Posts by recordari
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One striking memory from living in Tokyo for a year in the early nineties was Obon week. Apparently 11+ million leave town (the Kanto Plain, that is) at the same time. A day of absolute carnage, followed by a quiet week in Tokyo. Was kind of surreal.
Hard News: My Year in Culture, in reply to
My musical finds of the year Sufjan Stevens (coming here in February, fascinated to see what of his diverse range he plays)
Me too. Amazing stuff, and would love to see him in concert.
The song Chicago was like 'I know this song. No I don't. Maybe? Wow! Where have you been all my life?'
My only concern is the last two times this has happened were Jeff Buckley's Grace and Elliot Smith's Waltz #2 (XO). Hoping it's not a pattern.
"They put a bus lane through my heart"
Strangely more apposite after the fact.
Which is the smallest mall in the world?
In: Shopping [Edit categories]
[Improve]The smallest mall in the world would be in Tokyo, China.
Right next to Kino-Kun-Nan Bookshop.
But it's veeery difficult to find. On account of it's size.
Julia Deans was definitely a highlight. Saw her twice, and both were brilliant, and different. Also, thanks to suggesting New Dialogue for a T-shirt, I won a very cool Dick Frizzell & Don MacGlashan T from Damian, so she rocks my world.
Other music that I discovered this year includes Warpaint and Deerhunter, both playing Laneways, which should be good.
Band of Horses were probably one of my top concerts. Paul Weller had moments, but I'm more a Jam fan than his later stuff, so hard to please.
But of all the musical moments, when Chris Knox came out at Laneways with Shane Carter and played an incredible, albeit brief, and poignant, set, that probably had the greatest impact of any musical moment in 2010. Legend.
I favour a convocation.
With that he cocked his twat, and departed.
Hard News: Spinning and soldiering, in reply to
Inevitable that this thread would be reduced to the "who's up who & which one is paying the rent?" tenor of every thread.
Yeah, did I miss something? Every thread?
Hard News: We are all twatcocks now…, in reply to
...a giant golf ball?
Hard News: We are all twatcocks now…, in reply to
I overheard myself using, but guessing that doesn't count either.
Imagine my excitement when I found this. (Scroll down to "Best Smiles of the Week" by Hal). From 1937.
"The couple next door seem very devoted. He kisses her every time they meet? Why don't you do that?" "Well I don't know her well enough yet".
Lushus Jelly Dessert becomes an immediate friend of the family with it's double-rich fruit flavour.