Posts by Danielle
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Danielle, whose cloak of anonymity is her REAL NAME
And now I want that to be the tagline for a new series - TV, books, comics, I don't care.Ha! Lollerskates, as teh yoof say.
The number of dreamers in the business is probably more than you think, and sometimes just being hard-arse about what you are saying catches people's attention better than worrying about their feelings.
I consider 'worrying about people's feelings' to be a feature rather than a bug. I believe there is a qualitative difference between being firm and being a twatcock, Ben. I am rather a fan of the former and not so much of the latter.
And speaking of the latter, to Mike: I'm not anonymous. There's a link to my Facebook profile (with full name) right over there, to the left. And it was, I'm afraid, a completely gender-role-free joke (not sure where you got the sexist thing from, but it seems telling). I make jokes like that, sometimes, to avoid saying what I think directly, but since you're so big on responsibility and consequences, here it is: you were acting like a patronising arsehole to David Haywood, and if I was forced to work with you, I imagine I would hate your guts pretty much instantly. Luckily, neither of us ever has to worry about that, so no harm, no foul. :)
No. I don't know shit about dick. I'm just saying: nice.
Don't become an author then!
The chance would be a fine thing. I can only think in two-paragraph length at the best of times.
But also, really? Being douchey to authors is just part of the thrust and parry of book publishing in capitalist society? Nice. (I actually have a diploma in publishing. That wasn't part of the coursework.)
Ask Jason if he could get his channels to show The Daily Show (and Colbert) again, since Comedy Central are a bunch of twatcocks.
I only just discovered this (lots of backlog on the MySky). GRAR!
If I was an author, and my publisher talked about me like Mike just talked about 'Haywood', I'd be feeling a tad patronised at this point. (And possibly knife-wieldingly enraged.)
War Ghosts in the Vagina would be an excellent album name. Perhaps too unwieldy for a band name, though.
I want something explained, though: the original phrasing was more of the 'ladybits = cooties' variety, yes? Why?
I say that Shocking Blue's original has better clothes. Better hair. And a better arrangement.
Also, dig the quick-cutting. So veddy veddy 60s.
I visited said venue on Tuesday. My favourite bit was when Jackie said with some nervousness: 'so do you think it's all right?' and I was thinking 'who do you usually hang out with? Richard Branson? Even *he* would want to have a party here, and he owns an *island*!'