Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Speaker: Knuckleball,

    I think the most momentous aspect of this All Whites campaign is that it has been carried out without a Pom in sight.

    Kiwis on the coaching bench. Wonderful.

    See, we can do "worldwide sports" without the benefit of carpet baggers.

    Re the Ball. The Uraguyan goal the other day from outside the box that went over the players and dipped into the goal. Amazing curve downwards. All because the kick imparted topspin to it. Those nice little nipples that are good for the boot to grip are providing the air hugging characteristics. And the knuckleball analogy was spot on for those shots at the keeper and they just parry it away because it just weaves a wee bit in the air. Nasty. But hey, isn't it great theatre!!!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fear, authority and ... Judy Bailey?,

    Pukeko He ?

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,

    Boris Johnson is such a cutie

    AND Royal too!!!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fear, authority and ... Judy Bailey?,


    Hehe. I like the story that the inventor of the UPC barcode had a morbid sense of humour and "unintentionally" inserted what appears to be 666 into the barcode. At the beginning, middle and end appear to be 2 narrow stripes. Alludes to be the code for 666.

    Thus it is on every item of grocery you spend your Satanised monies on. Woo Woo.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Piss-poor on PEDA,

    This reeks of Pork Barrel shit to me. Except the "representatives" haven't been voted for yet......

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,



    I can't even figure out where "T"hat came from either......


    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,

    I now officially admit that I obviously can't explain science for shit and shall give up trying. If you're reading this post, Kathryn Ryan, then please consider it to be my formal resignation


    F$#K off Haywood (LOUDLY). You dare and I will disown you.

    The opportunity for folk "out there" to have another science nutter expose their lack of BTA* is paramount. Further, if it gets them to learn they have the ability to develop one then all the better.

    At least Kathryn had it sorted so she was/is able to entice YOU to elicite another way of explaining thingys. Like the law of unintended consequences. It is good interviewing technique on show isn't it?

    *Bullshit Detection Abilitity

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,

    Compulsory safety belts didn't do the trick.

    Really? My reading says they slashed the death rate. There are a lot of intuitive bads about roads. Straight roads good? Crooked roads are the safest. Straighten them out and speeds go up. Driver falls asleep. Boom boom. Seat belts better. Yes...but...driver has increased sense of safety and suddenly average speed increases. ABS? Same thing. 1/2MVsquared. Powerful stuff.

    The other BIG thing that has saved deaths are the crumple zones on cars. Again the physics says that give me those extra few cms and I save another 10g in deceleration. Must be good for the brain and body.

    I had a colleague who reckoned there should be a spike on the middle of every steering wheel. Reckoned that would focus one's attention on where they were aiming.

    I remember a guy in Auckland way back in the 70s who insisted on wearing helmets in his car and insisted the passengers did the same. He made the TV and the paper. Mocked he was. But probably decades ahead of his time.

    A thought. I have noticed the helmets that are used for snow boarding are a lot fuller in head cover. Often thought if that design was followed up a bit it might be useful.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,

    As a mad biker racer from years back, I was an early wearer of a fullface helmet. I started with a pudding bowl, cork lined fabric chin strapped thing and finished with a thick fullface, fibreglass beasty.

    It is obvious that the thicker the helmet the less decceleration on the brain.

    And from George:

    There is research that indicates, but does not prove, that helmets significantly increase the risk of rotational injuries. A direct collision with the ground gets turned by a helmet, and significant head injury results. Rather than "saving your life" in that awful collision, as an ED doctor might surmise, it could be doing you harm.

    You may be interested in this nice bit of physics. A cunning trick which may just make a difference

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,

    There is a simple answer.

    All we need to do is raise the petrol price. That will mean less cars. No, lets make cars illegal between the hours of 7am to 9am and 4pm and 6pm.

    Take away the third party and we will "ride in safety".

    We got no respect. THATs our problem. I drove around Netherlands a few years ago and there is a pecking order on the road. Children and or Mothers with pushchairs are number 1. Everyone gives way. Mothers with kids on the back of the bike No2. Everyone gives way. Anyone else walking No 3. Everyone gives way. Anyone on bikes No 4. Everyone gives way. Other cars... No11 . Tolerated.

    Arts and Letters has this link about the value of human life and risk assessment that we are terrible at estimating.

    Thus Maurice Williamson a few years ago rejecting Massey University research that helmets don't work "on a population"as too risky to accept politically. It was very oon after the "Helmet Lady" had influenced the vote.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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