Posts by DexterX

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  • Cracker: It's a Wonderful Thing,

    Hindsight most beneficial.

    The lack of foresight in National overturning the ban on unhealthy food in tuckshops is their sticking with part of the mandate they obviously feel they were elected with being, “any problem facing the country (you) is your problem and not theirs”.

    Ensuring fresh fruit and other healthy foods in schools would assist in saving future health dollars through creating an society with better eating habits. Schools will hopefully continue with the policy.

    As one who has often pondered, “What is it that causes my pie addiction?”
    I am now actively in recovery and after following the program from the Pastry Addicts Support Group I am happy to report that I have gone 18 days without pastry.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Welfare: Back to the Future?,

    Some on asked what about the children.

    Making reference to Gordon Campbell’s Scoop article, which mentions the Tavita case where the Court of Appeal found that when considering a deportation the Immigration Department needed to consider the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to which the NZ Govt had adopted.

    There are grounds the under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to challenge the more extreme Welfare Reforms suggested under the WWG final report – three strikes and there is no benefit/job seekers subsidy.

    This link takes you to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the relevant articles of which are 19, 20, and especially articles 26 & 27.

    I don’t see NZ as having a Welfare problem, and the extreme measure proposed by the WWG reforms mostly disgust me. Have figures on long-term lifestyle welfare dependency been published anywhere and the basis for 100,000 is?

    The problem isn’t the unemployed or the under employed the problem is the problem, which is the management and performance of the economy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Welfare: Back to the Future?, in reply to Heather Gaye,

    To expand on that bent slightly Welfare Reforms will be coupled with Labour Market Reforms.

    Early in this Nat govt's second term the restructure of WINZ and a reduced cost of welfare will be coupled with the reform of the employment legislation - an outcome of which will be a reduced cost of labour.

    This makes an interesting read:

    Neither of these measure will solve the problem with the economy - it will only make matters appear better for some and a lot worse for others.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    I watched the house today to check out the form, Chris Finlayson and Bill English impressed, the opposition did not present as a credible alternative let alone an effective opposition.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    A plan so cunning you could put a tale on it and call it a weasel.

    Labour build its election platform and get their campaign under a full head of steam based on opposition to the sale of SOEs and power generation.

    National could point Labour rorted power consumers and that they increased power bills by 72% and that Labour want to retain power generation to help fund reckless excess and wasteful ways.

    It would be a masterstroke for National to then announce they have decided not to offload power generation in the middle of the Labour's campaign efforts whilst also announcing plans to reform power further. This would leave Labour with not as much to offer save for taxes increases

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Sacha,

    That is a myth - Govt Debt was never down to zero ever - if we look at overseas debt you can refer to this table:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    To Matthew and Ben

    Matthew - I have never said NZ First will wing the election - I think if there is a NZ First coalition with Labour it may be a very bad thing indeed. Should Winston make a strong come back Labour may still miss out in spite of the collapse of the Maori Party the comeback may be at Labour's expense with Key's position. If Winston goes into coalition with Labour he may put to bed this CGT nonsense.

    So Ben you are against owning capital and charging other people to use it. - I wonder do you think it should be free?

    I wonder how many economists, even those with Phds, Treasury officials predicted the looming GFC - not many. They were too far up their collective theoretical ………..

    The government making “heaps” is not a good thing - as it takes money out of circulation and will contract the productive section of the economy - the bit that provides jobs to people who don't work in the government, the ones that suffer most in a recession.

    People pay enough tax as it is, the GST tax increase was a real success wasn't it, Not.

    As I said before

    The budget forecast for the tax revenue from the removal of deprecation are approx $685 mill a year for the next 4 years and the tax revenue from audit activity is likely to be $210 mill – a portion of that will be derived from ppty.

    Anything taxation in relation to ppty that exceeds this approach is wanton – you have nearly a billion dollars that wasn’t their before. A government that does more than this will create adverse social consequence in the form of increased rents and increased prices the brunt of which will be born by those earning under the median wage as a 100% or more of their wage is used up in meeting their living expenses..

    Good for you, has the better society your grandad wanted from his colossal tax payments eventuated? If it didn’t wanted stopped it from happening?

    I don’t support CGT and asset sales as:
    1) they won’t help grow the economy
    2) they will increase the costs of living in rents and higher power prices.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    Yes - but they never really do retire debt.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to BenWilson,

    The Govt making heaps of revenue is a good thing how??
    The profit on what, and what profits are taxed unfairly and why do you think that??
    Do you see capital loss as being productive, and do you actually favour capital values being lost ??

    I still can't see the point of CGT and the consquences.

    I thought it was because you liked to get together with a bunch of like minded ( I would use weak but I am being polite) pitch fork wavers and scare people who owned wide screen TVs - exemptions of course provided to former Labour Ministers.

    So in a NUTSHELL you support more tax, less ownership and more government.

    Do you think the Labour Colaition will be able to taxes its way out of the downturn/recession??.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    Mr Poole in response to your numerous posts,

    When you say, “remember “you evaluate a tax for long-term effects, not short-term ones”- the evaluation of any measure is based on what your “purpose is” there are a range of scenarios and methods avilable. It look like you are telluing me what to do.

    If you want some info you could go to budget 2010 fact sheets on the removal of depreciation and the funding that is being allocated to IRD to ensure there is compliance.

    There are a range of budget info sheets on depreciation, LAQC and QC rules, and the over reach of Working for Families.

    With all that is being done to ensure that people (also those who "trade in property") comply with the law and pay tax on their effective capital gains I can't see the point of introducing a CGT/Land Tax.

    The budget forecast for the tax revenue from the removal of deprecation are approx $685 mill a year for the next 4 years and the tax revenue from audit activity is likely to be $210 mill – a portion of that will be derived from ppty.

    If you want to see the movement in rents go and search the Dept of Building and Housing.

    Some of the things you adamantly ask are inane, it is like being asked, “Who do you think will wing the 2011 election? An answer is provided and then one is asked to provide proof of the 2011 election, an event which hasn’t happened.

    I have real concerns you may have hit yourself in the forehead one too many times with your closed hand.

    I have said why I hold the opinion as to why I don’t support CGT and asset sales as:
    1) they won’t help grow the economy
    2) they will increase the costs of living in rents and higher power prices.

    Can’t you handle that other people hold different opinions.

    As this thread is about - Election 2011 GO - I hope we don’t get another Labour Coalition Govt in 2011 – Working people are still in recovery mode from the last 3 terms of well-meaning lost opportunity socialist nonsense and I wouldn't wish the present disorganised Labour lot on anyone let alone the "in" crowd of pitch fork wavers that support CGT.

    I have another question for you, why do you keep hitting yourself in the forehead?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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