Posts by Che Tibby

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  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    redfern is the major milestone in australian race relations. 67 was one, by redfern is the biggie.

    and howard despised it. be called the view represented in it a "black armband" view of australian history.

    thing is, you can't lift "the sorry" out of the reconciliation movement.

    the nationally distributed sorry books awaiting signatures on the corner of streets and outside shops, the marches in every major city, the reconciliation itself, was hinged on that one public statement by the prime minister.

    and howard refused to give it. and all that momentum was squandered.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    dems fighting words!

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    man... a guy can't even pick a fight in this forum without two reasonable people coming along and being all "reasonable"...

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    well, for starters, "asking some folks" in new zealand about treaty apologies, and superimposing your responses on australian realities kind of superficial, no?

    second, the partisan sniping accusation rests on your willingness to assume that rudd is merely wanting to make photo-mileage out of this issue.

    the apology to the stolen generation is a huge issue that defines almost a generation of australian race-relations politics. and in particular, the apology symbolised the unwillingness of howard to take aboriginal issues seriously at all. no apology was closely followed by 'no action'.

    But, hey, if real live Aborigines get a warm, fuzzy glow on far be it from me to criticise them. I just think its entirely reasonable to hope there's a lot more substance to come from Rudd.

    i don't know if you're wanting to grasp this, but the apology is the substance.

    and, i know better than to try to intimidate you. i've seen you brow-beat too many people on this very blog to even consider it. :)

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    whoops... angry.

    *save your partisan sniping for issues that don't actually matter

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    Gee, that and $3.50 each should buy Aboriginal Australians a cup of coffee. Sorry, Charles, but this is about as impressive as Tony Blair's apology

    sorry craig, but this is one where i get to say that you are totally and completely wrong.

    first of all the apology was never supposed to be a panacea for aboriginal social dislocation, deprivation, and systemic mainstream racism. those are entirely separate issues.

    reconciliation was a years-long process that was supposed to culminate in an apology, on behalf of the federal parliament, and the australian mainstream, for the systematic removal or children under decades of assimilationistic and bitterly racist policies.

    so save your partisan sniping for issues that actually matter.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    last election said some throwaway line like, "if i get hit by a bus, peter has the PMs job".

    the chaser had howard being stalked by a bus with costello's face on it.

    now that was damn funny.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Island Life: The doctor will see you now,

    sweet jesus... i can't begin to express my envy...

    david. eat at least one more duck before you leave. one more, for me.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    if i remember right, the 'rodent' moniker was actually coined by someone afiliated with the liberal party.

    there was some kerfuffle a few years back about howard's lying ways, and someone (i genuinely forget who) referred to him as "a lying rodent".

    caused quite a chuckle at the tibby household, let me tell you.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    kyle... you think of firing the broad-side?

    if you get my meaning.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

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