Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Let's name our nannyism. I'd ban advertising of all things to children under the age of, say, 12, and ban advertising of things that cause harm to people other than the direct consumer - so alcohol and yes, cigarettes as well on account of the second-hand smoke thing.

    I can't let that one go without suggesting that all forms of religion and religious "teaching" be banned for that age group as well.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Also, Ross's definition of "polite" is... interesting.

    Aww shucks Ems. Ta. ;-)

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Running...hehe. Nice.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Just so we're on the same page: you're still okay with people shooting each other and beating the shit out of each other in films, yes? Getting drunk? Being comically blotto?

    All hilariously good fun I would have thought. Don't we do that all the time? All 25% of us? Yeah right.

    Of course not Gio. I can't see the point of watching so much CSI crap that it seems that every forensic geek has to have a body in 6534 bits to put together 5 nights a week!

    You can see enough of "Real World" violence by going to Wikileaks. oh...and beheading ransomed bodies. Or Orks.

    But Pulp Fiction WAS funny. And I was the first to start to laugh in the theatre I hasten to add!!!

    Moderation I think is the word. Moderation.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    And, Ross, you could cut the condescending "civilized" bullshit? From what I've seen of your average bar on a Friday night, you've nothing to be smug about.

    You are dead right there on the last bit. But I did say, sit. But yeah, well, I'll take the meaning of it as "polite". That is, I don't smoke. Bad form in polite company. But then, as I keep at my friends who do smoke, "Which part of 'you are fucking nuts' don't you understand?".

    Would you be happy with media where one in five people smoked?

    I'd be really happy with none of course. But that is an unreasonable attitude to have. But if there are actors who feel that they have to oblige the director/writer/producer/bank roller then so be it. I would hate to think they would not get paid if they did not light up though.

    I am sorry if I do sound "condescending". Family you know. Father, smoked, two grandfathers who smoked, grandmother who smoked. Sister who smokes - still, and had cancer. Not to put too finer point on it, they (sis still kicking well but) are dead of course, and certainly prematurely. Addicted and the Gfathers were demented at the end.

    I don't apologise for stirring shit 30 years ago and helping get my workplace cafe smokefree tables, then smokefree cafe, then smokefree offices, then smokefree buildings, then smokefree grounds. I am proud of that. We (I mean my fellow stirrers) got called all names under the sun for taking away their wee vice. If cleaning up such places so that it is a healthier place in which to work, then condescending I shall be.

    Verrryyy Nanny state too eh.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Is it to present an aspirational and respirational ideal, or to accurately reflect the world we live in?

    Well. About 20 something % (low end) smoke. So they tell us.

    This link suggests that movies are still portraying smoking in 49% of them. "All told, 51 percent of the top movies in 2009 didn’t show tobacco use at all".

    Not bad. But does it represent "a norm"?

    And isn't it wonderful how the "period pieces" can get around the issue.

    Re bars 'n all. I remember very clearly Mr Robertson "The Bar Owners Speech Head" telling us it was going to be the end of city life when public areas and bars became smoke free. I am not sad that he was wrong. My letter to the editor was along the lines of why continue to pursue portions of the 25% of burning customers when there is a market of the other civilised 75% to try and attract to the bars?

    I find visiting a bar (in fact ANY drinking facility), sitting down and having a drink one of the most enjoyable experiences these days.

    The demise of the bar? Hardly. It seems to me the city has been totally revived with the granting of our Civilised Rights inside these premises.

    I reckon the bars have increased their bottom line immensely. Just from the cleaning bill. The (lack of) repainting too must have saved a small fortune.

    My dry cleaning bill dropped through the floor and the P/WAF (Partner/Wifey Acceptance Factor) increased immensely.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Random Play: So. I'm off Te Radar again,

    (bastards like red-light runners and property developers)

    And Bus Lane jumpers. Like ex Nats Party Presidents who skite on TV that they "do it all the time".

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Suicide Question,


    Pants a while.
    Rant kinda finished.
    Loathing isnt.

    Don't hold back buddy, get it off your chest.

    Wiki re copycat suicides
    And from a link in there about Epidemiology of suicides
    And from there to mass suicides

    Shit... it's almost religious. A penchant for "following" maybe? "Look, there is a person I look up to. I must do as they do".

    I dunno. If you can get multitudes to follow you into the 'valley of death". Then why not expect one or two with just a prod?

    Just thinking mind you.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meaning well with the money…,

    Old Alan Hubbard
    Went to the cupboard
    To rotate his savings and loans
    The cupboard was bare
    ‘I should’ve called Maier
    Cos there’s nothing in here but bones’

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meaning well with the money…,

    Find the applicable scientists and get them on to it.

    Physicists. The financial institutions paid shitloads for them because they were "good" at modelling chaos.

    .......I wonder how many are left....???

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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