Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: Moving right along?, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    But he can't win this media game,

    Yes - it may be hard for him - but he should just turn up and do the job he was elected to do and make no further comment on matters till the report comes out or a furher truck load of shit hits the fan.

    Life will be a lot harder for his wife and kids - it is interesting how a "life event" (death of a relative, cancer, work ) reveals a person's true character.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moving right along?, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Quite right, Mister Mayor. Again: Who elected The Herald to anything?

    Well, Len Brown did with the “interview article” yesterday in the Herald - I just can't believe he won't STFU.

    I would suggest the next time for Len Brown to comment is when the investigation (independent or otherwise) into the “funding and influence” – is published or another affair or behavioural misjudgement comes to light.

    I can’t stomach Brown nor Key – whose take on “matters” are the same. They are both wankers.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The non-binary council, in reply to SteveH,

    She's really played down her own role in it

    The issue Is not really about "her", or Slater.

    It is interesting that a security guard at the Edge venue was fired for having sex on the job and Len has done precisely that.

    Len Brown doesn't have my confidence - he is witless and compromised – I would not vote for him again – sure he could stay on - though it would likely make the mayoralty an ongoing train wreck of sorts.

    My preference is he is sworn in, forms the new Council and then resigns or steps aside for a time and allows Penny Hulse as Deputy Mayor to take over.

    The last time Len was held to account he, on live to air TV, cut up credit cards and whacked himself in the face, his public act of contrition – what is he going to do know castrate himself.

    Len’s emphasis in the interview on Campbell Live, came across to me as being all about what was best for him – not about what is best for those around him.

    People are largely disengaged from the political process because there is not much that one can place trust or have any regard. – Len has proved himself to be just another narcissistic self-serving arsehole.

    He was barely competent, yet was the "best" choice - now he is largely compromised.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The non-binary council, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    Slater seems to have a issue with the order of events in his head.

    This would cover his "hole" life, No?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to ,

    Worship me by all means, though probably best not to involve my mother.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season,

    To my mind a yacht is something that moves through and displaces water, not a kite that races approx 2.0 metres above it.

    It is weird that, in NZ, the stock market has started to rally, become bullish – it did the same thing in 1985 with KZ 7, with every win the share market rallied – the share market was being buoyed incredibly by the result of a boat race (and then the market crashed in 1987). Who was then the Govt?

    It points to a lack of maturity and the fact that financial markets, a barometer of human behaviour, are mostly made up nonsense. We are in the mist of lingering contraction and the rebuilding of Christchurch is buoying the NZ economy.

    In the event Emirates Team NZ win the America’s Cup have a party by all means but it will not be an economic windfall with benefits for most - MHO - nor will for that matter will a Labour Lead coalition govt make much difference for most. The damage has been long done and is not easily undone.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Missing Stair Part Two:…,

    I find it interesting how in all manner of situations and on so many levels that involve abuse the most common response is to behave in a manner that protects and supports the abuser and isolates and undermines the abused.

    I have tended to stand up early to abuse - stand up when you find it or know it is so - it may not work but at least you aren't condoning it with the tolerance of silence or omission

    Call it out as you see it when you see it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: eleventh-hour arguments,

    Remind anybody of anyone with a Key personality disorder.

    Where the thing is going/has been.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fluency, ease of manner - and…,

    I have a considerable degree of discomfort with Keys behaviour in dealing with issues – that range from a brain fade, to an apology, the Casino Deal, and using the police and other agencies to intimidate people in the Tea Pot Tapes saga – these incidents do not paint Key in a favourable light. I feel he is not trust worthy.

    The driver for the GCSB review is that through the KDC fiasco the NZ people learned the NZ government was breaking the law – the GCSB spying on residents/citizens.

    The law change will ensure that all of the surveillance activity of the GCSB (past, present and future) will have a basis at law – where previously it did not. I feel the past surveillance activity conducted by the GCSB (on behalf of the Government/Head/Prime Minster) would likely exceed the number of 80 people spied on illegally as identified by the Kitteridge report.

    Should additional past illegal surveillance activity come to light – the response will be – “But we changed the law” and the matter will be dismissed - despite it being illegal at the time.

    I fail to see the “public good” and I have not been given or seen an adequate explanation of the need for the law to be changed particularly in the absence of a more thorough and honest facts based review.

    "We" are doing this because we are stupid and got caught doesn’t cut it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fluency, ease of manner - and…,

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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