Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: Limping Onwards, in reply to Sacha,

    Yes - but they aren't the dynamic new engine.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards,

    The present problem for Labour I feel stems from Helen Clarke and Michael Cullen not sticking around long enough to help bed in successors and assist with developing the opposition mindset (running gear) and strategy, what Goff got left with was a job no one appeared to really want.

    So with 2 1/2 year in opposition Labour have not mastered the task – I hope they can get their shit together and start building something credible. Listening to the Radio News this evening Goof was still banging on – it should have been put to bed last week – and they should have moved on.

    I can’t see Labour getting any direction until after the election - would love to be proved wrong..

    I can see the AB’s winning the world cup and I don’t think it will affect the voting – it is not as if a large section of the voting public can even afford a ticket.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards,

    What is Labour going to fight the election with?

    A problem Labour has in opposing the sale of non-core state assets is that it is something they were looking at doing - that is if you believe Mallard.

    To win the debate on the assets sale question all the Nats really have to do is point out that this is where Labour were going anyway.

    I'm curious - has any body received any mail outs about a Labour membership drive?

    I have received stuff from the Nets and the Greens a few months ago but nothing from Labour.

    I wonder if Labour are even that interested in presenting a credible (government in) opposition - are they waiting for people to tire of the Nats after three terms?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards,

    Rich Observation made a comment in response to Sacha - Just as a for instance, they talk about stopping money disappearing to Australian banks - but all they have as a solution is giving Kiwibank a bit more scope to expand.

    I am sure that during Nats liekly next term the economy will have not recovered (shrunk) to the level that all borrowing will be able to be funded domestically.


    Goof is getting shot from all sides and that includes the inside.

    I was discussing the fortunes of both parties and the future for NZ with some friends tonight and the point was made that if you look at Labour it has had Carter, Jones and Hughes, and the Nats have had Worth and Wong.

    Someone asked what about the working person – and we all fell about laughing – when has that mattered of late.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards,

    Russell’s post sums it up pretty well; so what happens next?

    Six months is, after all, an eternity in politics.

    I would like to see Labour hop off the spontaneous combustion cycle and present as a “credible government” in opposition.

    That could prove wishful thinking.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Everything has changed until 2014,

    "If John Key were a cheese?" - well he is and he is "Richard" Cheese.

    Presently he only has to smile and wave such is the standard of the opposition who are no capable of w[ping the smeg look from his face.

    Shane Jones, Darren Hughes leaving Labour with both feet well shot off, I guess the next target will be a blast to the head – bye (or by) Phil

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Everything has changed until 2014,

    The present government is getting ready to shake the country down, in a minor Key.

    There are alternatives to what they will do but they won’t be considered because there is an agenda they want to pursue regardless.

    The govt as Keith has stated are taking the Christchurch Quake to justify spending and other cuts and this is likely the small end of the wedge – There will be a lot of reviews happening now and in the next few months. They will wait until they are re-elected and then they will go hell for leather to make a raft of changes in the name of necessity.

    Having regard to what IMF has been reported to say I would like to see:
    1) The massive over reach of WFF corrected and a review of the tax rates and bands,
    2) No KiwiSaver subsidies – IMHO it is a scheme that will benefit the Managed Fund/Financial Services Industry more than it will ever benefit NZ
    3) A rise in the minimum adult wage to say $16.00,
    4) Student loans being interest-free until say one is earning over say $65,000 – with principle repaid once one earns say $20,000.

    For Christchurch to my mind it makes sense to:
    1) Levy for the Christchurch rebuild,
    2) Issue a targeted Govt Stock issue for the Chch rebuild that has perhaps a lesser tax rate on the interest..
    3) Have the “shit” that people are protesting about get sorted out now.

    I wouldn’t like to see further “privatisation” of Health, Education and any privatisation of Welfare/Social services – but I do think that is where they will go.

    The economy will recover and it will be based on better and more sensible infrastructure and Tourism, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry – these are the areas where the investment in technological innovation needs to be developed and it needs to extend to all aspects of the chain that gets those products to markets.

    The opposition are a non-event they are stuffed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wall and the Paper,

    The laws opinion peice, "A black eye for liberals" talks tough and goes nowhere - it offers and delivers nothing.

    With Michael Laws self praise would likely be at the foundation of why he does what he does:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The digital switch-off, in reply to BenWilson,

    So what are we in right now?

    I call it a recession.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The digital switch-off, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    I could not justify SKY TV on any basis.

    Most channels are crap, the movies I have already seen or I don't want to see them, the news is an infinite rotation of boredom once a story has broken - the only thing of interest to me is the sport - but we go to the pub to watch that when we really need to.

    With child minding our 3 year old has her own personal DVD player, has her own Library of books and discs and goes with us each week to Video Ezy to select her weekly viewing. She does not watch actually wtach TV and given the choise she prefers to sit on my lap and watch You tube.

    We spend more time listening to the radio or online than involved with TV. which is fast becoming History and perhaps expanding Public Address to a Waynes World online current formant oprlinking in with one has some merit.

    Russell's World. Hard News Time.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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