Posts by Raymond A Francis

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  • Legal Beagle: The hopeful disallowance…,

    Good to see someone prepared to do the hard yards on these matters

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Judging the judges,

    It is the easiest thing in the world to criticise Judges and just as easy to find a lawyer to agree because for every judgement there is a lawyer who lost

    The great thing with our system is that if/when a Judge gets it wrong we have a system of appeals that can endeavour to get it right, of course that can lead to more appeals with on some occasions the decision seesawing back and forth
    It is not an easy job and it is regulated

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Southerly: Gerry Brownlee: “I Like To…,

    Its been a long time between drinks(posts) David but i understand why
    I am seriosly envious of the nailgun because like Bart can not justify one
    Keep safe

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Party on, dudes,

    Ten long years, well done Russell and team
    Long time reader, sometime commenter but times and interests change but I still appreciate the work you and the afore-mentioned team put into it

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: Whistleblower Season,

    I take your point Steve but we are not just talking about Savile just "coping a feel" we are talking about alleged child rape which despite your stories about laws regarding vegetables has been illegal in the UK since 1275
    it is not a new crime!

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: Whistleblower Season,

    Just because men thought they could get away with it (let's define "it" as sexual abuse of children) does not mean it was ok then or now

    I can't believe I am reading someone suggest otherwise

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • OnPoint: The Source,

    I am not suggesting that Ira has done anything wrong, he has not
    Just wondering why he was there and why someone who is a system administrator would need the WINZ computer to do his CV updates
    And when he found the problem, while he might have told someone right then he was quite within his rights to do what he did do ( in my opinion)
    Just a pity he was outed, love to also know where that came from?

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • OnPoint: The Source,

    Ok, the same old left wing /right wing bull shit going on here, mostly from the left, given the normal dialogue at PA
    Calls for the Minister's head from the usual suspects

    Yes it is a disgrace for a Government Dept to leak information, no argument there and just as bad some people claim to have known this for some time but didn't think to alert anybody or if they did were ignored ( I would like some proof on this given all phone calls are recorded

    My only question just how likely is it that anyone in employment goes to a WINZ office and then sticks a device into a computer?

    Quite frankly it beggers belief!

    The only person to come out of this with any credit is Keith and I am more than happy to help finance his defense if he is charged

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Democracy-Free Zone,

    Of course everybody (at Public Address one presumes)) thought it was just great that Ecan (or as it was known further South Ecan't) was a democracy that allowed the population base of Christchurch to interfere in the lives of people who lived in North Otago a 180 kms away. A different province with different loyalties and different problems
    And as proof there is a Court case at the moment which revolves around the regranting of water rights that stretched over 10 years and a ratcheting of fees by huge amounts. Ecan was dysfunctional writ large make no mistake about that!

    As for the anti democratic dealing with Chch and its problems lets not forget that everybody over the age of 18 has a right to change the government every three years

    Something they already have not done once despite the carping of the Labour MPs

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: MMP Review - The Proposals, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    I quite agree that we need the numbers but your point the maybe the voters are wrong and given time they will agree with us sounds awfully like the Labour Party saying that surely the voters will see they made a mistake and come back to the fold

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

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