Posts by Dave Patrick

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  • Cracker: Sintax,

    That Verlaines one is pretty special already, and another of my favourite lyrics.

    This one too:

    I watch your striptease til I feel I have to go
    I hear the crowd applaud as you put on your show
    You're like some mad musician on his funeral pyre
    I have to shout aloud...'Don't catch fire!'

    Chris Knox ideally to do the illustration

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sintax,

    Oooo snap

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sintax,

    Not particularly nice lyrics, but I've always had a soft spot for Headless Chickens' "Do the Headless Chicken"

    And those boys who go to so much trouble
    To be Rasputin's double
    They look so grand behind their big car doors
    With the girls who remind you of weeping sores

    And please can I have it by the guy that drew this:

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Shambeerla at Beervana,

    You lucky bastards. That is all.

    Quoted for truth.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Southerly: Confessions of a Social Retard,

    Oooo dancing - I can waltz adequately (even managing turns and everything), I can pogo like a mad thing, but that thing the kids do in clubs and things...? Nah.....

    That episode of the Young Ones where they had a spoof "yoof" TV programme called "Nozin' Around"? What Ben Elton does on that? That's me dancing.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Southerly: Confessions of a Social Retard,

    Alcohol gave me just enough confidence to think "I could probably hit on her" but not enough to actually let me think that, once hit upon, said girl would actually want to do anything with me. And, most of the time, not enough confidence to do the actual hitting-upon.

    All those years of unrequited lust.......

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Southerly: Confessions of a Social Retard,

    Ah, public speaking -- that's a funny beast. I have no problem with public speaking, provided I know what I'm going to say in advance.

    Yeah, I don't mind so much the prepared stuff - the school functions where everyone else has stolen what you were going to say and already said it are the ones where desperation leads to babbling.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Southerly: Confessions of a Social Retard,

    Alcohol was also my way of coping with intense shyness when I was young - shyness that would lead me to walking half the length of the NZ Steel site to see someone in their office rather than ringing them up (because there was a chance, however small, that they wouldn't be in their office and I wouldn't have to talk to them, but could still say i tried - but if they answered their phone, I was stuck - I HAD to talk to them).

    It worked, to a certain extent - I was MUCH more extroverted when semi-blotto, but then people would expect me to be like that all the time, and I got quite a few accusations of arrogance when I wasn't gregarious all the time.

    Now? A little bit different - I'll hug anyone (I always would have, but no one used to volunteer), but public speaking still gives me the shits - which as Chair of the local school Board of Trustees can be a bit of a pain at times. I too have been reduced to the Babbling Extrovert Spiral - articulacy to the point of inarticulation tends to be my forte at times like that - stream of conciousness babble that tends to screen the fact that I have been speaking for 5 minutes but haven't actually SAID anything yet.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Southerly: Everybody Needs Good Neighbours,

    The only bad neighbours I've suffered were the ones downstairs in a flat in London, who would come home from clubbing at about 2 or 3 in the morning and play Divine.


    And on repeat.

    Until about 5 in the morning.

    Bearable in the weekend, but when I had to be up to go to work, it got a bit tedious.

    So one weekend at about 8, when they'd been particularly loud and prolonged, I hooked up the flat stereo in my bedroom (which I think was above one of theirs), laid the speakers down flat on the floor, and played Dead Kennedys, UK Subs, GBH and Violent Femmes at them for an hour or so.

    Divine still got played, but at a much more bearable level (as in background noise levels), and next time I bumped in to them outside the flat, they were all smiles - they got the point, and didn't mind too much the retaliation.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Who says chivalry is dead?,

    Contador has gear problems (knackered wheel) on the cobblestones and Schleck builds a 30-second lead on that leg. No one complains.

    Shleck knackers his own chain pushing too hard and Contador gets back the 30 seconds he lost. Everyone complains.

    Clear now?

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

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