Posts by Danielle

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  • Southerly: The Truth About Talkback,

    And since it's Friday.

    Heh, I love that song. And now I have an extra vivid mental picture of 'mugwump jism', so... there's that.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Talkback,

    Shoplifting Entomologist Explains: 'I Fought Giant Bug'.

    I want that on a tshirt.

    (We don't have Night 'n' Days in Auckland, do we?)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Musing: if I was from a developing country I'd find it terribly wearying to be expected to be so *aspirational* all the time.

    (Sorry, just a thought. As you were.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    Well, dentists already have access to good drugs.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    But aren't all the 'dodgy' things that Ben is talking about a function of our weird hangups about the nitty-gritty of this business, rather than a direct result of the business itself? Like, he seems to be saying that it's the chicken, and Gio is saying it's totally the egg. Or something.

    (It would be really inappropriate to embed Ludacris' 'Ho' video right here, wouldn't it?)

    PS ETA And also: the patriarchy, yadda yadda.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    PS, from way back on page two:

    The women who strip are also usually the ones with dancer-esque bodies

    You, my friend, have clearly not been entertained by the ladies of La Chatte Gentlemen's Club in Houston, Texas.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    This all comes down to our pesky chastity orbs again, doesn't it?

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Stories: Famous blue raincoats, etc,

    OK, tshirts. I still have a pink Virus tee with eyes all over it from 1991 or so. It's a bit ratty now. And I wonder what happened to my Flying Nun orientation shirt from the same period? I had it for years and then poof, it was just gone. I also have an original glorious-early-eighties-yellow/orange Women Can Do Anything shirt (remember that campaign?). I found it in an op shop years ago, but unfortunately the one thing this particular woman *can't* do is still fit it - it is clearly for someone less generously proportioned in the chestal region. I still have some band shirts I can't bear to get rid of, but I find tees in general terribly boxy so they often become sleepwear. The one thing I still wear occasionally out in public is a snapping-fingers logo from a yellow Stax Records shirt which I cut out and sewed to a black singlet to avoid the boxy problem.

    I am worried about starting to discuss shoes because I might not stop. Let's just say that we came into some money a couple of years ago and I spent $1500 at Minnie Cooper in the space of two weeks. And that despite being pretty much out of size range in many vintage outfits, I have extremely average-sized feet and can therefore fit all sorts of vintage shoes (those 1960s black patent-leather boots I found with buckles up the back, drool). And that I have gone to the extent of designing my own slip-ons using 1950s fabric images at this site: Yeah. Shoes: win. (And I don't even wear high heels.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    exit stage left muttering darkly

    I love that story! Did he have the moustache then? I feel that a man can only truly mutter darkly if he has that moustache.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Stories: Famous blue raincoats, etc,

    Question for people who like opshop clothes: do you worry about them carrying some karmic essence of the last owner, or is that part of the attraction?

    Wow, never. I always just think 'some fabulous person owned this fabulous thing and now I've found it and I own it, hooray!' I'm a simple soul...

    Coats. I don't think I have ever bought myself a new coat. Every coat I have is vintage because they're all so pretty and well-made. My very favourite is a black wool 1960s a-line with those slightly-too-short sleeves typical of the period, and fantastic ribbon trim on the collar and pockets. I got it at the Love Shop in the mid-90s for $45. Last year I paid $65 to have it relined. I also have a turquoise 60s coat with a fur collar (tough biccies, it was WELL secondhand and the damn thing was already dead). A red wool 60s one with GIANT plastic buttons. A massive navy early 60s swing cape. A 1940s opera cloak. A giant heavy astrakhan coat. My grandmother's beaded dress jacket. Actually half of my utterly stuffed wardrobe is just vintage coats! It's an illness.

    (I also love shoes, and handbags, and frocks. I used to put a lot more thought into my outfits, in general, but since most of them end up puked-on at the moment it's hard to rustle up the same level of enthusiasm...)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

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