roydvale Ave. In the September 4 earthquake, a couple of offices and some of the open plan areas on the second floor had ceiling tiles down and a couple of air conditioning units fell out of the ceiling. No structural damage though.

    This time there was a LOT more superficial damage - most of the ceiling tiles have come away from the suspended ceiling, lighting units are scattered all over the place, and a couple of broken windows - but the air conditioning units, which were more firmly tethered after September 4, stayed put. Still no structural damage.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

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