Posts by recordari
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And to clarify, I wasn't using the term "creatures" to imply you're evil or obtuse. Just that "sentient being" didn't seem quite appropriate as a label for people who voted based on appearance of change over consideration of substance.
That's still not why I voted for them. But it would honestly seem a bit pointless trying to explain/mansplain on that now.
And to quote a Mr P Simon;
I am a rock,
I am an island.And a rock feels no pain;
And an island never cries.Which is entirely untrue, so perhaps I'm neither a rock, nor an island. Maybe a lost continent?
And just like that we're back to mu mu land.
Don't call people who don't vote for you "retards", "evil" or imply they're sociopaths while bitching about your opponent running a nasty smear campaign.
The 'creatures', don't forget 'them'.
Thanks Islander. I should have stuck to teh-wit, and left my indignation-alism in the can.
I'll get of my rocker, and point out a story that I thought was worth celebrating today.
It should never have been taken away in the first place. And yes, my critical capacity seems to be intact, although it could just be a seismic event.
Try as I might, I can't beat the wry wight.
To-wit to-woo,
the 'owling throng,
all creatures great 'n' thrallThe national obsession
of Aussie progression
A gap; a ditch; the gall!Assuming you're referring to the public that voted in the current government, I suspect "creature" rather than "sentient being" would be the more-apt of the definitions.
Yes, 45% of voters in the last election were almost certainly lacking the capacity to feel or perceive. Wait, what?
[Including myself, I might add. So if you could 'enlighten' me, I'd like to rise above the subclass of rock.]
I'm imagining Recordari sidling up to me furtively, possibly wearing a grubby, stained macintosh, and whispering hoarsely in my ear: 'wanna see some photos?'
That is a totally salacious fabrication.
It would be a fishtail parka.
You made me check and with Giovanni I'm number five. Five! Oh boy...
Work to do then? Poor Russell isn't on the first page. What the hell have 'Brand' 'Norman' and 'Crowe' got to do with anything?
ETA: It's that damn blog of yours. I suggest you spend less time perfecting every post to the nth degree and just throw it out there willy nilly. Or in more simple terms, your last post was bloody brilliant.
Only if you do it in New Zealand, internationally she's not in the top ten at least. And how many high-profile Jacindas could there be in New Zealand?
I did sort of know that. It was an attempt at humour. So, not funny? Oh well, I'll burn that one.
[Just in case it wasn't painfully obvious, the word 'googling' was a pun] -
If they would only base their leadership on the ability to deflect yes/no questions on 7Days, then David Shearer and Jacinda Ardern would be a shoe in. On that note, if you type 'Jacinda' in Google it helpfully predicts you mean 'Ardern' without any prompting. That's some serious googling going on there.
You all just need to take lessons...
A quote for the ages;There are no small topics, only small people. But you're a bigger person so involve yourself in small talk, and enjoy your life.
That'll learn 'em!