Posts by recordari
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The Vitesse ran a 1600cc 6 cylinder engine derived from the 6 cyl. Vanguard made using a smaller bore.
I think we have reached car threadjack nirvana. All I can say is 'I did not know that!' And perhaps, sorry?
@Islander Thanks for the spell-check. Maybe it was wishful thinking ;-)
First ton accomplished (Marine Parade, 12.40 a.m 1968.)
Was it June? It's just I was born then ;-)
Hark, the Herald axles swing.
Do you think we can turn one of Emma's threads into a Top Gear thread?
I'm willing to try. The Vitesse sure did handle rather oddly. But then they used to race Hillman Superminxes (which I owned) and Minxes. The suspension on those defied logic, and gravity, and many other laws of physics and reason.
I live about two hundred metres from a sign advertising a new subdivision as being in a "niche pocket of Linwood".
bFM were running a competition for the new Arcade Fire album Suburbs this week, and people called in to convince them their suburb was the best in Auckland. One earnest gentlemen went to great pains to sell the fair suburb of 'Grafton' as a 'gateway to Parnell'.
Yeah, so what's Newmarket then? The rear exit?
If you've not owned one, then you're not the historic espresso maker collector and lover of old-stuff in general I thought you might be...
Oh, I am all these things (well not that person tho', no), and a very good friend had a Triumph Vitesse, and I had 1957 VW, followed by a Hillman & Singer, having really wanted a Sunbeam.
Cigars. Unfortunately the last scenario went;
Red wine. Whisky. Cigars. Fishing trip. Burly boy. -
At Wallace gallery opening. People everywhere, and what's that word for Art swoon?
Chairs. Umm, yes, they do rather take up room(s).
We will have to compare and contrast one day ;-)
PS. 11 litre boiler big enough?
PPs. FletcherB. No, have never owned a Spitfire. Lordy, what class is that?
Will certainly keep it in mind. When people offer to buy my old stuff, it always makes me think 'now, what other old stuff could I buy?' It's an never-ending dream/nightmare; as you like it.
Umm, yes, they have become somewhat ornamental. cough that's only a third of the collection. There is something sculpturally appealing about coffee machines. Well, to mad people like me it seems. The second one in is in need of a few parts itself. Bon trading in Sydney used to stock parts too, and the new ones sure are shiny, but I've moved on to 1.5 bar pressure with a boiler room, and since Russell is Ok with that, I'll stop feeling guilty about it. Maybe just a little guilty, given the size of the damn thing ;-)
We grow vegetables too. This place really is isolating for people like me this week. Just sayin'.
In light of comments up-thread, it appears I must be certifiable. Send men in white coats forthwith...
The silly, non-sentient creature of Sandringham.[Tautology]
Is it Friday already? Anyway, for a superstitious day...
Have a good one.Edit: Embedding disabled, sorry.
Aw. I was up for a bit of mansplainin' on a cloudy Friday the thirteenth...
And I would, but I've lost my in-countenance pants. It's a messy business, this coat of alms.