Posts by Dave Patrick

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  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    Coincidentally, Denis Welch had some commentary on the handling of letters yesterday, and said that The Press does a much better job than anyone else, and actually makes a virtue of its letters page.

    Yes, it does make a big deal of its Letters page (almost two pages in the Saturday edition), but has he actually read the Press letters page? There's not a lot of enlightenment or reasoned discourse there - "All sound and fury, signifying nothing" would describe it quite well.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Munter and the Munted,

    Van doing his nut at the guy who called him a pig, then the dawning realisation when Munter patiently explains WHY the guy called him a pig wins as best comic moment on television this year.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: Grade-A lunacy. With your money.,

    Christchurch City Council's only restriction:

    If you wish to provide a link to our site from your website, you must do so in such a way that it is clear to users that the pages are part of the Christchurch City Council website. You must not represent any page on this website in a subframe.

    I guess, given the level of council fuckedupedness in general down here, it's nice they appear to have got one thing right.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Speaker: KICK IT! The Highest Mountain,…,

    A high-scoring draw is going to be enough only if Italy and Slovakia play to a low-scoring draw.

    True - if our result matches Italy's we need to have scored more goals than them.

    And call me crazy, but if we get another referee like last night, and Fallon continues to lead with his elbows again, we'll have a blunted strike force - I wasn't suggesting Herbert would "rest" Fallon, more like not risk him collecting another yellow if the group stage yellows aren't wiped before the knockout round.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Speaker: KICK IT! The Highest Mountain,…,

    A high-scoring draw or a win against Paraguay, and we're through to the next round - how amazing would that be? (let me answer my own questions and say INCREDIBLY amazing).

    If there's any justice in the world, Ryan Nelsen for one should be looking at a job upgrade to a better club than Blackburn after the World Cup. He's been immense in both games so far. And I'd like to see Wood start the next game instead of Fallon, just in case we do go through (are all outstanding yellows still wiped after the group stage like they used to be?).

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Speaker: KICK IT! Vuvuzelas and Jambulanis,

    The German league did use the official balls, yes - they were offered to all the major leagues I gather, with most refusing because they already had other ball manufacturers' sponsorship and didn't want to lose that.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: Alone at Party Central,

    Is it just me, or do the American Cheryl and Wolf look almost as young as their supposed kids?

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A new dawn and a new jersey,

    That's one nice-looking jersey - I might even consider buying one if it didn't cost as much as a small planet :(

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • Hard News: Blog About Cat,

    Our cat has asthma and is allergic to cat food.... well, allergic to the proteins found in beef and fish based cat foods anyway. So she has special vet-only-ultra-mega-expensive biscuits.

    When they were checking her allergies originally, they were working on the allergy line, then if she didn't respond to that the diagnosis was more than likely going to be depression, and the remedy cat Prozac - that took a little getting our heads around, I mean what's a cat got to be depressed about?

    She will quite happily hiss at you whilst purring madly if you pat her where she doesn't want to be patted. She is skinny yet manages to take up more room on a bed than a person, and appear to weigh more than a large dog when you try to move her.

    Her official name is Stripey, but she is more often known as Doofus.

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    The Courtship of Eddie's Father did air here - I can certainly remember it. It would have been early-mid 70s when it showed here.

    And Dead Kennedys without Jello Biafra? Not the Dead Kennedys (takes elitist music nazi hat off)

    Rangiora, Te Wai Pounamu • Since Nov 2006 • 261 posts Report

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